37- The Stillness Within

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In the depths of our being lies a place,
Where the world outside fades away,
Where the chaos and noise of the day,
Are silenced by a stillness we embrace.

Like a calm lake that reflects the sky,
The stillness within is a mirror of our soul,
Reflecting our deepest truths, hidden whole,
In the depths of our being, where they lie.

In the stillness, we find our peace,
A refuge from the storms of life,
A space where we can heal our strife,
And find a sense of release.

For just as the lake must be still,
To show the beauty of the sky,
We must find the stillness within, to try
To show the beauty of our will.

So let us find that quiet place,
Where the world outside fades away,
Where the chaos and noise of the day,
Are silenced by a stillness we embrace.


Genre: Inspirational poetry

"The Stillness Within" is a poem that explores the concept of finding inner peace amidst the chaos of everyday life. It speaks to the importance of taking time to reflect and connect with the deepest parts of ourselves, where our truths and sense of purpose reside.

In a world that is constantly moving and changing, it can be challenging to find moments of stillness. But it is precisely in these moments that we can find clarity, healing, and a renewed sense of purpose.

I hope that this poem encourages you to seek out the stillness within yourself, and to embrace the peace and clarity that comes with it. May it serve as a reminder that no matter how hectic life may seem, we always have the power to find our center and reconnect with our deepest selves.

Thank you for taking the time to read this poem, and I hope it resonates with you in some way.



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