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"Look like snowfall had increased. I got a call from receptionist. Most of the tourists who are arranged to go down the town to watch ice sculptures had decided to stay there." I heard Tarun inform as I anxiously rubbed the Rudraksha beads between my fingers.

I had a feeling that something wrong had happened or is happening or going to happen. I rubbed my forehead and the feeling isn't pleasant at all. I hope there aren't any loose threads left back at castle. Slowly through the windy and curvy roads the peering and hiding building of the hotel came into view but it still looked like a castel. Somehow it felt more bloody and eeiry than before.

Tarun tried to open the automatic gate but it didn't opened. He had to get down to open it manually. Not much snow had accumulated since we drove outside but still I noticed even though the sky is darkening outside the photosensitive lamposts are still off. Strange since they work on solar power.

Infact after we came close I saw most of the lights in the entire castel are off. Not just off. Like entire power supply had been cut off. This is strange. The castle get electricity from four different points they can't be shut off at once.

It felt strange. No it is strange.

I quickly stepped down from the car and walked down to the huge door and pushed it open. It opened with some resistance. The inside air was still hot indicating the electricity had not gone for long.

A familiar dark energy passed over me. My eyes widen. Sure I took care of Ophelia now even if some of her energy is left over here it shouldn't be this strong to intrupt entire power supply of castle. According to Tarun flickerings of lights sometimes yes but to this extent never.

I slowly felt that this one felt different than before. Before it was like a cold embrace of death now it was like a hot hearth of pyre. Sweat tickled down my back as I took a breath and tried to find the epicenter of this disaster. I closed my eyes and slowly, step by step let the current carry me.

It looked like I misjudged the situation the soul is much stronger than before. Which shouldn't be possible. Remains of a soul can never be stronger or different than the preceders I slowly tried to retrace the signs of energy. Going the way my instincts are telling me. Soon the lights began to flicker in the corridors as if warning not to go forward before going out completely again.

I came to a totally another place the energy led me here as I opened the huge creaky door the lights turned on and the energy vanished as if it was never there. The light inside the room was dim, just enough that I can make up the shape. It was a huge ballroom.

I just stood at the entrance since I can't look inside. Tarun came running with too flashlights in his hands and turned on the lights overhead.

As soon as it turned on we saw a figure collapsed on the floor with her hands and feets spread out. "Sandy." Tarun shouted as we rushed towards her. Her breathings are normal it was as if she was in deep sleep as Tarun shook her awake. Her eyes were unfocused and entire body felt cold most likely due to lying on the icy cold air.

Another creeky noise sounded behind me as well as a wisp of cold energy. I immediately recognised it as Ophelia's energy. I stood up covering for Tarun and the girl as to my horror I saw Dev coming out of a hidden dark passage. His movements were clumsy and a bit uncordinated.

I walked towards him slowly trying to gouge out the next possibly safe plan to save him. Behind me I can feel the girl scream. When I was just an armful away from him. His eyes looked at me. His black iris had turned grey. He blinked before collapsing on his knees.

I supported his head so that he won't collapse head-on. Only to find his breathings are too swallow and body as cold as a corpse.



"Thanks." The girl told to Andy as she handed her a cup of hot chocolate. Andy turned and glared at me as if telling me tone down your gaze you are frightening her. I rubbed brigde of my eyes. These both weren't even supposed be here. They should be with their groupmates in the town not here in the castle.

The girl took a sip from the cup. Her hands had finally stopped trembling after a long time. She was nearly scared out of her mind. It took a long time for Andy to calm her hysteria down and get to know how they reached to the ballroom.

According to Tarun since many guests felt uneasy in the ballroom he had long locked up that place long ago and the only key is still in his room and the lock is not broken. It was opened. Probably from inside. I felt an incoming headache.

Dev is still sick and the doctor is checking him. This vital had became normal but the abnormal cold temperature won't warm up. I had seen tens of demonic possessions and four times the paranormal possessions read over thousands of articles and hundreds of books about them. In some of them the eye pupil either contracted or expanded or entire eye altogether turned black or white.

When I touched Dev I felt the Ophelia's energy flow through him. Which shouldn't be possible with the combined power of rudraksha beads and the protection pendant I gave him. The possession still happened. Strangely only his iris changed the colour to gray. This shouldn't be possible both scientifically or metaphysically.

How on earth did this happen.

To find that I must at first find out what is actually going on here.

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