35:Arc 4

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Outside the fortified city walls, the rickety monsters with blurred faces, the piercing sound of metal friction can be heard vaguely between the teeth, their empty eye sockets pass through the city surrounded by black iron, and reach the paved by the heavy fog. The vast Chutian.

Since the outbreak of the zombie tide three years ago, some human beings have acquired mutation power in that unprecedented catastrophe. From manipulating the five elements of nature to self-healing, various abilities have emerged one after another. People are called superpowers. After the end of the world, money is no longer the standard for measuring people's status. Powerful superpowers recruit objects for various organizations and regions. Wealth, power, and beautiful opposite **** or same **** are within reach for the strong. , After the corpse tide, the survivors simply divided the world into the southeast and northwest, and the west is the head of the four areas, which is recognized as the strongest area.

This is the base of CHITU, the heart of the North District of the world.

The Luo family's two generations of outstanding abilities have made this family famous for technology and trade unquestionably the hegemon of the North District. At this moment, the base is filled with a rare atmosphere of joy. Three days will be the birthday of the first son of Luo. At that time, the old master will completely hand over the inheritance rights to the first son of Luo, which means that more energetic new blood will be injected into the stable Xitu for many years.

Luo Chen, the eldest son of the Luo family, is a rare ice-type power user in the younger generation. He has reached the fifth-level power at a young age. , The day when the eldest son takes power is approaching, and at a time when it should be busy up and down, there are people wandering around in the base, and the lazy appearance is out of tune with the surrounding.

[Tradition, what style is the fragment this time? ]

[If nothing goes wrong, it should be...] The system hesitates for a moment: [Shy. ]

[Sounds cute. ]

The answerer had short black hair and a complexion like a white rose. He walked a long distance forward, seeing that the system still didn't respond, and scratched his hair strangely.

Since he landed in this world a few months ago, the system has kept him waiting for emotional fragments to appear at the Xitu base. He is currently the illegitimate son of the Luo family, with two older brothers. He thought that there were debris waiting to be collected in the base, but after so long, the system still did not respond, and it was only a few days ago that he suddenly told him that the person he was looking for was detected nearby.

Because Luo Chen's birthday is approaching, many strong people from all over the world gather in Xitu, and it is natural to have emotional fragments. What is more troublesome is that the system has not been able to accurately locate the other party until today. He had already circled around the huge base twice.

[In front,] the system suddenly said: [On the right. ]

He responded to the light and ran forward to the right, walking through a dimly lit corridor, with a gate secured by iron locks in front of him, he took a set of master keys from his pocket and tried After five, finally opened this old door.

This very lively picture is really unusual. There was a slight movement in the grass, and the next second, Zhao Deng met a pair of ice blue eyes.

[is an emotional fragment. ]


No response.

The icy blue-eyed boy didn't speak, just looked at him very quietly. The boy's hair was pure black, and with pale transparent eyes, it looked even more ethereal and clean. His facial features are a mixture of European outlines and Asian-specific softness, very beautiful, and his gaze towards the lamp swept across the boy's forearm, where there was a not deep or shallow wound, and a faint smell of blood came from it.

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