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"What do I do now? I don't want to live with him after learning all this about him. B-but, I do not have the energy and courage to run away either. I don't want to stay here. But taking stress is not good for me either. I don't want my baby to have his presence. I don't want my baby to suffer for his wrong deeds. Please, God, show me a way", Ara prayed as tears rolled down her eyes.

She was not left with great choices. It was either fleeing and staying on high alert all the time, or accepting Taehyung and his deeds and dying every day silently. With a heavy heart, she lay on the bed and shut her eyes to sleep.



"Hehe hehe, my little princess! Aww my baby got mama flowers. Thank you, honey."

"Mama, where is my dad?"

"You don't have a dad, my love. And I am glad that we are free from that monster's presence now."

"Is it really that easy to escape from me, Ara? Are you still so dumb?"

Ara turned around and her eyes widened. Taehyung was there again, with armed men. She crouched and clutched her baby girl tightly and began to run away. But, he caught her.

"I am going to kill her. And you will be chained forever. With me", his words and laugh haunted her badly.



Ara woke up from the nightmare. Her heart rate went up as she trembled. It was early dawn.

"H-he will kill me and my baby. I won't be able to save myself", Ara mumbled fearfully under her breath.

She restlessly got up and walked to her balcony. She looked down. The height felt enough. Her eyes drooped slightly. She thought that this was the ultimate solution to her problems.

'Maybe dying is the only way I can escape him. He will not be able to capture my soul, and I will be free. Me and my baby will live in heaven. Yes, this seems right', she thought, as she stared down emotionlessly.

She slowly stepped on the boundary with one foot. Her arm went to her belly.

"Mama will be there for you, honey. Maybe not in this world, but we will surely meet in the one that awaits us."

She dropped herself, letting the gravity take her down. She closed her eyes, feeling a strange relief. But suddenly, she stopped feeling acceleration. She opened her eyes and saw that someone had caught her. She wriggled.

"Leave me", she said while struggling against the strong grip.

"No ma'am. I cannot. You are my responsibility now", said the man.

"W-who are you? You are not Taehyung", she asked, the shock evident on her face.

The man pulled her up effortlessly and placed her on the bed.

"Nice to meet you, Ma'am. I am Jungkook Jeon, your newly appointed bodyguard. It is my job to protect you from others, and to prevent you from taking such silly steps", he said with a soft smile.

"Who the heck are you to call my steps silly, huh? Just leave before I throw you down instead", Ara said angrily.

Jungkook giggled heartily.

"Ma'am, you are so hilarious. I am seriously loving your humor."

Ara looked at him. She was very annoyed.

"Why can't you just let me go? I don't have the will to live anymore", she said while looking down, her tone turning sad.

"Ma'am, you are pregnant. Pregnancy causes hormonal changes like this. You might feel like ending your life or killing me, but we can't let you do that. I can play the role of a therapist as well if you want", he said sweetly.

"Yeah yeah, so that you tell everything to Taehyung. No, thank you", she rolled her eyes.

"No ma'am, I won't tell Hyung anything about this. Although I am loyal to him since he is like my older brother, I have a lot of doubts. How do I say this, I actually felt it a little weird when he called me here last night. I had always known that you two had a love marriage, then why is this happening? Maybe we can talk to each other. I will get my answers, and you will feel lighter by talking with someone", he offered.

"Mr. Jungkook, this is not as simple as it seems, okay? I still don't know much either. I want answers too, but he is not telling me anything. Please, just do me a favor and let me die", she said as her eyes turned teary.

"No no Ma'am. Please don't cry. I can't let you do that. Try to understand, Ma'am. Hyung will kill me if I let you do that", Jungkook said worriedly as he panicked at seeing her tears.

"I do not want to live with that man", she sniffled.

"It's okay Ma'am. It is okay. People do fight and argue sometimes, but that does not mean that we end our lives, right? Please try to stay a little strong", he said reassuringly.

They both felt a knock on the door. Jungkook flinched and slowly walked to the door to open it. Taehyung entered and looked at Ara's teary face.

"What happened? Why are you crying", he asked as he walked to her. His voice was still groggy.

Ara looked down nervously while sniffling.

"Jungkook, why is she crying", he asked him coldly.

"Uhh Hyung, actually, she got scared of me. She woke up and saw me sitting on the couch so she freaked out", Jungkook lied with a nervous smile.

"Oh, don't worry. Ara, look, my sweet. He is Jungkook, one of the trusted members. He is like my younger brother. He will be your bodyguard and will stay with you 24/7. So, even if I am at work, you will be taken care of. He will do every task you want him to do. And do not feel scared of him, he is very friendly and a nice guy, hmm", he said as he nuzzled into her neck.

Taehyung was very smart. He played amazing calculated moves each time. In front of Jungkook, he was again acting as if Ara and he just had a tiny argument. But actually, only the two of them knew what was going on.

"Ara, behave yourself. I will not remind you again", he whispered menacingly while hugging her, so that only could hear his threat.

He pulled away and patted Jungkook's shoulder.

"Take care of her, okay? And provide her company. She feels lonely sometimes", Taehyung said with a soft smile and walked away.

Jungkook smiled back and shut the door again.

"Ma'am, please sleep. I will be on the balcony. Call me if you need anything", he said softly and walked away.

Once out, his soft demeanor changed as he stared into space, his hands folded across his chest as he sat down on the couch.

'This is definitely not just another argument. I know you are a good liar, Hyung, but you cannot lie to the one who masters that art.'

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