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"Ara, are you alright, Baby" Taehyung asked Ara, who had a bad morning sickness.

"I hate this. I cannot eat, and I feel like vomiting all the time." Before she could complain fully, she puked again.

Taehyung massaged his temples and rubbed her back gently while she puked. Once she was done, he brought a clean napkin and wiped her face with it. He caressed her cheeks softly.

"You know how much I hated to see you all sick. We just have to wait for a few more months, sweetheart. The doctor said that as soon as your second trimester hits the morning sickness will go away. So, it's just a matter of a few more weeks, honey. Stay strong for me, please", he said and kissed her lovingly.

"I'm trying to, but all I feel is sadness", Ara said, her eyes tearing up as she had already been dealing with the mood swings.

"Shh, don't cry my princess. I don't want tears in your eyes", he said and hugged her tightly.

He lifted her and strolled her back and forth to calm her down. She kept crying in his arms. Finally, after a few minutes, she stopped crying and calmly laid her head on his shoulder.

"Feeling better?"


"Good. I would have stayed home and looked after you but I've got a very important client back at the company. So, I might come home by late afternoon today", he said in a low tone, knowing that she would get upset.

"What", she said in a sad tone.

"Ara my love, please try to understand. I want to give our child a beautiful future. And I'm working really hard for it while taking care of you. I really need to get this deal. You know, I would never leave you otherwise in this condition, right?"

She looked down sadly and nodded in a yes. She knew that he loved her more than anything else in the world. She could see each effort that he made for her and the baby's well-being. Taehyung was working his ass off at the company and still, he never failed to shower Ara with love and care. He was patient with her mood swings. He was grateful to her as she was carrying their child. He knew that she never wanted to have kids but still had this one for him. And he was just so happy to even think of having his little kid, a carbon copy of Ara and his.

"Okay, but make sure to come before five, okay? I will get my email from the doctor about the latest ultrasound by that time. I really wish to watch that with you", she said in a soft sad tone.

"I'll make sure to come before five, okay? Now, how about you sit in the bed and I think of some ideas to keep you busy till that time?"

"Sounds nice", Ara said.

After five minutes of searching for something to keep Ara busy, Taehyung returned to the room with a thick book.

"What's that", Ara asked curiously.

"This is my album. Would you like to watch these photos", he asked softly.

"Yeah. I have always wanted to see how you looked. Maybe our little one would look like you too", she said excitedly.

"Here you go then", he handed her the album.

"This is pretty heavy."

"My Mom and Dad loved to click my photos a lot. And being the only kid, I was the only person they clicked."

"I'll have a great watching this then."

"Okay, then. Take care, baby. And don't lift anything heavy. Take the laptop table and put the album there. It is heavy. Don't run, okay? Walk slowly, and make sure to hold the support wall while going up and down the stairs", he said while hugging her protectively.

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