~ Prologue ~

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Nothing but the gentle hum of the motor filled Holly's ears as she rested her head against the passenger door. She had been sitting in there for hours, just staring at the back of her mother's passenger seat, feeling herself start to doze off the longer she stayed in the same position. Slowly blinking her eyes, she lifted her head to glance out the window, they were approaching the bridge that led right into the heart of Gotham.

"You doing okay back there, Hols?" her father asked, briefly glancing at her through the car mirror. "I'm fine, just a little sleepy," the blonde responded. "Well, when you see where we're living, I'm sure the excitement will wake you up!" Her mother smiled. Moving to a new location was going to be a change, not only for Holly but for her parents as well.

Jim had spent almost a decade in the army, facing deployment after deployment, meaning that he didn't get to spend a lot of time with his family. While he knew it was his duty to fight for his country, he couldn't stop thinking of his fiancée and daughter back at home. There were so many events and get-togethers he missed, and the only way for him to even imagine what it would've been like in person was through photos and phone calls. And after Holly was born, his longing to be there grew stronger.

Though she had her mother's blue eyes and blonde hair, Holly's personality almost reflected her father's. They had a special bond, and every time he came home, Holly would hold onto him tightly, begging him not to go. Shortly after his honorable discharge, he and Barbara decided that it was time for a fresh start. Not only would moving to Gotham allow him to come home to his family every night, but it gave him a new job opportunity, working as a detective for the GCPD.

Barbara also hoped that the move would benefit her as well. With her talent for painting and the loans she obtained from Gotham's banks, she wanted her dream art gallery to draw the attention of some of Gotham's residents, but especially the elite. Life in the suburbs was all Holly knew about, everything she could ever want, or need was right there. Her friends, her school, and most importantly, the house that was once filled with laughter, memories, and music.

But she even though she would miss all those things, she tried to see the bright side. Her gaze continued out the window and with slight nervousness, she watched as the vehicle finally drove across the bridge, temporarily suspending them about forty to fifty feet. Even with the protection of railings and the thick stone pillars rising out of the water, Holly's fear of dangling from a great height sent shivers down her spine.

After what felt like another hour, the Gordon-Kean family stopped at one of the tall buildings, some of the windows larger than others along with a concrete staircase leading to the entrance. "Well, what do you think?" Barbara smiled as her daughter stepped onto the pavement. "We have to get inside first, but this is the building we'll be living in!" Jim spoke up. Everything had been brought in by the movers two days in advance, all that was left was to get inside and get cozy in their new home.

The lobby looked just like something from the pages of a catalogue advertising the latest hotel installment. Couches were pressed against the white and wooded walls, tiny bookshelves and lamps rested at their sides, and the middle-aged woman with gently tanned skin sat at her laptop typing away. While Jim and Barbara collected their second set of keys, Holly breathed in, taking in the building's welcoming scent, it wasn't too overpowering, but she guessed it was the combination of vanilla and jasmine. 

Finally entering the elevator, Holly wondered how in the world they were able to afford to live in a place like this. Most if not all of these types of apartments had to be around $30,000 a month. The family was not rich by any means, but the combined income of Jim and Barbara was enough to pay bills and allow them to spend money somewhat loosely. Perhaps Holly's grandparents chipped in to make sure their daughter and granddaughter lived comfortably.

"And... here we are!" Barbara flung open the door, the three of them immediately greeted by the large and open windows, giving them a spectacular view of the outside world. Holly's jaw nearly dropped to the floor as she glanced around at the open space. Never before did she imagine living in an apartment like this one. She walked over to one of the closed doors, opening it to find that her room had already been laid out. Her bed was tidy and made, stuffed animals resting near the pillows. Her white desk had been assembled and pens neatly bunched together in a black wired cup, and her closet and dressers were full of most of her clothes.

The longer she took in her new residence, a tiny smile spread on her face as it slowly sunk in this was her home now, and while she would miss her quiet life in the suburbs, it was time to see what Gotham had to offer...

But little did she know, her welcome to Gotham wouldn't be nearly as friendly as this one.

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