~ Chapter Forty Eight: The Red Hood ~

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The elevator glided to the top level of Wayne Enterprises, Bruce tucked his notebook underneath his arm. "Nervous, Master Bruce?" Alfred asked, looking down at the young man. "No, not at all," Bruce said stoically. The determination to finally get the answers he had been longing for was now stronger than ever. And now, with the information he had meticulously gathered for months, the board would be caught like a deer in headlights.

The metal box opened, and as Alfred and Bruce approached the conference room, the butler opened the door, and all the executives turned in their seats, watching as he sat at the head of the table. "Good morning, everyone," Bruce looked down the table at every board member. They all smiled at him, returning the greeting. "Welcome to Wayne Enterprises. So happy to see you," A woman smiled, wearing a black dress and her hair pulled back into a tight bun. "Thank you for meeting with me," Bruce straightened his spine.

"I have some questions regarding Wayne Enterprises business affairs," Bruce stated, opening his notebook. "Of course, it's your company after all," the man closest to him nodded. "Fire away, young man," While the other board members stayed silent, it was clear that the man and woman closest to Bruce were in charge of the board. And if any of the fourteen members were to take note of his investigations, it would surely be them. "I have two main areas of concern," Bruce stated. "Underworld involvement in the Arkham Project. And chemical weapons manufacture at our WellZyn affiliate,"

Silence filled the room, and Bruce kept a watchful eye as he scanned the table. The majority of the board remained stone-faced and still as statues, the man to his left, however, started to look nervous, his Adam's apple dipping down in a quiet gulp. And the more Bruce presented the evidence against them, the more tense the room became. Alfred, who had been standing by Bruce's side during the whole meeting, grew a tad nervous as well. Not for the board, but more so for his and Bruce's safety. "I can only conclude, that high-level individuals or groups within Wayne Enterprises have colluded in corruption, bribery, racketeering, and unethical medical research," Bruce finished.

"Thank you for that input, Bruce. I'm so sorry if you've been alarmed or upset by these shocking stories and rumors you've been exposed to," The leading man spoke, with a touch of condescension. "These are much more than rumors. These are serious accusations against the company," Bruce insisted. "We'll look into them thoroughly and carefully, of course, but Bruce, let's be fair. You've told us nothing with any substantive proof behind it," 

"I haven't told you all I know," Bruce clarified. "No? What else is there?" The leading man questioned. But rather than presenting more proof, Bruce decided to wrap up this meeting, keeping them all on their toes. "I hope you do look closely into these issues. Because I'll be raising them at the next shareholders' meeting with a view to possible legal action," Bruce stood up, grabbing his notebook. "Dear me. Legal action? These are all very deep waters for such a young man," The leading woman blinked. "My youth is not relevant. Except that if I were a man," Bruce stated. "I would be chairing this board. And I would be sure that Wayne Enterprises was run honestly. Thank you for your time,"

Even though the board hadn't answered his questions, Bruce knew one thing was for sure. His company was definitely involved in the corruption, and he'd do everything in his power to put an end to it.


How could he replace me? I thought I was the only one he loved! Barbara's body quivered in rage as she paced back and forth through the penthouse while Holly sat on the couch, watching her mother sadly. Of course she'd be heartbroken. She and Jim had history, nearly a decade and a half. How could he toss her away like she was garbage? "I take it the reunion didn't go well?" Selina plopped down on the couch, with Ivy sitting at the other end. "Nope," Holly whispered. Barbara swiftly walked towards the kitchen, opened one of the cabinets, and grabbed a glass.

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