Chapter Forty

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I need your help! I decided I wanted to revise my current cover, so I would like your advice......

Do you like the cover on the left? Or on the right? Or do you think they both suck and it's fine the way it is?

Your opinion is important!


"Follow me." Jake tells me, taking my hand and pulling me up the stairs. I do so, trying to seem as excited as he is right now. He stops in front of our door and whips it open, pausing to let me absorb what was in front of me.

A blanket was laid on the floor in front of the bed. On it was a basket, open, with food spilling out of it. A tear slips out of my eye as he turns towards me.

"Do you like it?" He asks me.

I whip my head up and down frantically, making him chuckle. He wiped the tear off my cheek and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips.

"I'm glad. I figured this way we could watch a movie and stay warm. It's may rain throughout the day too."

I walk into the room and he trails in behind me, his arms around my waist. Sitting down on the blanket I look into the basket to see two long baguettes, which I'm sure are both sandwiches. Knowing Jake, they're probably ham and cheese.

"What movie do you want to watch?" He asks me excitedly. "I brought all the ones I thought would be cool to watch up here. Plus there's always Netflix."

He turns on Netflix after we decide on that, and I click on the romance tab.

"Please don't make it too touchy-feely okay?" He begs, looking adorable in his pout.

Yes, I just called my full grown mate adorable.

After flicking through many stupid movies, I finally come across a promising one that sparks my interest.

"Okay this one!" I tell Jake making him look up from where he is cutting the sandwiches. "It's called Remember Me and it has Robert Pattison in it so it can't be too bad!"

He groans and I giggle after pressing play and cuddling up beside him.

Two hours later when the movie is done, I'm bawling my eyes out. Next to me, Jake had tears in his eyes but from the way he is flaring his nose I can tell he is refusing to let them go.

Let's just say there's a reason it's called what it is.

Soon I find my tears being shed not only from the movie but from what's to come tonight as well. Jake doesn't know that though.

I'm lying next to him, surrounded by empty sandwich wrappers as I rest my head on his chest. "I could never lose you." He whispers in my ear, causing another round of sobs to rack across my body.

I was a horrible person.

Jake held me until I stopped crying, which took a long time.

When my face started to crust from being covered with my tears, I slowly climbed on top of Jake, straddling his waist.

I leaned down on his chest and gave him a long, slow kiss. After that the kiss was the only thing that was slow.

Jake stopped me after I had removed many layers of both our clothes.

"I don't think we should do this now." He moaned while I kissed his hard chest.

"Why not?" I ask him while giving him a hickey.

"You said....... y-you said you weren't f-feeling good."

I pulled back and bit my lip. "Please. Jake please." My eyes easily allowed more tears to fall, causing Jake to immediately pull me back to him.

He complied, so I gave him everything I had left in me.

• • • • •

"Jen, Tyler just linked me and said we had to prepare to leave." His voice wakes me up and I strain my eyes to see him shuffling along and pulling on clothes. I don't move though. Instead, I lay still hoping if I go back to bed I can sleep through it all.

"Jen." Jake says again, hovering back over me. I wrap my arms around him and he picks me up bridal style. I sit on the bed as he grabs clothes and helps me get dressed. Besides my underwear and bra, I'm wearing his clothes, which consist of baggy sweat pants and a big shirt. I was glad I'd have his warmth to be on me when I was taken.

When I don't get up even after I was changed, he picks me up again, then heads towards the doorway. He turns sideways to fit through with me in his arms, but I stick my leg out, stalling him.

"Whatever happen's Jake, I love you." I choke on my words, cursing myself for breaking down again.

"Nothing will happen." He breathes in my ear, and even though I know how wrong he is, I still find comfort in his words.

As we walk down the stair and Tyler comes into view I start to internally panic. I'd never get to see my family again. I'd never get to hear Riley call me Ifer or Leah gossip about practically everything. And Jake......

I bit my tongue. Don't cry Jen, not in front of Jake.

The walk to the border seemed painfully long, but then again I was unconscious for the trip the last time.

After about twenty minutes I knew we were close. I'm not sure how, but I just knew. Sure enough, we broke through a line of trees and they were waiting for us.

Luca, Micah, and five others. They stood in a tight group, Luca right in the front.

At this point I wiggled out of Jake's arms, because I knew if I didn't then, I never would.

"I was wondering why you called this meeting.... did you realize how serious I was?" Luca says without a second of hesitation.

Jake whips his head from Luca to Tyler, before he turns to fave Tyler.

"You called this meeting?" He asks as his self control starts to disappear. He takes a step towards him and many guards who had escorted us grabbed onto him. He looked lethal as he yanked on their grips, thrashing and snarling.

"It's for the best Jake, she even agrees." Even with his authority I could see regret in his eyes. He felt bad, I could tell. Tyler wasn't a bad person. He was doing his job, trying to be a leader.

"You knew, Jen?" He asks, stopping his fight, suddenly, giving up. This time I didn't let the sob start before it racked my body. I took another step away from him, towards the blood sucking demons who would end my life.

"No. No Jen. Please." He started fighting again, but not as hard. His emotions were holding him down.

"I'm sorry, Jake." I say goodbye one last time before I turn and start walking towards the small group. The group that would end me.


So let me just say Remember Me is actually a great movie. I too cried my eyes out for a good twenty minutes. It's on Netflix, so definitely look it up.

So this chapter is rough, and ends on a bad note, so I'll try to update again soon.

From the next chapter forward, there may be violence and action, so please read with caution.

Also I have been "editing" the chapters after I write them, so if you still see a typo, please comment and correct me. I assure you I won't be mad!

Please comment on my title options above!

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