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Ara woke up with a heavy headache. She slowly blinked her eyes and saw only darkness around her. It was night, and her eyes were slightly blurry as they tried to adjust. She tried to stretch her arms up but she couldn't feel them. She tried to pull her arms with fear that they were stuck somewhere. She squinted her eyes to focus on her arms. She frowned as she noticed ropes. There were thick ropes tied to her wrists along the headrest of the bed.

"Why am I tied", she mumbled sleepily. 

"Aww, is my sweetheart awake?"

She turned towards the voice and saw Taehyung standing beside the window, moonlight falling on his face. The cruel smirk was evident on his face. Seeing his face, Ara recalled everything that had happened a few hours ago, before she blacked out. Her eyes widened in fear. 

"Let me go", she said fearfully as her breaths quickened and she started to wriggle to get out of the ropes.

Taehyung chuckled and slowly walked towards her. He switched on the night lamp, the yellow aura brightening the room slightly. His hands were in his pockets, and his face had a cruel and menacing smile.

"Shh Baby, you do not want to harm the little one, right", he asked in a mocking tone as he paced towards her and crouched, his face only a few inches away from hers.

What had happened? What had Ara found out? Why was she trembling in fear? Why was she suddenly so scared of her loving husband?

He kissed her forehead softly. His kisses trailed down to her jaw. His big hand softly rubbed on the tiny bump, making shivers run down her spine. 

"P-please d-don't-"

"I think I asked you to shush", he said sharply, making her go quiet. 

"Good. Now, let me feel our little one", he said sternly and gently pressed his hand on her tiny bump. 

His hand moved a little here and there and he noticed how her stomach was going up and down faster because of fast breathing.

"Deep breaths, baby doll. Deep breaths", he said as he moved to her face and kissed her nose gently, his hand still resting on her lower belly.

The baby suddenly kicked, causing both of them to flinch.

"Did you feel that? The baby responded to my touch", he said excitedly.

She looked at him with wide eyes. He was acting completely normal as if nothing happened. Her eyes got wet and her lips began trembling, as those memories flooded her mind again.

"The little one is so responsive to me, just like you", he said as he kissed her tiny bump gently. 

He looked up at her and noticed her teary eyes looking at him.

"Now, why are you looking at me like that? Nothing's going to change between us now. I'm not letting you run away again. Now we have our little one growing inside you. So, if you forget about that nonsense, I will appreciate it a lot", he said coldly. 

Her heart broke into a million pieces. She couldn't breathe as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"H-how can you expect me to act normal after what I've found? You killed him. You ruined my life", she said as her voice cracked and she sniffled.

He looked at her intensely.

"One more word and you'll see the worst side of me", he threatened her darkly. 

That was it. All the fear that she had disappeared.

"I think it would be better to see the worst of you. After all, what can be worse than trusting you again? Why could I never see who you really are", she said as she let out another cry. 

He scoffed. His eyes had a dangerous darkness and his face had a smile. 

"You really can't stop testing my patience, can you", he said as he pulled out a gun from his pants and pointed it at her head.

Her eyes widened in fear and her face got pale. 

"P-please don't pull the trigger", she pleaded fearfully. 

"Aww really? Didn't my sweetheart want to see the worst side of me", he mocked as he moved the gun to her belly. 

"Or maybe it would be better if I kill this baby, right", he chuckled darkly as he was about to pull the trigger. 

"NO PLEASE DON'T. I'LL DO AS YOU SAY", she yelled in fear. 

"That's more like it", he let out a satisfied groan. 

He walked to the table and kept his gun there. He walked to her again with a smug smile as he felt her sweating and trembling. She was visibly frightened. 

"Now, my sweet", he said while looking at her with a soft yet menacing tone.

He noticed her looking down. 

"Look up sweetheart. You know I don't like it when you look away while I am conversing with you", he said gently. 

When she didn't look up at him, he slammed his hands on the headrest, making her flinch. 

"I said. Look. At. Me", he said harshly.

"Sorry", she said while trembling, and her scared doe eyes met his fearless, siren ones.

"I am sorry. I should not have yelled", he said while looking gently at her. 

Taehyung sat beside her, giving her some space so that she could feel comfortable. He placed a pillow on his lap and looked at her with a soft gaze. 

"Sweetheart, I am going to untie the ropes. But I do not want you to take any harsh steps again. Informing anyone, or trying to get help will cause me to do something that will leave another scar on you. And you don't want that, right my sweet? I am trying my best to not lose my temper on you, now that you are already sensitive and our baby is growing in you too. So, accept it all and try living back to normal. Let bygones be bygones", he said calmly. 

He got up and untied her ropes. He massaged her wrists slightly. 

"I hope they were not too tight", he said while kissing her wrists softly.

"Tae", she mumbled in a nervous and fearful tone. 

"I know you are scared. I will provide you with all the answers once the baby is born", he said calmly and walked out of the room.

Ara was stunned. How did he know that she had questions? Was it so easy to tell?

After twenty minutes, Taehyung entered the room again, with a food tray. He placed the tray on the nightstand and gently picked up Ara. He sat on the bed and placed her on his thighs.

"I hope you don't dislike the taste of veggies. I read today that they are good to eat for mood swings", he said softly, trying to act as normal as possible. 

Ara just shook her head in a no. She was still very shocked by all the information she learned. On top of that, Taehyung's extra calm behavior was scaring her. Taehyung started to feed her when she stopped him.

"I'll eat on my own", she said hesitantly. 

"No, sweetheart. Let me", he said calmly. 

She shook her head in a no again, and his demeanor changed from soft to cold. 

"I will feed you, and you will eat it obediently. Got it", he asked her authoritatively. 

She nodded fearfully. He started to feed her and she took the bites silently. Once she finished the food, he set her down on the bed and took the dirty dishes to the kitchen. 

"Do you want water", he asked her from the kitchen. 



Ara was alone in the room. She began thinking of what to do, as tears filled her eyes once again. 

'What do I do now? He won't let me escape. What will happen to my baby?  I can't forgive him this time. This is too serious. I can't live with him. In fact, I can't even face him after knowing that he is Sam's murderer.'

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