Chapter 11 - Could I be?

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I know its not Nine in the photo, but in my defence, it is a Tails with nine tails and the art was pretty soooo....


As you stared at the encased palm tree, your mind wondered even further, imagining a world saved from the Chaos Council. Your tail thrashed excitedly, hitting against the metal floor. Your ears were raised but un-alert. Everything felt at peace. Legs crossing over one another, you leaned on your hands as you gazed up at the tree, imaging what the grass would feel like, what the flowers would smell like. A smile was stuck to your face as you dreamed.

Of the plants.

The sky.

And of a certain nine tailed fox.

"What's got you so jolly?" Knucks's voice caught you off guard, making your snap out of your trance with a jump. Spinning your head around, you watched as he and Rebel entered the room from the elevator. Your scratched ear twisted back as your hand forced your tail flat on the ground.

"Nothing," you swiftly replied, giving a crooked smile noticing your face warming up. The fur on your cheeks began to burn, heating up in embarrassment. Shoving your tail under your foot to ensure it wouldn't give you away, you spun around to face the two, remaining seated. "How-How was your trip?" you stuttered, awkwardly folding your arms together to appear less conspicuous.

Rebel tilted her ears to the side, humming at your demeanour. Her eyes were glued on you as she approached you, her wings folding back. Leaning forward, she held your cheeks in her hands, squishing your face as she checked you over. The second she held your face, her eyes widened with worry.

"Your face is hot," She stated. Rebel pulled her hands away, and took a few steps back in thought. She jutted her hip out, her eyes sharpening as your face turned a deeper shade of red. You were about to shrug her comment off by changing the subject but Knucks came rushing past her, picking you up under your arms as he looked you over. His face was scrunched with concern.

"Do you have a fever?" He asked hurriedly, placing you on your feet as he held your burning face, "Are you feeling okay?" He placed his hand on your forehead, checking your wounded ear and robotic arm, "Is your ear infected again? What about your arm? Is it causing you trouble?" You honestly felt like a puppy with over caring parents, the second you sneeze, they thought you were dying. It was sweet, but exhausting.

Grabbing Knucks hands, you pulled them away from your face as you shook your head, "I'm fine Knucks-"

"I'll call the medics," he confirmed, nodding his head and completely missing your words. Your ears fell in annoyance as Knucks stormed towards the med bay, ready to ensure your health was safe. If it wasn't for Rebel grabbing on his shoulder strap to stop him, he would have woken everyone in the entire hideout.

Catching Rebels sharp gaze, you felt small as she approached you, Knucks in tow. making him stand by her side, she crossed her arms as she glared at you. Her wings opened, making her appear more threatening.

"I think something worse is happening," she claimed, your bat ears folding back at her own conclusion.

"What could be worse than-" Knucks paused as Rebel glanced at him. He sighed before he prompted Rebel to continue.

"I think, she likes someone," Rebel confirmed, circling you like a helpless piece of prey. Knucks shook his head at her claim, unable to believe it.

"Wh-what?" your face burned at the thought.

You liking Nine. Like as in, like like? Couldn't be... could it?

He is oddly charming, and kind. While he doesn't show it, you could tell he trusted you more than the rest of the world, and that made you feel special. He also listened when you spoke, often prompting you to do so by asking questions.

Shaking your head from your mind, your face burned a hot red at the thought of you liking him and him liking you. It was just impossible. You have only known each other for a couple of weeks, there is no way you could have fallen for him so quickly if you fell for him at all.

"No-NO! She's too young," Knucks reasoned, returning your attention to your current situation. He rubbed his head, a headache forming from the drama.

"Look at her. Dreamy eyes, red face, she's in love," Rebel pointed out, continuing to circle around you.

My face couldn't be that red right?

Gently placing your normal hand on your cheek, you felt their warmth.

Could I be falling for him?

No... no I can't be...

"I'm not," you mumbled, fiddling with your hands nervously.

Rebel paused her circling, a thought seeming to have come to her mind. Her wings twitched as he placed a hand on her chin as she wandered through her mind. Knucks shook his head at your answer, unsatisfied. He opened his mouth to speak and accuse you of your blatant lie but one tug on his shoulder strap from Rebel stopped him.

"Sure," she muttered before dragging Knucks with her into another room, the doors opening automatically. As the doors closed, their forms disappeared, Rebel glancing back at you one last time before the doors clicked together.

Sighing out a breath of relief you rubbed your cheeks with your hands, dragging them down. Your ears fell along with your tail, your mind questioning itself.

Do I like him?

Rolling your eyes, you timidly chuckled at the thought, thinking it would be crazy for you to like him and him to like you. Dragging out your laugh, you sighed sadly.

Absolutely crazy.

Hearing the ping of the elevator, you watched as a herd of rebellion fighters strolled out of the elevator, holding a collection of newly stolen weapon, happily chatting with each other as they passed you. They dumped the weapon in a pile, before heading through the same set of doors Rebel and Knucks walked through, most likely heading towards the dining hall. Your ears flicked back to the elevator as its doors closed. Turning your attention back to the elevator, a smirk fell on your lips. Quickly checking for any spying eyes, you ran over to the elevator, reopening its door with the press of a button. Stepping into the elevator, you tail began to sway as it brought you up to the surface, you mind set on where it wanted to go.

Weaving through the crowds at the train station, you slid behind a small alley. Feeling the wind of the passing trains, you approached the metal door that led to the secret laboratory. You lifted your hand to knock, but before your knuckle could connect with the door, it opened, revealing the genius fox hard at work. His ear twisted back, his head following. As he met with your (E/C) eyes, he flashed a smile before returning to his work, one of his metal tails beckoning you in.

"Hey (Y/N)," He greeted, his hands tinkering with a device. Happily, entering the lab, the doors shutting behind securely, you flopped down on an extra chair Nine built, allowing you to chill while he had to work. Peeking over his shoulder, your tail waged as you enthusiastically watched him work, his own tails lightly swaying from your presence.

"Hey Nine, Whatchya up to?"

Okay, maybe I liked him a bit.

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