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They had a perfect wedding. After all the guests left, they decided to leave for their villa. They were moving in together. Both of them jointly bought the villa.

"Tae, I still can't believe that we are married", Ara said while looking at Taehyung, who was driving the car.

"Hmm. I feel the same. But this feeling of realization that you are mine forever is exhilarating. I feel so happy", he said while flashing his boxy smile at her.

She leaned her head on his shoulder and kept his head on hers while driving the car.

"So, what would you like back at home? Anything to eat or something", he asked her gently.

"No, I don't feel hungry. I ate a lot at the wedding", she chuckled.

"No worries. I have Cup noodles as the backup for your late-night cravings."

She looked at him with surprise.

"How do you know that I have late night cravings", she asked doubtfully.

She did not remember telling him anything about it ever.

"It was just a guess, Sweety. Was I right", he asked her with a smile.

"Yeah, but how-"

"Shh. No more questions", he said as he drove further to the mansion.

They reached the villa and entered it.

"It is so beautiful, and the interiors are done perfectly", Ara complimented.

"I know, right? I supervised it all to turn it the way you wanted it to be", he said as he hugged her from the side.

They reached their bedroom and dropped on the bed tiredly.

"It was so tiring today", Ara said and sighed deeply.

"I understand. Let's just sleep", he said tiredly.

"But wait, Tae. You need to answer my question. How did you know about my late-night cravings", she asked, as she was still baffled.

He stood straight and looked at her. He rolled his eyes.

"Fine. But don't make fun of me. I watched a few videos on how to be a good life partner."

"You did what?"

"Okay, I watched about fifty videos on how to be a good life partner. Most of them had this point girls get late-night cravings. And I asked Jimin too so that I can confirm it", he said shyly.

"Damn! You watched around fifty videos just to know what you already are", she said in disbelief.

He looked at her innocently.

"Aww I love you so much", she said as she clung to him.

"I love you more", he replied and they both kissed each other passionately.

They slept in each other's arms. The next day, they went out to the amusement park for their first date after marriage. They rode the rollercoaster, giant wheel, and bumping cars. They looked like the perfect power couple. They ate cotton candy, and tried to throw a ring at the gifts, but failed to win a prize. Overall, at the end of the day, they were very happy.

Ara finally felt that her life was turning like a fairy tale. They went to Mauritius for their honeymoon and spent a week there. It was their best time together.

But, no matter how beautiful their life seemed to be at that moment, there was a weird fear residing in her heart. Sam and his untimely death still haunted her. She still felt afraid of being happy.

After a few more months of living together, however, made her feel the opposite. She got happier and happier with Taehyung by her side, and eventually did better at work and stopped overthinking. She turned into the same optimistic girl she once used to be.

On her periods, Taehyung would pamper her with chocolates and her favorite snacks. On her difficult days, he would cheer her up. Be it sorrow or happiness, Taehyung was always right by her side. Taehyung too loved to be with Ara. She would leave her work half an hour before he would come so that she could welcome him. Then, they would eat together, talking about their days.

On their six-month wedding anniversary, Taehyung got Ara a dog as a present. He was a cute, golden-black Pomeranian. They named him Tannie.

Tannie would do some cute mischief every day. Ara would be running behind him all the time.

'Finally, my family feels complete', thought Taehyung whenever he saw Ara and Tannie playing together.

One evening, Ara had her day off from work. Taehyung came at 8:30 p.m. as usual. He pressed the doorbell. There was no response.

After getting no response, he pressed it again. Thinking that Ara might not be at home, he took out the spare keys and entered the villa. He came inside and put his bag on the table and a maid got him a glass of water.

"Miss Lia, where is Ara", Taehyung asked the maid.

"Sir, ma'am is in her room. I have set the dishes on the table", the maid responded. "May I take my leave now", the maid asked.

"Yes, you can leave", Taehyung said.

The maid left. Ara and Taehyung were alone. Taehyung went to the room and opened the door. He came inside and saw that Ara was sitting on the couch beside the bed. She looked mad and sad.

"Hi, baby! How was your day off", he greeted her but she remained quiet. He understood that something was serious.

"Did the maid leave", Ara asked in a cold tone which was very different from the one she used with him.

"Yes, she just left. Is something bothering you, sweetheart", he asked with concern while she scoffed.

"Something? You hid something much bigger than that. I know everything that you did. And I have decided, I am filing for a divorce, Mr. Kim Taehyung. I don't want to live here now that I know your truth", she said with pain and anger.

Taehyung's eyes turned red and he clenched his fists. He approached her and hugged her softly. Placing a kiss on her forehead, he said," My sweet princess, forget about it. I'll never let you leave me. You will have to leave over my dead body", he said with a deep voice as his eyes darkened.

Suddenly she started laughing. Taehyung looked at her confused.

"Idiot! I was pranking you. You got fooled", she said while laughing loudly. "Aaaaahh, my stomach hurts hahaahaaahaaaa."

Taehyung still did not find it funny. He walked to the washroom without saying anything. He changed and sat on the bed when Ara came to him.

"Tae, why are you so serious suddenly? I was free today so I scrolled through reels. I found this prank so I thought that it would be fun to execute. I did not know that you would get so serious. Look, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings", she said apologetically.

"It's all right. I was a little stressed today and that is why I was serious", he said.

Ara hugged him

"So, no grudges now?"

"No", he said with a light smile and hugged her back.

They both went downstairs to have their dinner. Taehyung was visibly quieter than his usual self. Ara shrugged it off thinking that it was just stress from the workload. They both talked for a while and Ara told him about her day. They both went for a walk on the terrace as they did normally and then went to sleep.

At night, when Taehyung slept, Ara opened her eyes. She walked out of bed and rushed straight away to the washroom feeling restless. She bolted the door and faced the mirror as her breath shortened.

'I was right. HE IS V, the ruthless mafia. I-i I am in d-da-danger.'

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