~ Chapter Forty One: You Don't Talk About Work on a Date ~

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"This lucky fellow and the previous victim are both part of the same phobia support group," Harvey reported back at the precinct as Essen looked through the folder Harvey compiled shortly after their return to the precinct. "Pigs? Go figure. How is he?" Essen asked. "He's at Gotham General scared half to death. The medics had to sedate him," Jim answered. "The man you shot, was he in this group too?" Essen inquired. "Nope. No I.D. as of yet. We're running his prints," Jim shook his head. "So, is he our man or are we still looking for someone else?" Essen questioned. While Jim admitted it was hard to say at this point, Harvey seemed thoroughly convinced the masked pig was the one responsible.

"These sort of wackos work alone. I'm gonna run by the support group and tell them it's been settled," Harvey insisted. "Hey, we don't know that yet!" Jim reminded. "You need to be more optimistic," his partner responded as he walked out. "You do. You need to be more optimistic," Essen admitted to Jim. "We have a perp," "The post-mortem incision on the first victim is weird. The killer was after something. I want to know what. I'm gonna ask Nygma to take a look," Jim stated.

"No, he's been suspended," Essen informed him, claiming he had the report from the M.E. "The same M.E. who said my last witness stabbed himself to death in the back with an ice pick?" Jim recalled. "No. No, thanks. Nygma-" "Is not the medical examiner. I like him too, but there's nothing I can do, not with the way things are," Essen cut in. When Jim asked what she meant by that, Essen explained that she was glad they took down Flass, but said there are people you go after and people you don't, and now everything they did from that point on was being watched. "You got the bad guy, let it go," Essen advised. "I'm sorry you got dragged into it," Jim apologized. "Don't be, it felt good," Essen slightly smiled.


While time seemed to go by slower than a snail on that Wednesday school day, all Holly could do was walk in with a smile and a pep in her step. The art contest was the following Saturday, and the opportunity to have her work presented at the Gotham Art Museum was at the other side of the tunnel. But the second Holly and Cara entered their art class, the entire room went silent. "Why are they staring like that?" Holly whispered. "I don't know, maybe they heard about Natasha?" Cara whispered back as they approached their seats. Even Mrs. Scherer was looking at them like they were a pile of dog poop at the bottom of her shoe.

"Ms. Gordon, Ms. Whitstock, come to my desk, please," Mrs. Scherer motioned them forward. Holly could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand at attention. She rarely got called to the teacher's desk, and as she looked back to Cara, she was just as nervous. "I am very disappointed in both of you," Mrs. Scherer stated. "It's come to my attention that Natasha Greenfield has dropped out of the art contest. And I've been informed that you and Ms. Whitstock bullied her into dropping out. Can you explain this?" Holly's eyes widened. Bullied? I never bullied her! "Mrs. Scherer, I can assure you, we did no such thing," Holly tried to stay calm under such serious accusations.

"We did speak with Natasha, but we did not bully her!" Cara agreed. "I find that very hard to believe," Mrs. Scherer scowled. "Considering I have multiple witnesses who have testified to witnessing your behavior towards Natasha. And not to mention, she dropped off a note at my desk earlier today," Mrs. Scherer opened and reached into one of her drawers, pulling out a scrap of notebook paper that had hurried and scribbled writing in a black sharpie. And while the girls didn't have long to read the note, Holly was able to read the majority.

Dear Mrs. Scherer,

I regret to inform you that I will no longer be participating in this year's art contest due to reasons I do not wish to get into at this time. But I thank you for this incredible opportunity, and I appreciate being a part of this art program for the past few years. You're an incredible teacher, and I hope our paths will cross again one day.

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