7- Whispers of Fear, Shouts of Hope

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A war rages on inside my mind
A battle that is never kind
Emotions clash, thoughts collide
Fighting for space deep inside

The enemy is often fear
Whispering lies into my ear
Telling me I'm not enough
That I'll never be tough

Anxiety joins in the fight
Keeping me up most of the night
Worrying about things unseen
Wondering what it all could mean

Depression is a formidable foe
Stealing joy, leaving a heavy woe
Darkness clouds my every thought
A relentless battle, that's often fought

Yet, hope and faith are my allies
Reminding me to look to the skies
For a peace that surpasses all
And a love that will never fall

Though the war inside my mind may rage
I know that I can turn the page
With every breath and every step
I can win the battle, I can be adept

I'll take control of my thoughts and feelings
And focus on positive healings
I'll find the strength to persevere
And conquer the war inside my mind, my dear

For though it may seem like an endless fight
I'll continue to push through with all my might
And emerge victorious in the end
With a mind that's at peace, my heart on the mend.



This poem is a reflection of the internal battles we face within ourselves. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and defeated by our own thoughts and emotions, but we must remember that we have the power to control them. We can choose to focus on hope, faith, and positivity, and with every step forward, we can conquer the war inside our minds.

I hope this poem serves as a reminder to never give up, to keep pushing through even when it seems impossible, and to always hold onto the light within us.



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