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The bell rang meaning it was the end of the day finally. I got to my locker real quick to put away all my shit and walk outside where the "Bitch out" was taking place, I didn't want to get involved in all of this but I still stood by Anna and Maya. I saw Alex smiling and waving at me and I waved back, Dustin pushed Brandt forward and so did Anna but Maya kept moving back for some reason.
Brandt:  "what's up"
Maya:  "sup"
Maya: "midget"
Brandt: "what are you doing?"
Maya: "Piece if shit"
Oh damn I thought
Dustin: "oh damn, you going to take that!"
Everybody around us started to cheer finally getting entertained, Maya started to repeat most of the things she said screaming in Brandt face and the crowd cheering again. Until Maya said one Sentence that was way too far.
Maya: "your a midget piece of shit, you got a aardvark dick and that's why your dad died!"
I felt so bad for Brandt even though he has treated Maya like shit nobody deserves that. Maya was still cheering herself in but heard no one else was cheering so she stopped and smiled nervously. Brandt started sniffing, with glossy tears.
Dustin: "Can't believe you brung up his dad"
Alex looks pissed at Maya and Anna "what the fawk, come on"
Then mayas mom started honking her car to signal for Maya and Anna to come. And they took their bags and ran off to the car leaving the sad and awkward setting. I went up to Brandt hugging him "shh I'm sorry you didn't deserve any of that" he hugs me back smiling, I pick my head up from Brandt's shoulder and see Alex glaring at us looking jealous? No probably just seeing things, I let go of Brandt and said bye while walking to my moms car.

    I was in a call with Maya and Anna talking about the fight that happened at school, "do you think I took it too far bringing up his dad?" Maya asked both of us like she didn't already know the answer to that. "Yea" anna replied. We all decided to take a walk together until we came across a store and went inside, Maya began asking for lighters? "Maya what the fuck do you need a lighter for" she winked and pulled out a cigarette. I was so shocked like where the duck did she get that from. We were walking back home when we saw Miranda's brothers car in the driveway and I remembered they were having a drink and make out party thing. Anna and Maya were arguing over going inside or just leaving but they were too loud that Miranda started to open her garage door and they both hid in the bush leaving me in front of the garage fuck you Maya and Anna "Elle? What are you doing here?" Miranda asked oh shit what do I say "we were about to smoke" I answered lying. "Oh us too wanna smoke if you want" she invited us all in.

    Maya and Anna were standing by the garage awkwardly while I sat down on the coat, some random girl that I don't know asked if I wanted a drink and I rejected not wanting to get drunk. Another random girl started whining about what time are the boys coming boys? "Chill there coming at nine biatch" Miranda says slightly drunk I giggle to myself Anna then replies "aren't one of them like 8?" HOLD ON 8 WHAT THE FUCK. "Yea but he's hot" ok these people are fucking crazy. The boys started to crawl into the window and then I see Alex come in last and close the curtains. What is Alex doing here I thought. We got in these lines one line the boys and the other the girls and the boys started to pick which girl they wanted to make out with. Anna and maya were giggling thinking Alex was going to pick Anna, "I pick.." he glanced at me and smirked "Elle" Anna then frowns jealous of why Alex would pick Elle over her. Anna thought she was way more prettier than Elle.

    Alex takes my hand and we start making our way to a filled closet, "I didn't know you were going to be here" Alex said "it was kind of last minute thing" I respond blushing. We started to make eye contact and started leaning in until, alex slightly lifts my chin looking straight into his eyes "do you mind?" Alex askes nervous. I nod my head yes and our lips touched and it felt like heaven, his lips were so soft. We then started to make out with me on his lap, with my hand around his neck and his arms around my waist. We jumped off each other when we heard someone yell Miranda's mom was here. Alex was quick to jump out of the window but before doing so he turned to look at me smirking "see you later cutie" he winked and jumped out.

I was blushing like crazy, just then Miranda's mom walks in all happy like saying if we were doing all right until her smile drops when she sees a bottle of beer on the floor. She then starts yelling at us of who's it was and she turns her head to Maya and sniffs her smelling beer. "Did you drink this beer" Miranda's mom asks Maya death staring her Maya lies saying "it wasn't" until Miranda's mom sniffs mayas breath smelling beer "I'm going to need you too call your mom"

Hey guys! Sorry this was a little short I have been having such a fun weekend that I forgot to add a new chapter. As you can read their is more "drama" happing so stay tuned for that and I hope you like this chapter ☺️❤️

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