12.Planing And Liam's Birthday, Part 2

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Sky's POV


One week later.......

I throw the roll of red steamers and scotch tape to Niall, who is on the top of the stairs unrolling the streamers to hang on the stairs.

Niall was the one to help me with the decorating, planing and to get all the supplies we got last week, the rest of the boys were in charge of getting all the people he knows to come tonight, Louis was coming around two o'clock this afternoon to help Niall and I with the decorating.

I feel a vibration on my leg signalling I got a text, I slide my black iPhone out of my back pocket of my jean shorts to read and respond to the text.

'Hey is that okay if I bring El with me, I told her about it and she really wanted to come with to help out'

I read from Louis

'Why would you even ask me if you can bring El, you know I don't care we are all friends....I think, anyway how much longer till you came over'

I sent to him

'Okay thanks, we should be there in five min'

I got as the respond


I sent as the final text.

I look over to see how Niall was doing and I came to a conclusion the he is really slow or it's that hard to do, I mean he ain't even on the middle of the stairs yet.

I walk over and offer him help

"Please I can't do this, the tape does not like me and the streamers keep falling"

"Okay, you fix the streamers and I will help you by placing the tape"

"Sounds like a plan" he smiled

After we were done with the stairs I hear the doorbell go off and I got another text from Louis saying 'El and I are here, don't worry. Now be a good little girl and OPEN THE DAMN DOOR BEFORE LIAM COMES' I run as fast as I can to the door slipping on a piece a paper making me go down like a brick but luckily I was right in front of the door, I lift my arm as tall as the deadbolt so I can unlock it. The door creeks open and I see two pairs of feet in front of me

"I said open the door not fall on you're face" Louis laughed while helping me off the ground

"I opened the door didn't I" I smirked "just in a very painful way" I added

"How did you fall any way" Eleanor asked

"Well I was running to the door and I slipped on that piece of paper" I pointed to the flat, white demon laying on the ground before me

They both look at me, expecting something worse than a piece of paper but I just shrugged, turned on my heel and said c'mon.

As I walk in the living room with El and Louis trailing behind me, I look to see how Niall was doing and instead I see him tangled in scotch tape, thank god I bought like twenty rolls of tape.

I hear laughter coming from behind me, I roll my eyes and go help out Niall

"How did you get like this" I asked slightly laughing

He pointed with his right hand at a box with wide eyes, I look at him strange while walking over to this so called 'demon box'.

I stand in front of the box that caused all this trouble while Louis is trying to get Niall untangled and I still hear Eleanor laughing her head off.

The box shakes and moves then I hear a bark, I know what's going on now. The box was upside down, trapping the 'creature' inside.

I lift the box to find Cupcake inside

"I thought you were with Liam, you should of came out of hiding earlier" I say while picking her up, so she can lay in my arms

"So what do we do now" Niall asked me when he was unstuck

"We finish decorating" I say with a smile


Eight o'clock that night


"GUYS LIAM JUST TEXTED ME AND HE WILL BE HOME IN FIVE MINUTES" I screamed to everybody in the house

As they all got in there spots I was close to the door but not to close while holding Cupcake in my arms, playing with the party hat I put on her

"Sky, are you home" Liam yells out into the darkness

"SUPRISE" everyone yelled including me

"Oh my little boy is twenty, where has the time gone" I walked over Liam while voicing his mother

"You did this for me"

"Yeah but the rest of the boys helped"

"Hey" El came up beside me and lightly tapped my shoulder

"And little El"

"What are you talking about, I'm older and taller than you"

"Yeah I know" I looked up at the tall girl


Time travel to three hours later


"Liam" I called out

"Yeah" he walk in front of me

"Cupcake and I have a birthday present for you" as I said those words his smile grew bigger

"Close you're eyes and put out you're hands" he did as he said

I took the keys out of my back pocket, placing then in his hands.

He opened his eyes looking at me strangely, I grabbed his free hand and dragged him outside to look at his birthday present

"Are you kidding me" he said with wide eyes, staring at his new Mustang

"Nope it's all yours, unless I need you to drive me somewhere but even then it would still be yours"

He ran over and buried me in hugs while saying 'thank you' over and over and over and over.

"You're welcome"

After everybody left to do what ever they do for a living, Liam and I laid on the couch with Cupcake watching Harry Potter films

"Thanks for the birthday, Sky" he kissed the top of my head as I put my head on his shoulder

"No problem" I smiled


I know it sucks but it's something

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