~ Chapter Six: Gazette Snitch ~

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When Jim and Bullock received word they were clear to head back to Mooney's territory, they took their chance to find out any extra information on the kidnappings. As they pulled up outside of Fish's club, both men hoped that this little visit would not result in them being hung upside down and chained again. "Harvey. Jim. How marvelous," Fish squinted at them as they approached her. The workers who had been preparing for the club's opening briefly glanced over, sensing the hidden anger in their boss's voice, but they got straight back to work as tensions had been running high all day, and they did not want to tempt her demons.

"You still mad at us?" Bullock asked, taking his hat off. Fish hesitated before accepting a brief side hug from Harvey. "No, please. I'm quite fond of you, and..." Fish looked over to Jim. "...You intrigue me. I knew I'd regret killing you as soon as I gave the word. But you know me. I'm feisty," Fish chuckled. It seemed they were on good terms for now, so without further delay, Jim got straight to the point, asking if she heard anything about the street kids. "No foreplay with you, hmm? Figures, but you got with the program. Killed Penguin your own bad self. I was surprised. Straight arrow like you," Fish smirked.

"I guess you misjudged me," Jim spoke flatly. "I guess I did. You're just a little sinner like the rest of us. I'm almost kind of sad about that," She stepped a little closer, inches away from his face. "We're looking for a man and a woman, middle-aged, white, targeting children under 16," Jim described the two perpetrators. "They use a poisoned pin if you can believe it," Bullock added. "Oh. There used to be only a market for nice-looking girls," Fish explained, stepping away from Jim. "That's what I was saying!" Bullock spoke. "But now there's a new buyer overseas that will take anyone young and healthy," Fish added.

"Where overseas, and who's they?" Jim inquired. "Nobody knows, and nobody cares to know," Fish whispered, a silent hiss at the end of her sentence.


The previous night's abductions hadn't stopped haunting Holly the entire night. She could barely get in any sleep as she tossed and turned, wondering what would've happened had she and her mother not been able to get the car door open as quickly as they did. What would've happened had Patti or Doug spotted them? She didn't want to imagine being pulled away and taken from her mother. Just the look of terror and fear from her mother sent shivers down her spine.

Holly sat at the kitchen counter, working on one of her sketches, hoping this brief escape would suppress the horrific flashbacks. Barbara tried to act like everything was fine, but Holly could feel the tension in the room, and you could cut it with a knife. A parent witnessing their child's abduction was one of their worst fears, next to watching them die and being powerless to save them. Fixing herself a cup of coffee, Barbara leaned across the counter as she talked on the phone to somebody, going over registration details. The topic of tuition made Holly's ears perk up, and she set down her pencil, eager to know who her mother was on the phone with.

Barbara looked at her daughter, silently telling her she'd fill her in once she was done on the phone. Another few minutes or so went by until Barbara set down her phone. "What was that about?" Holly asked. "That was the school. They said you might have a late start for the semester, but they'd be more than happy to take you in," Barbara explained. "Is this the Gotham middle school you're talking about? I heard people start there late all the time!" Holly questioned.

"Not the public school, Hols. With everything going on, I don't feel safe sending you there," Barbara shook her head. Then where does she expect me to go to school? She offered her hand, to her daughter and albeit confused, Holly took her hand and Barbara led her into her and Jim's bedroom, where a black box sat on the bed. "Open it," Barbara gestured. Holly carefully tore the black wrapping paper, and inside was a uniform consisting of a blue shirt, black and yellow tie, and a black skirt and coat with the school's crest sewn onto it.

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