10. Lazy Day

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Go check out my new 5 Seconds of Summer book called Bad Girl

Sky's POV


I grab Cupcakes leash then attach it to her collar, slipping on my black and white high tops waiting for Liam to find a sweater in his room.

I don't know why he doesn't go in a T-shirt and a random pair of yoga shorts like me, I mean it's nice outside but I don't really get affected by the weather.

So to him it's cold then to me it might be warm or something.

Lets not talk about my heat problems right now because Liam is coming down the stairs and putting his shoes on

He opened the door then let me go first and let me say it felt like I belong here plus he did not kick me out of the house after this morning, so we are doing good

After we walked out the door, I started to look at everything that we went past, all the big houses and a car with really nice rims may I add, all these cars made me want to get my drivers licence and people say I'm a really good driver so why not try.

"Liam, I want to get my drivers licences"

"Why didn't you get it when you were sixteen"

"Because I was still on all those drugs"

"When did you stop doing drugs"

"Just last year"

"Oh well it's better then being still on it"

He looked kind of disappointed that I just stopped last year but I feel like I can get my licence now

"I can get you a appointment next week if you want"

"But my birthday is next week"

"Oh, well then what about in two weeks"

"That would work"


Liam and I got our drinks, he got a iced coffee and I got lemonade but I asked Liam to get it for me because I had Cupcake and you can't bring pets in food stores or any store that contains food, so I sat on the steps of Starbucks waiting for my roomy to step out of the building

I heard footsteps behind me guessing it is Liam, I turned so I could take a look and I was right it was Liam

"You know if you liked Niall more than me, you could of lived with him"

"Oh no, he gave me this snap back to me the other day when they all came over for dinner"

I say while taking off my snap back, looking at the 'I <3 Niall' written in cursive writing on the front of the hat.

Turning the snap back's back so it is facing the front, slipping it on my head and letting it slide in place

"Oh how come I'm just seeing this"

"Because your stupid"

"Hey, take that back" he whined like a kid having his candy taken away

"I wont take it back but I will say your adorably stupid, Is that better"

"No, but it is better then just being stupid"

He smirked

I stood up taking the cup from his hand and sip it a little bit

"Thanks Lili, I will pay you back when we get home"

"It's on me"

"No" the one thing I hate is when people want to pay for me, I mean it's nice and all but I just don't like it all that much




"Fine but I'm buying for next time"

"That's what you think" I heard him say under his breath

"What" pretending I did not hear what he said

"Nothing, lets just get home" he started walking quickly down the side walk

"That's what I thought"

His head snapped up in my direction looking very sly and is it bad I find that Liam looks sexy when he does that.


When we got home I went into the kitchen to get out one plate for him so when Liam comes in with the pizza he could have it right away, I on the other hand eat straight out of the box.

Speaking of pizzas here comes Liam, I slide on past him grabbing a whole box of pizza walking right in the room in which we live in.

Haha I just made my self laugh in my head.

Liam came in with a plate full of pizza slices, I just striped off my top leaving myself in my black bra with white poka dots and lace trimming and my snap back falling off in the process, I just slid the hat back on my head.

You can also see my belly button piercing that was just your regular banana bar with the top and bottom ball a very sparkly light blue colour

"Why did you take off your top"

"Because I am incredibly messy so I find it more easy to just take it off rather then stain it"

"That is why we wash our clothes in a washing machine"

"I think we both know I'm too lazy for that"


After finishing up all the slices of pizza I only managed to drop the sauce on my chest twice, which is pretty good for me and Liam was a gentile man because he only looked a my boobs once but that was when he first noticed I took my shirt off to eat so in all in was not that bad.

The pizza was so good, lets just say it was the best pizza I had in a while and after all that happened we decided to watch a few films then head off to our rooms to go to bed


Sorry it was not that good, I wanted to get this chapter done and over with and it's past 3:00 am so time for sleep.

Please do vote it makes me happy and if you people got any good books that you think I might like can you tell me, thanks love you

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