4.Jail Time

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Hi ya people who are reading my book  

I thank you  

And thank you to the person who voted on my story.  

Could I get a few more votes and reads before I post the next chapter

Liam's POV 


Of has been over a hour sense she has gone to jail. There are lots of thoughts going through my head but the ones that stick out are

'what will Simon say when he finds out or if he will'

'I wonder if she misses me'

'and what will happen to poor little Cupcake'

"What just happened" Louis asked slowly

"Sky just got in jail" Harry stated in a 'duh' tone

"Can we go visit her later" Lou looks at me with puppy dog eyes

"Umm........." I fumble on my words

"After we eat right" Niall says getting straight to the point that he wants food

"Yeah we will go see her after we eat" I answer.

Sky's POV 

When she is in jail


The officer took away all of my stuff. 

Now I have no iPhone the only thing I was aloud to keep the white tank top that I was wearing under my hoodie and my purple high tops

A officer gave ME a orange jumpsuit, I can tell you they don't make you wear stuff like this in Canada, usually they let me wear what ever my friends bring in for me and just keep washing them.

It has been more than two hours sense I got thrown in jail.

"Sky, you have visitors waiting for you" this young women around 30 years old wearing a police uniform standing in front of my cell

"Who would want to come and visit me, I just got here" I said mostly to myself as I walk out of the cell

"Well I don't know, but all I do know is that there are five of them" 

That answers my question.

I walk into the visiting room to find who got me in jail and four more idiots with him. I know they are not all total idiots but Lou got sent to the corner, I have know idea why but I want to scare him. 

I don't think the other boys seen me yet.

I creep up behind Louis, running my hand up and down his back acting like a spider, he stiffens not turning his head, I stop with the spider hands for a minute then he relaxes and keeps looking at the wall like I'm not even there. 

I quickly grab his shoulders and start shaking him like there was no tomorrow while he screams like a little girl, then he notices that its me.

The cops all look at me like I'm trying to murder Lou, one of my friends, clearly they don't know the reason why I'm here, I mean I only trashed a cop car and I know it's a violation but it was fun.

I laugh off all of the strange looks I was given and walk over to the boys sitting at a round table. I take a seat next to Liam

"Why is Louis sitting in a corner over there" I stick my thumb in the direction of the silly boy

"He was trying to make one of the cops laugh and it did not really work out and well you can see the rest, now he has to sit there for......" Liam looks down at his wrist watch  

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