Chapter 5 - Starlight

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The streets of New Yoke was littered with trash and submerged in darkness, as it was everyday. Bobbing your head to an unheard beat, you skipped through the streets. The lamps shining their pale light on you and Nine as you wandered around. Nine walked behind you, keeping close but at a distance. You could hear the light clicking of his metal tails as they carried him. Tail flicking side to side, you continued to lead Nine through the dimly lit streets, his eyes burning into the back of your head.

His tails clicked back, his feet landing on the floor next to you, his metal tails surrounding his two normal ones. He slowly walked by your side. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it, keeping the silence. Your scratched ear twitched, your eyes glancing at him. Catching his eye, you lifted an eyebrow, silently questioning him.

Nine sighed, "I was-your- Is your head okay?" he managed, pulling his gaze away. His ears flattened against his head. Using your newly created arm, you lightly bump him, ignoring the pinching, while flashing a grin.

"Yup. All good in the neighborhood. Ya'know if this neighborhood was good," you replied motioning to the city. His ears perked up but you could sense his guilt. You could understand why, Rebel and Knucks all hated him, and if you were anything like them, you would hate him just the same, but you weren't.

You weren't one for revenge or hate. Life is too short for that.

Besides, Nine had a charm to him.

And he saved your butt during your panic attack so how could you hate him.

"Where are we going?" he asked after clearing his throat.

"I'm going to take you to a place where we can see the stars," you answer, tail wagging in excitement. Nine tilted his head, stopping in his tracks as you turned into an alley. Peeking his head around the corner, you looked back at him as you stood a few feet in the alley, waiting.

"What? How? The sky has been covered in smog for all my life, and your either younger or the same age. How have you seen the stars?" Nine hesitantly followed you, alert. His eyes darted left and right as you began your departure through the alley, ready for anything.

"Oh, I haven't," you lock eyes with him, sinking in his sky eyes. Shaking your head with closed eyes, you looked forward as saw a shack with a curtain for a door. With a toothy smile you jogged up to it, leaving Nine to catch up. Spinning on your heel once you reached the shack, you met a slightly puffed Nine, "But I'm about to show you them."

He titled his head, confused.

"You make no sense."

Chuckling, you countered, "I make more sense than you realize Nine, you just gotta see things my way." Pulling on the curtain you reveal a staircase that leads down into the darkness. Pulling out a small lighter from your pocket you chuck it at Nine. His hands stumble as he catches it. Flicing it to life he stares at the flame. "Your gonna want that." Looking down the dark passage Nine takes a step back, gulping. "You trust me?" You quiz, side eyeing him with a smirk.

"What? NO!" He yells, eyes wide.


Grabbing his wrist, you pull him down the stair case, the only light flickering from the tiny flame. His fur raised on end as he was plunged into the darkness. A darkness darker than the outside. Noticing his worry, you slow down. Leading him down, you take him to an abandoned railway. The tracks old and rusted, train cars disintegrating from neglect. Nine stands next to you, your arms brushing against each other as he uses the lighter to familiarise himself with his surroundings.

"Where are we?" He whispered, his words still echoing. His ears twitched at the echoes.

"An old railway, abandoned years ago. I found it after a mission. Chaos Council has no idea this exists," you sit down on the concert floor, feeling the cool cement through your clothing.

"How do you know that?" he walked back to you, standing next to where you sat. Patting the floor next to you with your metal hand, you wait for him to sit, which he subconsciously does.

"Old Mobian writing. If the Chaos Council knew of this places existence, they would have gotten rid of the old writing to eradicate the Mobian history," you shrug simply, your tail curling around you. Nine hums in response. Sitting up straight your tell him, "Blow out the light."

His head snaps to you, "No, that's dumb, we wont be able to see."

"Come on, trust me."

"But I don't."

Rolling your eyes, you grab his wrist that held the lighter and blew out the flame. Nine yanked his arm back, yelping as darkness surrounded your both.

"Why did you do that!?" He yelped, desperately trying to flick the flame on, sparks crackling. Gently, you held his hands inside you own. He stops. You hear his panicked breath, tails scratching into the metal floor.

"Wait. Give it a chance..." you hushed calmly. Breathing in deeply, he listened and waited with you. Small white dots began to cover the walls and trains of the station. More and more began to appear, shining in the darkness. Painted stars and animals glowed, revealing an imagined night sky. "...And something new might shine." His eyes glimmer, reflecting the light. Together, you stared at the fake stars, wondering what they were truly like. "Amazing, isn't it?"

Nodding he smiles, "Yeah its... beautiful. But why are their animals?" he asked pointing at the various creatures that covered the walls.

"Rouge told me that some stars make constellations," you answer, "She said that the stars form the shape of animals and stuff, so I added them in, for realism obviously." Tearing his gaze from the white paint spots, he stared at you, watching as your eyes shone. A smile plastered your face, your body relaxed. You leaned back on your arms, wanting to gaze at the stars forever. "An one day, I'm going to see them, for real."

Nine turned his head to the side, sad. "How are you going to do that? Its impossible."

You puffed, rolling your eyes as you turned your attention to the fox, "By kicking the council's butts and cleaning up their mess," you reply, confident. "I wanna see the stars, feel the sun on my face in the morning. But most of all, I want to see the blue sky, because I'll know its a good day."

Mouth agape, Nine stared at you oddly. He was confused by your enthusiasm and words.

You chuckle as his face, "That's what Knucks told me. He said, 'When the sky is blue its a good day, as you can see clearly.' I have no idea what it means but I will find out for myself one day."

Nine's ears flattened shaking his head, angry. His teeth bared as he growled, hands balling into fists, tails lashing together.

"How are you so positive about winning? Don't you think all hope is lost for the city to return to what is was before? And what if before is no better than now?" He hissed, looking to the side as he stood up angrily. With a sigh, you stood up. Nine began to walk away, approaching the staircase.

This was a waste of time for him. He should be working, not sitting and imagining a world that could never be.

"It could be," you utter, stopping Nine in his tracks, "but we won't know unless we try." You confidently huff, arms crossing and ears flat.

"But you did! And you almost got caught!" he growled guiltily as he faced you. His fur was raised like an angry cat. After staring at your unfazed stance, his fur flattened out. "And I'm the reason why," he whispered to himself.

Shaking your head, arms plopping to your side, you approach the fox, "Sure, I may get knocked down, beat up, bruised, but I will always fight for this place. Its my home and yours too."

"No it isn't," he spat making you jump back. His eyes glowed with red as he stood tall, threatening. "I may have been born here but its not my home. it never was and never will be." Turning around with his tails lashing, he stormed up the stairs, leaving you again.

Sadly you look at the floor. Your metal claw tapped your leg.

"Well, then I guess I have to change your mind," you grinned to yourself, gazing up the stairs where Nine had left. Determination in your eyes.

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