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I took a deep breath as I stepped out of the airport at Delhi terminal. The last time I was here I didn't got a proper look at anything. At that time my heart was burdened by pain and heartache. Dev was just a day old. I had lost my best friend, my sister, my home and my father nearly everything in a single blow. My world was wrenched from me. I still remember her calm and smily face as she handed me the baby. Dev was so small. Smaller than he should be. Small even for a pre mature bady. Last time I saw him he was in a incubator. Sleeping. I didn't left his side after I did the final ritual of her.

My eyes glisten as I remembered the last promise I did to her. To protect him. I swore I would help him to understand himself. That I myself will guide him and never shrink from my responsibilities. Only then her soul left the mortal world. The thunders of that day and crackling of the wood which dissolved her body into five elements still echo in my head. I looked at the passing scenery from my window seat. I had roamed entire world. From north to south and east to west but still the call and comfort of one's motherland is unparallel. I felt Andy's eyes on me. I can sense her questions to me. I choose to ignore them in favour to look at the scenery. The windy and curly roads to the Castle Ophola Da'Claire.

I was warned that there is a cold alert today but reaching there is more important than anything. I opened the door of the cab as a cheery youth came out of the door with a smile. Andy took the suitcases to the rooms with the help of the bellboy as the youth introduced himself as the tour guide and owner of the hotel. He started on the murder history of the hotel which I had already read. I stepped inside. My body chilled as sensed the presence of evil spirit. The youth stopped as he noticed my careful demeanor and appearance. My eyes moved along the place.

"I will tell the truth. I am not here for vacation but for work. Tell truth maybe I can solve it." The cheerful smile on his face replaced with a solemn bittersweet look. He signed looking at the floor his face filled with melancholy. "Our family had ancestoral business in shipment. But five years back in the Tsunami which came suddenly in Pacific we lost alot of our ships. My father died at the Tsunami and grandfather followed soon after due to the shock. All the relatives wanted the company. It all became a messy situation. I was still in college while my sister was just in tenth. It was either fight for the business or leave with our inheritance. I choosed the later.

While scrounging through all the properties I found this place. It was practically a unpolished gemstone. The place was brimmed to top with potential. There was no hotel in the entire area and the town was a huge tourist spot. The place was just heaven. At first I was confused why such a place was fallen into disuse. I emptied nearly all of my savings to furnish this place." His eyes glistened as he continued.

"At first it was just missplacing things and small abnormalities but then the chandeliers began to unhinge on their own. The dogs began to die. The forgein presence and shadows. The hotel was open for just three months but the turnout was amazing. I recovered one fifth of my savings but then I came across the bloody history of this place. I brushed it aside but then..... " He stopped and shundered.

"I... I can't explain. I personally saw a figure dancing in snow. I saw a figure walking upside down. She was infront of me. I thought.. I was going to die but then I didn't. Next day I closed the hotel with the excuse that there is a major problem with the electronical wiring and I have to change every electronic. The people accepted as I gave them complete refund. I never wanted to step at this place again but again four months ago my sister was diagnosed with progressive neuromuscular disease. The treatment was costly. At first I hesitate.

I.. I even begged my relatives but those hypocrites refused they even said that to let her die of I can't afford to treat her. I tried to sell it but no offers came. At last I called a priest and he said the measures he used can only seal the presence for one year at most. I never want to reopen this hell and endanger prople but I also can't see my sister in her bed wasting away. I am sorry sir." I looked at the youth who broke down into sobs. I patted at his shoulder. He wiped his eyes and his cheery smile returned. "I am sorry sir for the embarassing moment." He said but i can sense the lingering sorrow in his voice.

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