~ Chapter Thirty Two: Arkham Asylum ~

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Three weeks had gone by since Holly's father was stationed to work at the reopened asylum, and while the days were long and Jim didn't return to the apartment until the later night hours or even a few days, Holly did her best to make the most out of the cruddy situation. Selina would sneak in occasional visits, and they'd split sandwiches and glasses of milk. While the late-night visits did give Holly quite the jumpscare at first, she soon grew used to them, and she and Selina were getting along. They weren't necessarily best friends but close acquaintances.

But the street girl wasn't the only one occupying the empty apartment. Cara frequently came over after school, and they even held a few sleepovers. Even with the company of her two friends, nothing could replace the loneliness of having neither of Holly's parents around. As the midnight rain pitter-pattered against her window, she kept staring off into space, just waiting to hear the front door open and her mother announcing she was home. Did she just abandon us? Holly wondered. She turned onto her side and tried to sleep, but her eyelids were glued wide open.

Three weeks away from home was a long time for somebody to pull themselves together. Unless that wasn't what her mother was doing at all! No normal parent could bear to be away from their kid for that long. The conversation between her mother and Montoya replayed in her mind. Is she with Montoya? How could she pack up and throw everything we've been through in the garbage? We're a family, we don't do that! 

Holly didn't want to believe it, but the more the thought echoed in her mind, the longer it haunted her. Her darkened thoughts were interrupted when she heard the sounds of the front door open, and she creaked open her bedroom door, peering out to see who it was. Perhaps she had all wrong. Maybe her mom hadn't abandoned them after all! She ran down the hall, eager to squeeze her with all the strength she had and beg her to never leave like that again. But to her disappointment, it wasn't her mother. It was a familiar redhead.

"Ivy? What are you doing here?" Holly asked. "I could ask you the same question," Ivy sniffled, wiping her nose on her sleeve. "I invited her over," Holly turned around to see Selina shutting the balcony door behind her, and she strode past Holly to help Ivy inside. "Selina, I don't mind having visitors, but you should've told-" "It was a last-minute thing, okay? Ivy's sick, and she was sleeping out in the rain," Selina interrupted. She helped Ivy onto the couch, and Holly grabbed extra blankets from the closet before placing them over Ivy's shivering body.

"Listen, I know I said Ivy's scary, and she can be sometimes. But she's still my friend, Hols. I have to take care of her. You'd do the same if you were in my shoes, wouldn't you?" Selina asked as she and Holly discussed this matter out of Ivy's earshot. "Yeah, I would," Holly nodded. "How long do you plan on staying?" "As soon as Ivy gets better, we'll be out of your hair, okay?" Selina held out her hand. "Alright, you can stay. Just please don't make a huge mess," Holly agreed. "No messes," Selina repeated.

It didn't take long for Ivy to fall asleep on the sofa, and Holly had to admit, she looked rather cozy sleeping there. Poor thing, who knows how long it's been since she slept in a decent bed. Holly shook her head before she met with Selina in the kitchen for the usual sandwiches and milk. "Your dad still working at Arkham?" Selina asked. "Yep, still holding on," Holly sighed. "Why is he doing this? I would've thought he'd quit by now. I know I would've!" Selina replied. "I know, Sel. But he's not one to cave into pressure," Holly sighed before taking a sip. "Besides, he still has to take care of me. I'm all he has left,"

"So... your mom's not coming back?" Selina inquired. "At this point, I'd be surprised if she did. Who just up and leaves their kid without saying goodbye?" Holly answered. Selina's face fell the second she said that, and Holly immediately took notice of her prolonged silence. "I'm sorry, did I?" Holly trod cautiously, recalling the outburst at Wayne Manor with Bruce's constant questions. "No, it's fine," Selina said flatly. But Holly could still see the hurt in her eyes. She didn't need an explanation to know what Selina was thinking, she saw the image as clear as day.

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