Chapter 23 - Two Halves Split Apart

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Sorry guys but this is a short chapter :)


The land was barren, plain, boring. But it was just what he had been looking for. It had...potential. Crossing over his arms, Nine sighed with his ears fallen. His finger tapped against his arm as his eyes wandered the land. It was like a desert, if you took away the heat. No plants or signs of life (his many devices having confirmed that suspicion) were anywhere, only oddly hexagonal shaped rock like structures. It was a complete new start.

A new Home.

At the thought, his small smile became flat. Sighing through his nose, he let his tails sprawl along the sand. He couldn't help but think of what you would have thought of this place. Unable to resist, he gazed up at the sky and found himself disappointed.

 Sure, it was beautiful. The sky a deep navy that blended into a soft green. It was calming and soothing and... breathtaking. It was nothing like the city. But Nine couldn't help but feel like you would have hated this place. Which gave a twinge to his sore heart strings.

And he didn't know why your judgement on this place was so important to him. You weren't even there. Why should he care? But yet, he did. 

He felt something missing. 

And it wasn't only the fact you weren't by his side.

The was no sun-

No pure blue skies, the black void of night, the twinkle of stars and their constellations, an ever changing moon.

It wasn't perfect.

It wasn't home.

But it had to be.

Shaking his head, he scrunched his face with anger. He needed to forget about you. He gave you a chance to join him and you ditched him... or more like he ditched you. But he still had to forget. If he kept you in his heart, how was he supposed to start a new life?

Without you however, life felt bland. You weren't by his side for a few hours and he felt more alone than he ever has.

Your smile would set his heart alight, etching a smile on his own muzzle. (F/C) blowing in the wind as your laugh echoed in his ears like honey. Or how you twirl in the rain with closed eyes. A weak grin pulled on the ends of Nine's lips as he envisioned your (e/c) eyes twinkling with the reflection of the city lights. Your heart reaching out to his as you revealed the hidden hope in the hell scape of New Yoke. 

His mind could ramble on for days about your Perfects. But a flash of your broken eyes, swollen from tears starring over at him. Tears trickling down your face. Your heart on the table. And how he stepped away and left you bleeding out. You hadn't even whispered his name as he retreated into his darkness, your light flicking out as he doused your spark with ocean water. 

He was a complete and utter Jerk.

Allowing himself to fall onto the sand, Nine crossed his legs as he covered his face with his hands. A soft sob leaving his quivering lips. His eyes burned with held back tears. Throat throbbing with his heart as he swallowed back his emotions. His brain called him weak and stupid because you were just a distraction.

For the fact that his mind was the best of the best, it was pathetic when it came to excuses, as his heart told his mind "But she was the best distraction. "

Sighing, Nine glanced up at the shame bringing sky. How he wanted nothing more than to run to you and apologise, whispering words twice as strong as your confession.

But he couldn't.

Maybe, I'm meant to leave her. Not be with her.

His heart burned as he swallowed his love.

Because I hurt her.

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