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The whole week was so calm. Jimin would visit Ara regularly for lunch. He would call Taehyung to give him updates on her condition. Taehyung stopped suspecting them completely.

The day before the plan, Jimin called Taehyung.

Jimin; "Hi."

Taehyung: "Hi Jimin."

Jimin: "Tae, I wanted to take Ara out for a little adventure. We wanted to go tomorrow for it. So, I wanted to ask you if you're okay with it?"

Taehyung: "I have no problem. Just take care of her and be safe."

Jimin: "Yeah. Bye."

Taehyung: "Bye."

The call ended. Jimin texted Ara on her secret number.

'Permission granted.'

Ara was still in the firm, packing all her stuff for the transfer. All of her important luggage was packed and was going to be transported to the Airport by 10 in the morning. She saw the message. She sent a thumbs-up emoji and prayed to God for their plan to work successfully tomorrow. After her work was done, she drove home. Taehyung had already come back and was now waiting for Ara to come. She reached home and pressed the doorbell. Taehyung opened the door.

"How was work, Sweetie", he asked as he hugged her and took her bags. He kept those on the couch.

"Ara, the bags are very heavy today. How come", he asked. The bags had all the important case files that she would need in Canada.

"I got some new cases so this is the whole material", she replied casually.

"So, go freshen up now, and let's have dinner", he said.

"Okay. But can you please help me keep these bags in my workroom? It is very important and I don't want it to lie here", she requested.

"Sure", Taehyung said as he picked up some bags and went upstairs. Ara picked up the remaining bags. After keeping the bags in the room, she secretly locked the door. Then, she went to freshen up and had dinner with Taehyung.

Night fell, and Ara realized that she might never be able to see Taehyung again. She loved him, although her fear for him was bigger. She wanted to be with him all night.

"Tae, Can we go for a walk tonight?"

"Yeah, let's go on the terrace", he said.

They walked slowly for an hour. Their hands intertwined, and complete silence. The moon looked beautiful that night, it was so dazzling. They sat down on the couch for some time and Ara kept her head on his shoulder.

"The nights are so beautiful sometimes", she said as Taehyung hummed in agreement.

"They are, and you know what makes them prettier, watching the night sky with the love of your life", he said as he kissed her hand.

"I think we should go to sleep. It is a long, hectic day ahead", she said to avoid this conversation. She knew that she would start crying if Tae continued speaking like that.

"You are going on an adventure tomorrow with Jimin, right? Have fun and take a break from the cases. And stay safe my love", he said as they went downstairs to their bedroom.

"I will, Tae", she said as she sadly smiled at him. She knew that she would miss him, but she could not stay with him either. They went to bed and lay down to sleep. The lights were switched off.

"Tae, can you please embrace me in your arms? I wanna sleep like that tonight", Ara said.

"Come here", he said as he opened his arms and engulfed her in a hug.

"Good night", he said.

"I love you Tae", she said while looking at him.

"I love you more, Ara", he said as he kissed her forehead.

"Good night", she said and they both slept. Ara could not sleep that night, she wanted to feel his warmth all night, and she wanted to watch him as much as she could. So she did that. Her eyes left some tears while thinking about his reaction tomorrow. She would never want him to cry.

'Tae, please live happily. I will be gone but please don't cry ', she thought as she hugged him softly.

The next day, Ara packed all her files and important documents. Jimin had come downstairs to pick her up. Taehyung had left early because of a meeting. She went down and greeted him. They both drove to the law firm first. Ara went in and got all the important stuff arranged in the transportation truck. This truck would go to the airport before them and get all the stuff inside the plane.

After arranging everything, Ara and Jimin went to the river which was known for rafting. They clicked some photos there and sent those to Taehyung. He was very happy to see them enjoying themselves.

After sending the photos, Ara and Jimin started the main plan. They wore all the safety materials and started rafting. Midway, they got out of the water when no one was looking. Then they inverted the rafting boat and pushed it with full force into the deep water. They quickly changed into different clothes and masks and buried their safety material. Lastly, when they were about to run for a car, Ara took her wedding ring out of her finger and threw it far away into the river. She did that to make everybody think that they both might have drowned. They ran to the cab they had booked. Taking out the tickets and passports, they wore bucket hats and masks. They both wore clothes very different from their usual style. This was to prevent suspicion. They reached the airport and quickly went to check-in. They boarded the flight. As the flight took off, Ara felt light, she finally escaped successfully. She looked at Jimin who was looking at her while smiling.

"We did it, Ara", he said.

Taehyung on the other hand realized at night that both Jimin and Ara were not picking up their phones. He called his men to check for them.

"Sir, I asked the owners of the rafting here, and they said that their boat never returned."

"SEARCH FOR THEM ACROSS THE WHOLE RIVER. RIGHT NOW", he yelled. Inside he was super scared of losing them. He rushed to the sight himself.

"Sir, the flow of the river is very high. We found the missing boat, but they are not there. They mi-might have dr-drowned", said the guard with fear.

And just then, he saw something shiny near his foot. He crouched down to pick it up.

"This can-can't be", he said stuttering. It was her wedding ring.

A month passed. Ara and Jimin started to adjust to the new environment. She felt safe and free. She was convinced that Taehyung would never know. Jimin and Ara lived with new names here. Ara changed her name to Choi Bora and Jimin changed his name to Choi Jung-woo. They both stayed together at the apartment that was given to Ara by the firm. She had a better placement here. She was also given a car by the firm. They were both happy and living. Ara missed Taehyung sometimes and prayed for him to be well. She hoped that he would move on from her.

"Found you, Choi Bora a.k.a. Kim Ara!"

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