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"Now that you have eaten up and been good, I will take you to Jimin", Taehyung said as he stood up.
Ara's eyes lit up. She wanted to see Jimin, she wanted to make sure that he was all right.

"Come after me", he said as he started walking. Going downstairs, he turned to the right corner. There was a small room there. He opened the door and let Ara inside. The room was all empty but had a cupboard. Taehyung walked to the cupboard and opened its doors. There was a passage there. Ara was stunned to see it. She never knew that their house had a secret passage.

"Don't be so stunned, Ara. Follow me inside", said Taehyung even without looking at her. Walking on that path, Ara could feel the passage getting narrower. Finally, they reached the end and Taehyung opened the gate. Ara saw Jimin and she instantly ran to him. Tears in her eyes, she hugged him tightly.

"Jimin, I missed you", she cried.

"He did not do anything to you, did he", Jimin asked. He sounded weak.

"No. he did not do anything. But, why do you sound so pale", she asked.

"That's because he refused to eat until he saw you", said Taehyung as he snaked his right arm around Ara's waist. A shiver rolled down her spine.

"Jimin, please eat. I cannot see you like this", said Ara as another tear rolled down her cheek.

"Stop crying, I will eat now that you are here", he said.

"Good. Guards, get a tray of food from the kitchen", ordered Taehyung.

"Tae, where are Cuddles and Milo", asked Ara, as she started hiccupping.

"Wait", he said as he quickly picked her up in his arms, went to the table, and made her sit on the chair. Filling her with a glass of water, he said, "Drink it in one go." Ara drank the water.

"Feeling better?"

"Hmm", she said.

"Guards, get the kitties here", he ordered.

"Yes Sir", replied the guard and went to get Cuddles and Milo. Taehyung kneeled in front of her to match her level.

"Promise me", Taehyung said as he held her hand and looked into her eyes.

"Huh", she asked innocently looking at him.

'You are looking so cute and innocent. I fall in love with you every day, my love', thought Taehyung.

"Promise me, that you won't cry unnecessarily", he said as he wiped off the tears from her cheeks. Hearing it, she started crying again.

"What happened? Everything is okay, then why are you crying now", he asked confusedly.

"I am sorry, Taehyung. I did wrong to you", she said as she hugged him and sobbed loudly. He wrapped his arms around her.

"It's okay. I am not mad at you anymore. I understand that you were scared. V is feared by all, isn't he", he chuckled to lighten up the mood. "But, can you promise me that you would not leave me again?"

She looked at him and realized how sad his eyes looked. He loved her a lot, so much that the only thing he feared was her sadness. She knew that she could never live without him, and separating would only torture them. Maybe they could be together.

"I will never leave you again, but on some conditions", she said as she looked into his eyes. His eyes lightened up on hearing her words. He smiled looking at her, showing his pearly whites to her. She smiled back at him and he kissed her on her lips. She kissed him back. After that beautiful moment, when they pulled back, Ara saw Taehyung's eyes filled with tears. Yes, he was crying.

"Why are you crying, Taehyung", she asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just happy tears", he said as he smiled again. "Thank you for agreeing to stay with me again. I will do anything for you. I can kill for you and I can die for you. But most of all, I need you beside me till the end", he said and hugged her again.

"Someone please call my girlfriend here too. I am so lonely", shouted Jimin and started fake crying. Ara and Taehyung laughed at his sentence. And then came Cuddles and Milo in the hands of the guard. Entering the room, they both jumped out of his arms and ran to Ara.

"My babies", she said as she hugged both of them. They meowed at her and sat in her lap.

"Tae, this is Cuddles and this is Milo", said Ara as she introduced them.

"Hey, Cuddles and Milo. I am your Dad", he said as he picked them up in his arms.

"How's Tannie", asked Ara.

"He's good. He is with my friend right now. He'll come back tomorrow with him", he said and started playing with the kittens.

'Honestly, it's not that bad seeing you again. I feel happy that you came to find me. I missed you a lot. I felt guilty for leaving you like that. Thank you for being too understanding, Tae. Thank you, for coming into my life ', thought Ara as she happily gazed at Taehyung playing with the kittens.


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