Chapter 9 - Those Judging Eyes

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SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG!!!! I was stressed with work this week, I had so much to do and I just died.



Drops of rain began to patter against the algae covered rocks. The hidden blue waters of the ocean stormed against the stones, the salty water splashing in the air, disguising its salty water for specks of rain. A thundering wind rushed along the beach, rustling yours and Nine's fur.

Lifting your nose to the sky as you balanced between two rocks, your smiled as you felt the water hit your face. Nine shivered, lifting his metal tails over his head as a makeshift umbrella. He took a few quick but calculated jumps, safely landing on the concrete ground of the city boarder.

"I hate the rain," he grumbled, glaring cross-eyes at his bangs that fell over his eyes. Quickly side stepping, he took shelter under a small roof that stuck out from the side of the building. It provided little cover from the rain, but it was better than standing out in the solid shower. Lowering his metal tails from over his head, he let it wrap around his two small tails. His eyes watched as you happily bounded over towards him, letting the water soak into your fur. Rolling his eyes, he violently shook his fur dry, like a dog after a bath.

As your feet landed on the solid ground of the city streets, you laughed at Nine as his attempt to dry himself failed. His fur became as mess, his bangs hanging over his eyes. Skipping over to him, you remained happily under the sky's tears as you stood in front of him. Your tail wagged as you giggled. His monotone face fell into a light smile at your childish joy.

Thunder boomed in the clouds, lighting flashing across the sky. The rain came down heavier, its tears wanting to be known. Ears flicking, Nine gazed up at the sorrowful sky.

"Its been raining a lot recently," he notes, his eyes reflecting the bright white light of lightning.

"I know," you spin under the rain, "Isn't it great." Closing your eyes, you face the sky. Drops of water covered your nose, tickling the sensitive skin. Opening one eye, your face scrunched up before you let out a loud sneeze. Wriggling your nose, your stare at your nose. Nine shook his head with a smile.

"How? Its get you wet and cold," he motioned towards you drenched fur that shivered. Your tail pooled into a puddle as it grew heavy. Your fur dragged down, sagging along with your clothes making you look like a drowned rat.

"True," you agreed with a nod. Pouncing towards Nine, you grabbed onto his arm, before you tugged him out into the poring rain. His once semi-dry fur was instantly flooded. His ears dropped und the sudden pressure, eyes widening as the rain happily down poured onto him. "But have you truly lives if you have never danced in the rain." You question, tilting your scratched ear to the side.

"Yes," he mumbled, crossing his arms. His eyes fell half way, strengthening his obvious hate for rain. But as you grabbed his hand and pulled him along through the rainy streets of New Yoke, he didn't resist.

Letting go of his warm hand, you leaped from puddle to puddle, letting the greasy water coat your legs and tail. Your metal arm snatched onto a lamp post that shone pale light onto the streets, illuminating the water. Swinging yourself around the pole, your arm gave you a zap as it pinched its claws into your scarred skin. Your arm retracted from its grip on the metal pole in seconds, unable to handle the pressure of the pinching metal. Metal fingers twitching, electric pulses flowed through the arm to your skin, every moment sending another jolt.

For a few moments you stared at your arm as it shook and glitched uncontrollably. It wasn't noticeable to the naked eye, but you could feel the gears and pieces of the arm jitter. As you were stuck pulse after pulse with electricity, you felt the metal joints dig into your skin.

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