Chapter 11

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It was another day at Wayne manor or as close as you get with a Tim that for once was not sleep deprived or functioning purely on coffee. That and he couldn't get Dick's teasing yesterday out of his head. Had he really meant it that they looked like a couple?

Not that he was mad, any guy that got to date Marinette was lucky, let alone getting to know her was something incredible of itself. Grabbing his bag he stuffed his laptop in along with various folders he had to review for his afternoon meeting.

Grabbing the piece of toast Alfred had left for him on his way out he walked out of the limo Damian following ready for another day at Gotham Academy. Dick had gone back to Bludhaven after patrol and Jason was probably at one of his many safehouses.

The drive felt longer than usual with head turned to the window watching the trees turn to buildings until they had reached the inner city where Damian's school was located, less than a few blocks away was Le cafe du chat

"Are you alright, master Tim? You've been quite silent" Alfred commented as he turned the limo pulling up as close to the cafe as he could with such a large car.

"I'm fine Alfred, just all the sleep catching up to me" Tim spoke turning away from the window

"If you're sure young master, don't forget you have a presentation this afternoon"

"Right presentation, thanks Alfred" Tim spoke as he slipped out from his seat, exiting the limo.

Walking into the cafe he approached his usual seat at the counter up front turing he looked for his favourite barista, yet she wasn't working in the back she was speaking to a guy around their age who was sitting at one of the tables, in which lead to her writing something down for him on a napkin.

Finally when he got up to leave Marinette walked towards the front of the cafe slipping behind the bar to where Tim was located.

"Hey Mare, who was that?" he asked trying to be subtle

"He's new to town, asked for my number?" she responded; grabbing a plate.

"For like a date?!" he asked forgoing subtle entirely.

"What no, he's looking for a caterer and liked the macaroons" she answered

"Oh, you going to do it?" he asked cheeks gone from pale to a dusty pink

"Honestly no idea, maybe but it's just me so I might have to say no unless I can find extra help in time" she responded placing down a tray of assorted sweets in front of him.

"I could help you, you know if you end up taking the gig" he offered

"Can you cook? Let alone bake?" she quizzed an amused smile playing at her lips

"Well no, but it can't be that hard, I mean you do it daily" he answered with his own grin

"I'll let you know Timmy; baking is a lot harder than it looks, not all of us can sit behind a desk and do boring office jobs" she retorted teasing him

"Doubt anyone can do an office job without a cup of your amazing coffee Mare" he said taking a bite out of a cookie. Eyes widening at the delicious taste.

"Let me guess one cup of coffee, and its strawberry shortcake" she started grabbing a mug.

"Not today and this is good really good" he spoke grabbing another

"Back up Tim Drake doesn't want coffee, did you hit your head or were you abducted by an alien?" she asked staring at him

"Funny, and neither I actually went to bed last night"

"Really, you?" she spoke watching him closely

"Ok so I passed out, but it's the same thing if you think about it"

"Not even close Tim-Tam, how about some hot chocolate?"

"Yes please" he answered, half the plate now empty.

Le cafe du chat - TiminetteWhere stories live. Discover now