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A yellow gown decorated with pearl strings at waist a figure rushed over the ball room stairs. The sound of giggles filled the atmosphere. "Robert." The sweet voice said as blue eyes followed the trail of flowers left on the ground. She let out another giggle as she jogged along the trail careful to not step on any of the precious petals of lilies. After taking turns and curves she came on the opening of a staircase going downwards. "Roberts where are you." She asked as she stepped in the cold dungeons of castle. The light was spare down here. As she took a quick turn and vanished down a cell with wooden bars. I peered in it. Inside it was kept a simple casket of rosewood with a plain silver cross. "Come. Come." The voice beckoned me from the casket like a siren call.

I woke up with a scare. Cold sweat dripped down my forehead and a chill spread through my back due to the damp shirt. I took a few quick deep breaths to reduce the scare I got from the sudden nightmare. The alarm beeped as Dhruv came out wiping his hairs with a towel. I looked at the clock six in the morning. Breakfast in two hours and then to the town. What a great morning starting with a brand new nightmare. Note the sarcasm.

"This is the main square." Tarun said as we dismounted the bus and stepped into a village town which looked straight out of a fairytale set in victorian era. Cobblestone lined up the square with a marble figure of lady in middle of the fountain. The architecture is similar to that of Victorian era. If it not for the people dressed in heavy sheep wool winter wear speaking in hindi and selling fresh breakfast and tea one will think we are somewhere out of country. "Wondering why it is like this. Right ?" Tarun asked our worries and continued. "This village was given as dowery to Lord Rockwell. So he designed it this way in nostalgia of his old hometown. Later it is preserved by British. Now even the newcomers like to keep up with tradition. It's more of a rule now to preserve the uniqueness of this place."

We walked through the cobblestone streets lining the marketplace. The hint of modernization are not amissed. Some cafes with full glass windows littered through the town. Many tourists like us roamed the streets with the cameras hanging down their necks smilling at the popular selfie spots and tourist attractions. "This is one of the most beautiful building here." Tarun said as a beautiful red bricked church came into our view. The gardens around it frozen yet gorgeous especially the coniferous trees that formed a belt as it's boundary. I gingerly stepped on the wooden floor and looked at the statue of Christ. A father stood nearby reading verses from the Bible.

"It is established the same time as the Castle we saw earlier.... " Tarun started telling the long story of the church while my attention I'd drawn to the exclusive balconies and glass arts. "So guys wander off." Tarun said at last which distracted me from my wonderland. All of my companions either rushed off outside to admire the frozen gardens while I walked towards the front where the father stood alone. "Father." I called as the middle aged man closed his Bible. "May god bless you my child. How can help you ?" He said as he removed his spectacles and came down from near the statue towards where I am standing.

"Why would you think Father that I need some help ?" I asked in a confused tone as he gave me a simple smile. It reflected years and years of knowledge of human behaviour. "I can see the troubled one when I see one child." He said in a creptic tone as we both sat side by side looking at the statue of Jesus. "That's the trouble Father. I don't know what is troubling me. Sometime I am questioning my own sanity." I finally admitted. I looked at him and he looked back at me as if asking me to continue. I signed and put my head in my hands. Brushing away my hair I redid my ponytail.

"I think there is something in the hotel Father. Something dangerous and scary. I think I am overeacting but many things doesn't really add up. Those things can be brushed off as coincidences but my heart is not excepting them as mere coincidences. There is something sinister in there which is calling me. I am afraid of the unknown Father." I finally admitted and sat back with a calm expression. Minutes passed away. The old antique clock chimmed in at twelve. "Somethings are meant to be uncovered at proper time." He said as he motioned me to follow him.

THE CASTLE Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon