Chapter Eight

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"Biggest pet peeve?" He asks.

I cock my head to the side and think before I respond.

"Probably when people ask me what my biggest pet peeve is." I joke with a flirty smile. Jake's eyes squint just the tiniest bit as he throws his head back and laughs.

"Jen, you are a funny girl." He tells me, glancing at me from the corner of his eye. I shrug and sigh for extra drama.

"Well someone's gotta lighten the mood." I tease.

"What are you trying to tell me?" He pretends to act offended as he gasps dramatically. "Do find this date to be uneventful already?"

"On the contrary, I have found this car ride quite eventful" I insist. "I was more so pointing out the fact that I live with three older guys who seem more hormonal than I am seventy percent of the time." Jake laughs at that, in which I eventually join in.

Even though I only met Jake a week ago- with almost six of those days not even in contact with him- I feel like he's an old friend. It's almost as if we have been doing this for a month. This doesn't even feel like a first date. Being with him just makes me feel so comfortable. Here I am, laughing my ass off with probably the most obnoxious look on my face, and he still seems to be enjoying himself as well.

"Are we almost there?" I ask, trying not to sound too blunt.

"We'll be there in under five." He responds smoothly.

I sigh in relief. Thank God.

"Is being stuck in a car with me that bad?" He asks fake offendedly. I snort- like the true lady I am- and look at him driving. I start to come up with a retort but looking at him takes my breath away. I mean sure, I have been glancing his way here and there this whole time, but really staring at him makes me lose track of my thoughts.

He leans back in his seat with one hand on the wheel and the other on the console between us. I want to reach down and take it, but I feel like its too soon. Plus I tend to be one of those girls who wait for the guy to make the first move. So instead I ogle at his beauty.

Some people in this world are just pretty or hot. Others are stunning, like Jake. His dark eyes are piercing, yet innocent and kind. His hair is softly spiked up, yet doesn't look crunchy or over-gelled. It actually looks soft and I want nothing more than to run my hands through it.

He is wearing a simple navy blue button up which makes his skin look a perfect shade of tan. He also wears white khaki shorts with some sort of tan boat shoe.

I stay checking him out for so long, I don't even realize it has been silent for a good minute. When I glance at his face he is already looking at me with his eyebrow raised.

"I mean, I'm sure I look good but I promise I'll look like this tomorrow too." He winks at me and I blush. Before I can say some sarcastic remark, we pull up into the parking lot of a nice looking restaurant.

Once he pulls into a spot and gets out of the car, I too open my door and jump out. When I glance up I see him approaching my side of the car and I immedietly blush even harder when I realize his gesture.

"This is where you're supposed to wait for me to open your door darling." He tells me. My heart melts in my chest when I realize no one has ever dont something like that for me before.

I return his comment with a small smile and we walk up to the restaurant. This time, Jake opens the door for me and I tell him thanks as I pass.

After the hostess has seated us and we've ordered our drinks, I excuse myself to the bathroom.

After doing my business and washing up, I study myself in the mirror. My outfit still remains intact and although my hair is a little blown from the wind, it isn't too shabby either.

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