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I pushed open the huge mountain-like doors in front of me. They opened into a huge ballroom. It looked like the owner of the castle had a great love for ballrooms. This one was obviously smaller in size but had the identical design as the main castle. Strange. It's very strange.

I closed my eyes as I stood in the center trying to concentrate all of my attention on the feel of energies in this room. But I didn't feel anything but cold air current. I opened my eyes to look around. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust and debris. The floor to ceiling glass windows had cracked in many places and the crystal roof had a huge patch in a corner of it.

It looked like a pathetic attempt to recreate the architecture of Britain. The whole place is a mess. The bright and nice scenery the girl expressed is nowhere in sight. I walked towards the piano placed in the arch of staircases with a white dust cover over it.

The debris cringed beneath my feet as I removed the cover raising a cloud of dust in air. I momentarily covered my face with my hand against the dust.

The piano had been destroyed beyond measure. A lot of keys had gone missing. I casually pressed a key. It didn't emit any sound. I went forward and opened the cover. Many strings had been broken or loosened. I pressed a relatively better key only for it to emit a rather harsh and strange sound.

I turned to leave the room without another glance. There is absolutely nothing here. As I closed the door behind me ‘Poem Trageque’ began to play. I opened the door to find the dust cover that I had thrown down had been replaced back on the piano. I closed the door and turned back. She was right, there is something missing here.


"Are you alright ?" I asked as I supported Dev to sit upright on the bed. He is pale beyond measure as if someone had sucked all the blood from his veins. Yet according to the doctor he is fine.

"What is the last thing you remember ?" I questioned as he collected himself. "I think I saw Ophola. Down the dungeons. It... It was crazy I felt as if something came over me. Like I am not in control of my body. Everything felt comfortable and warm. Right down to my bones. I think I saw everything from another perspective. I don't understand it." He said rubbing his forehead with his fingers.

"It felt like a warm pyre fire didn't it ?" I questioned and then saw him nod. I pinched the brigade of my nose. Then it does make sense but at the same point complicates things even more.

"Pack your things your group is getting relocated to town. After the snowstorm passes. If we are lucky you will be back to Kashi by the end of the week." I did not ask. Today might just be a trailer not the whole picture. I can't have anything happen to him.

"You will keep in contact right." I looked at him. He didn't argue. I thought he would. But it's nice that he didn't. "I will. Tell me what you say." I tried to ignore the feeling that I was walking into a trap. There is no way he should agree that easily with me.


"Are you sure we should be here. We should call police." I looked straight at the darkness shourded courtyard as I looked at my best friend. His hands are wet with sweat and he appeared to be readjusting the grip around the torch. "It feel as if I am getting sleep paralysis while staying awake." He shundered. Not the first time in last ten minutes.

I look forward towards the courtyard. Torch in one and another hand was hand in hand with him as strong smell of charcoal entered my nose and a shrill scream and then a dull thumb followed. I shared a look with him before we both took off in that direction.

It started from morning. We were on our way to



"I know it's not safe but exactly how driving downhill in a time nearing a snowstorm warning is remotely logical." Andy no wait it was Sandy though but I am calling her Andy. That girl has some serious problems with her name but I think it's more like a defence mechanism. Especially, especially after yesterday.

Yes. By the time I woke up it was three and now at four am we are driving to the town which is hardly one hour drive away but it will take two because of the snow fall. I don't care even if I take three if that means I can contemplate my thoughts.

I have an uncle. Who was the best friend of my father, Cousin of my mother. There is a Society of people who can feel paranormal or supernatural whatever you want to call. My uncle is a part of it and maybe I will be as well.

But that's not the main point. The main point is......

Ghost exists. Yes knowing, feeling, saying something feels wrong is different than actually seeing everything in reality. I rubbed my arms through the thick jacket. Somehow I feel that my body is colder than the snow.

I always had a cold constitution. Even in summer my hands and feet will get cold at night but this is the whole other matter as if I am forced to soak in cold water overnight. A different kind of chill.

I pushed the coloured glasses up. I don't know how. My eyes are automatically switching between gray and black. I noticed it when I was brushing my teeth. At first I considered it as hallucination but later. When it came they were indeed switching in colour so I simply covered them. I have more important things to think about than the colour of my eyes.

Like how I can see a person with protruding bones dressed in nothing up loincloth dragging a handrickshaw which I think doesn't belong to this century. I could have guessed that yes there is a person dragging the handrickshaw and the ladies seating in European dresses are cosplayers if..


I didn't see the sweat dripping down the rickshaw pullers or the ladies fanning themselves. I leaned back into my seat as I rubbed my hand through my hair. I watched as the rickshaw suddenly wheered off the road right down the cliff.

I know it's not true since the railing is undamaged and the driver didn't give any signs of knowing that a rickshaw just crashed down the cliff nor did Andy who was humming a song. I can tell even if an actual accident happened she will not stop humming.

Ignoring everything is a excellent coping mechanism. Well atleast for others. Ignoring is never easy for me. I had always noticed everything. From the smallest inconspicuous detail to most uncommon thing no one thinks about. Yet here I am running away from the castle because I was scared.

I rubbed my head, messing up my already toused hair. I think I am going crazy no I already sent crazy the moment I opened my eyes. I don't think Uncle will allow me to stay at castle. Not while knowing it's dangerous their.

That was a foregone conclusion. The only thing I can do now is see if madam is naive enough to let me leave on my own. Maybe I can rope Andy or Radha or Dhruv in my impromptu investigation. If Tarun was correct then the castle and town are interconnected. Maybe I can find something there.

THE CASTLE Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ