~ Chapter Twenty Six: Harvey Dent ~

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Holly couldn't remember most of what happened after her mother and father hung up the phone call. Maybe she did some of her homework, or maybe she dozed off, but all Holly knew was that when she woke up, her mother was no longer there. The only sound that filled the apartment besides her breathing was silence. "Mom?" Holly called out as she roamed the apartment, checking every room. But she found nothing. 

As she returned to the living room and opened the curtains, she saw a note on the counter addressed to her dad. As much as she knew it wasn't for her, Holly had to know where her mother went and why she left without saying goodbye. "Dear Jim, I thought I could be strong and brave for you and Holly, but I can't. Every place I go, I see Falcone and Zsasz. I'm nervous and needy and screwed up, and I know that's not what you both need or want, so I'm going away for a while to get myself together," The note read. Holly blinked away the tears forming in her eyes. And part of her started to blame herself. She tried to make the most of the conversation on the way home, but Holly's efforts to comfort her did little to no good.

The front door unlocked, and as the lights turned on, she saw her father walk in with a girl around her age. "Holly? Why are you by yourself? Where's mom?" Jim asked as the girl looked around the apartment in awe. "I don't know what happened. All I know is I woke up, and Mom wasn't here. She left this note for you," Holly handed him the sheet of paper, and Jim's eyes quickly scanned it. His eyes widened with shock as he thought that everything was going okay. "Sweet crib, you must be one rich cop," The girl smiled. "It's my girlfriend's place," Jim corrected her. "Where is she?" The girl inquired.

"I don't know," Jim muttered quietly. Holly looked over at the girl confused, wondering what the heck she was doing in their apartment and why she was asking so many questions. "So what? I get to stay here with you guys?" the girl asked. When neither Holly nor Jim answered her question, the girl walked over to the kitchen to grab herself something to eat. "She'll come back Dad. I'm sure she will," Holly comforted, placing a hand on Jim's shoulder. Just then, Jim's phone and he walked off to answer it. Holly turned around to see the strange girl sitting on the cushions with a bottle of milk. "So... are you his daughter or something?" the girl asked. "Yeah, I am. Who are you?" Holly answered.

But rather than answer Holly's question, the curly-haired brunette took notice of the note and picked it up. "Sounds like your mom's not coming back, huh? Why's she worried about Falcone?" Holly snatched the note and set it back down. "That's none of your business, and it's not mine either," Holly sighed. As Jim returned to the room, Holly gave him a questioning look, silently asking if he was going to introduce them or not. "Oh, sorry. Uh, Selina, this is my daughter Holly. Holly, this is Selina Kyle," Jim spoke. "Nice to meet you," Selina gave a sour face. "Likewise," Holly nodded in acknowledgment.

"So what happens now? You gonna get the charges against me dropped?" Selina asked Jim. "I will, but you're my only witness to the Wayne murders. Charges? But she's only a kid, what did she do? Holly wondered. "You gonna cuff me to a drainpipe again?" Selina questioned. "No, I'm not gonna hold you against your will. GCPD, juvie, you'd just break out," Jim shook his head. Selina repeated one of her previous questions, asking if she'd be staying with them. But Jim had a different idea. "No, I have someplace different in mind," The front door knocked, and both Jim and Holly looked over to it.

"That's the sketch artist. I need you to describe the man who shot the Waynes," Jim said to Selina. "Wait, where am I going to stay?" Selina called out as Jim went to answer the door. "Wayne Manor," He responded. About half an hour had passed since the sketch artist arrived and finished sketching the man Selina claimed killed the Waynes. Holly wouldn't admit it out loud in front of Selina, but she was nervous.

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