13- Embracing Solitude

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I feel so alone, it's hard to deny
Loneliness is my constant ally
Life seems to want me to be on my own
So I'll oblige, and make it known

I don't need to give explanations
Or hide behind a mask of false sensations
I can be myself, without fear or shame
With no one to judge or assign me blame

Tears may fall, but they won't hurt
And the silence won't be disturbed
I'll find solace in the darkness
And embrace the solitude with harness

But even in the midst of all this pain
I'll hold onto hope and push through the strain
For I know that life has much to offer
And someday I'll find a companion to proffer

Until then, I'll keep my head held high
And continue to embrace the darkness nigh
For in the end, I'll find peace and light
And leave the loneliness behind in sight.



This poem is a reflection on the dark side of life and the feeling of loneliness. It's important to acknowledge and embrace all of our emotions, even the uncomfortable ones. We may feel lost and alone at times, but it's essential to remember that we are not defined by our struggles.

My hope is that this poem serves as a reminder that it's okay to feel vulnerable and that seeking help and support is never a weakness. Remember, you are never truly alone, and there is always a way out of the darkness.



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