Chapter ThirtyFive

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The day's that passed after I was sent that letter sucked. Anna and Tyler were still...... preoccupied, and even though Tyler had been informed, a mate comes before anything else.

Jake had become unbearably protective. I spent most of the days after the pack found out who the other "Mrs. Anderson" was locked in our bedroom. Jake growled at anyone who approached the room and met people outside to get our food at meal times.

He was furious that the vampires had gotten close enough to drop off that letter, and even more furious they misinterpreted the receiver. I wasn't upset over that part though, considering we never announced that we got "married".

Jake and I also hadn't done it again since when we mated. It's like I was diagnosed with a terminal disease, not lightly threatened with a letter.

The fews times I was able to leave the room, he didn't leave my side. I went to tv room to pick a movie, he escorted me. It was a casual gesture to him but a prison statement to me.

It got a little better when Anna finally got out of her heat. I was watching yet another movie, this one on Netflix, when she burst in the room. She seemed happier than she'd been since she'd been here. She squealed at me quietly and threw her arms around me. She was literally bouncing up and down with excitement. I took it that she hadn't been informed yet.

It was good to catch up with her, considering it had been like two weeks. I couldn't help but notice the bite mark on her neck, much similar to mine. We giggled with each other over the tacky movie playing in the background.

I almost let the letter threat slip but I caught myself before I did. Realizing the absence of Jake and Tyler, I figured she'd be filled in soon enough.

"Was it good? When you guy's mated?" Anna asked me, wiggling he eyebrows. I nodded my head frantically and blushed. I was glad I had Anna to talk to, but didn't feel comfortable going into the details.

"Are you happy now?" I ask her cautiously, afraid to bring up the rocky subject.

"Yes-I am." She pauses before she adds; "I came to the realization that I found my mate, which is who I'm meant to be with, even if I had to sacrifice a great guy in a process, no offense to your brother." I shake my head and laugh it off telling her not to worry. Jace was mature and held himself together fine. I'm sure he'd get over it soon.

Jake and Tyler returned to the room about seven at night. They had ordered Chinese for us that was dropped of an hour earlier. We were laying next to the empty boxes and dirty napkins, crying over the sob story romance movie we were watching when they walked in.

They both embraced us, not even surprised we were crying. Jake sniffed in the scent of my hair as Tyler wrapped Anna in his arms, resting his head on top of her head. There height difference was so huge it was cute.

It surprised me when Tyler was the first one to speak up, and not to Anna, but to me.

"We have matters to discuss, Jen." Tyler says to me over Anna. I nod as Jake pulls me even harder against him. Apparently he wasn't handling the whole mate in danger thing.

"Maybe you should fill in the Luna first." Jake suggests, keeping me flush against him. Tyler growls at the suggest given to him from a lower rank but does so anyway.

Anna's face falls more and more as Tyler goes on. It breaks my heart to know she was finally happy only to be told annoying news.

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