Chapter Twenty

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I was never one of those people who was obsessed with her phone. I'm not saying I could get rid of mine and live without it, but I didn't spend much a lot of time on it. I only had six games, four of which I only played about once a month when I was bored. I had an Instagram and Snapchat, but no Facebook. I texted my friends often, but not many more people outside of that. In fact, sometimes I didn't even turn off my phone in church. I was just that confident that no one would try to contact me.

Currently, my mind is contradicting everything I used to think about my phone.

It turns out that when your stuck at home- not just because you are concussed but because your parents walked in on you and your boyfriend- you crave any type of stimulus.

Along with my phone my parents also confiscated my old, hand-me-down lap top from Jace and my iPad. They let me watch tv with them but I never got the remote. I'm a teen in the twenty first century and I have not indulged in technology in three whole days.

It's Saturday night and I am waiting on my bed for Jake to show up.

I've been extremely worried after Wednesday night. My parents gave me no indication as to when I could have my phone or my life back, so I had no idea when I would see Jake again. Jake, however, understood my pain.

He showed up on Thursday night; scaring the crap out of me when he threw rocks at my window.

I know, right. How cliché.

We didn't pass time like we had when we were caught, although there was some kissing. We mostly just talked.

We hadn't been caught and I didn't think we would be. Jake was our human radar. With his exceptional hearing, he scaled out my window with any sign of approaching guests.

I wait on my bed and absentmindedly fix my pajamas. I don't have anything "hot"- if you know what I mean- to wear when Jake comes over but I didn't feel like I needed it. Whenever I am with Jake I feel relaxed. I am confident that I could wear old sweatpants and one of my brothers hand-me-down shirts and still be accepted by Jake. He has told me I was beautiful every night he's came. So I wear my light blue sleep shorts with a dark grey tank top. This is about as fancy as it gets for me. It also doesn't raise suspicion if one of my family members walks in.

After a good fifteen minutes I get a little concerned. He told me nine and it's now nine fifteen. I start to think of every worst case scenario until I realize what I did wrong.

Since Jake was unknowingly sneaking into my house every night, we had a code for when it was safe or not safe for him to enter. If I opened my curtains it meant safe. If I closed them, it meant that someone was in my room or that I wasn't in my room.

I thought this code was stupid, since Jake said he could hear anything anyways, but I think he had me do it for my own privacy as well.

I jump off my bed and whip my curtains open. I also open my window, even though Jake usually does that himself. Then I step back just as his head appears.

"Needed some alone time, Jennifer?" Jake asks in a taunting way.

"Time away from you." I joke teasingly. His smile falters for a second before he climbs into my bedroom.

"What a horrible thing to be away from." He greets me with a kiss and then folds his huge arms around me.

Jake has an average build for a guy. He was muscular but not like he was taking steroids. He was tall, compared to me at least, but wasn't a giant. I personally think that he has the perfect body, but that's just me.

"So I'm very frustrated." I tell him sighing.

"Are you frustrated in the same way I am?" He questions suggestively, raising his eyebrows. I slap his chest and laugh quietly.

"You are a jerk! And no, I am not sexually frustrated!" He laughs after this and I know he wanted me to say is aloud.

"I didn't say I was sexually frustrated...." He starts, wrapping his hands around my hips. "You thought of that yourself." I push him away and groan.

"You know what- nevermind." I tell him. I cross my arms and walk over to my bed, sitting down.

"Oh, come on Jennifer." He follows me to my bed and kneels in front of me, putting his hands on my knees.

"You know you're the only one who I allow to call me Jennifer."

"That's because you lovveee me." He tells me dragging out the v in love.

"No it's because your too stubborn for me to correct you." I retort smartly.

"You know me too well." He squeezes my knees. "Now tell me why your really frustrated."

I have to think for a minute before I reply, because I have a hard time recalling what I was gonna tell him in the first place.

"Oh yeah!" I exclaim, "I haven't used my phone in three days and I'm seriously in withdrawal."

He bursts out laughing and lifts himself up to be beside me. "I love you Jennifer." He says. Then he stops laughing abruptly and I gasp.

It was the first time he had said that and I am freaking out. My heart seems to beat more frantically and my palms get sweaty. I open my mouth but Jake quickly speaks before me.

"You don't have to say it." He blurts. He grabs my hand and holds it against his chest. With my palm against his chest I feel his heartbeat. "My heart beats for you Jen. It has since the day I was born. I was meant to be with you and I do love you. Every part of me loves you. From the heart that's beating under your hand right now to every single part of my body, it all belongs to you. So I do love you, Jennifer. I love you but I don't want you to say it if you don't mean it."

After his speech, my heartbeat gets even more frantic and my palms even more sweaty. I am glad we weren't in reversed positions, because I think Jake would be worried I was having a heart attack.

"I do love you." I say without thinking. At first I want to take back my words, but then I realized they came from my heart. "I love you, Jake."

Our faces are now inches apart. I see his lips which are wetted down from his tongue. I raise my eyes to his to see him staring straight at me.

When our lips meet I flutter my eyes shut and let my sense of feel take over everything else. His lips are gentle on mine and he makes no intention to speed up.

He kisses me for a minute then slowly pulls back. I keep my eyes closed but I feel the heat of his face when he leans in again and gives me one more peck on my cheek.

It wasn't our first kiss, but it was out best kiss yet.


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