~ Chapter Three: Mario Pepper ~

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By the time Jim's shift ended, the night settled its dark clouds and stars over Gotham. The rain had quieted down, leaving wet pavement and dripping storm drains in its wake. As Jim and Holly pulled up to the front of the apartment building, Holly smiled at her dad as they got into the elevator. "I know the whole taking me to work thing went on longer than we thought it would, but I'm still glad I got to spend some time with you," Holly looked up at him. "Me too, Hols. And trust me, we'll spend more quality time together once this case is closed," Jim swore. The elevator dinged as Holly gave her father a quick side-hug before he unlocked the apartment door, greeted by the soft sounds of classical music from the record player.

"You two were out for quite a while," Barbara noted, her heels clicking as she entered the living room, giving them both a kiss on the cheek. Holly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as Barbara adjusted Jim's jacket. "Look at you and your excellent suit," She gushed. "You know, I'm so happy you don't have to wear that silly uniform anymore," "You told me it looked good," Jim replied. "I lied," Barbara whispered into his ear, pressing a kiss to his neck. 

"Please stop... I'm too innocent!" Holly cringed, making both Jim and Barbara laugh. "Holly, I need you to get ready for me, okay? I already picked out a dress for you. It's hanging on your door," Barbara kissed her daughter's head. "Where are we going?" the girl questioned, looking towards her slightly opened bedroom door. "Remember when I mentioned the art gallery? Well, we've got everything set up for opening, and we're holding a private party to celebrate. It'll be fun, I promise!" Barbara explained.

Just as Holly was about to walk to her room, Barbara could see the hesitation in her fiancé's eyes. "What's wrong, Jim?" She asked. "Uh... Barb, I'm beat and I think Holly's pretty tired too. Do we really have to go to this thing?" He sighed. Barbara paused for a moment, a tiny smile on her face as she could see just how working tirelessly such a high-profile case left Jim's eyes droopy with sleep deprivation and dark bags formed under his eyes. "No, of course not," Barbara replied. She looked at her daughter, silently asking if she felt the same as her dad. With a slight nod from Holly, she got her answer.

"Thanks," Jim smiled. "You owe me one," Barbara smirked. The family of three then sat on the sofa together, holding each other close with one of Barbara and Jim's arms resting behind Holly, their heads snuggling two of the thick cushions. Every time they were together like this, it warmed Holly's heart to know both of her parents were there to keep her safe. But as she snuggled into her mom's shoulder, she couldn't stop thinking about Bruce. She couldn't imagine the pain he must've been feeling at that moment. Never to hear his parent's voices wish him goodnight or make time in their busy schedules to be with him or even receive hugs and kisses from them ever again. It was a dark place that Holly's mind feared slipping into. She would never wish such trauma on anybody. The thought alone of going through that made her eyes glossy.

"So... talk to me. How's the case coming?" Barbara queried. "We're getting nowhere. I made a promise to Bruce Wayne that I can't deliver," Jim answered. "But you will, I'm sure of it," Barbara comforted. Jim stared off into the distance, hoping his fiancée's words were true, but doubt still lingered in the back of his mind. "I don't know, maybe I'm out of my depth," He whispered. "Hey, I very much doubt you are out of your depth. Even if you are, you know how to swim, don't you?"

Jim nodded his head, and Holly shifted her gaze back to him. "So swim, Dad," she smiled. "Thanks, girls. I don't know what I'd do without you," Jim started to feel a sense of comfort as both his daughter and fiancée reached over to hug him. "So, are you guys hungry?" Barbara asked, breaking the brief silence between the three of them. "It's okay, mom. We grabbed a few hot dogs on the way back," Holly responded. "When I'm Mrs. Gordon, and you two are living here all the time... I'm gonna put you on a proper healthy diet," Barbara chuckled. Jim raised an eyebrow at that while the look in Holly's eyes said, "Oh no," Junk food was Holly and her father's guilty pleasure, but it didn't mean they couldn't sneak an ice cream in now and then when they were out on the town. They'd just have to make sure Barbara didn't suspect their sugar highs.

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