Malevolent: 4

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Being Tex's personal doll was as feasible as being in his company as a whole. It only added to the humiliation and pain which was something that was becoming harder to ignore as I sat on the chair trying to block out every action and touch he committed. Keeping my eyes shut, until he instructed otherwise, I bit my tongue. I wanted to kick him. There was no point denying it, I wanted to kick him and bash his head repeatedly against the mirror of the dressing table until all that was left was a bloody pulp. The problem was that he knew it, he could practically smell the hatred that radiated from me and it fed his maliciousness. There were no secrets, we both knew what was on the other's mind and while I was practically willing to pounce on him like a wildcat and end his life, he was focused more on applying lipstick. It was a closeness that I did not appreciate in the slightest as he curved his wrists to fill out the shape as carefully as possible. Slowly withdrawing when he was done, he straightened up from where he was resting on his knees previously while puckering up and humming thoughtfully.
"Well aren't you the prettiest thing?" Tex mused as I felt my nose scrunch in disgust. It was becoming more tempting to inflict physical harm regardless of the consequences. "You know what that face does to me sweetheart. Didn't think you'd be so quick for a repeat." Remaining silent, I turned my head away from him unsurprised when I felt his painted nails chip against my chin as he gripped and pulled it back to him. "I ain't finished."
"Not yet." I agreed passively. He grinned toothily in response, his fingers still in a vice grip as his other hand rested on the arm of the chair he had perched me on leaning in. My reflection was easy to see amongst the three mirrors despite how he held me. How pale and exhausted I looked, scars on my arms were exposed and visible due to the lack of sleeves on the halter neck. I couldn't help but look away unwilling to see how I appeared even with Tex's make up attempts. He did better than his cousin who made someone look like a jigsaw with smeared coloured lines but I'd still much rather he didn't touch me let alone breathe near me.
"Promises, promises honey." It was clear that he thought the threat was empty or not high enough on his scale of concerns. Sure he expected to get a hit and somehow I couldn't help but assume he preferred it over 'behaving.' Either way it reached its climax just the same. Wincing as he slowly uncoil his digits, he grinned toothily. "It suits you. You know if I was Joel, I wouldn't have been letting you out of my damn sight. I wouldn't want to share you with anybody even if Tinker says you need to catch some sun, I like ya like this, like a fragile little doll." As he leaned in, I turned my head before he sighed. "I don't think I'd trust you to be a good girl either. Sometimes you're an angel, other times you're a little rebel who needs to learn a lesson. Sure you get it, didn't you want to be a teacher? Not that you've been putting yourself forwards for Junior. Although, not sure you've heard him out there but we all have." Slowly I side eyed him trying to cotton onto what he was implying. Remaining slumped to the left of the chair, I came to a conclusion while attempting to make some space between us. Still, I couldn't confirm it for sure, we all knew that Junior had taken someone but it seemed more than the grim but usual mask making or torture. Tex sniggered as he read my facial expression and straightened up to lean on the dressing table and knocked some bottles as he did. The noises tinkled and clunked as I tried to listen closer to what he was implying but there was nothing that seemed out of the normal. Heather was playing in the yard with Sally and having Mama watch over her and somewhere downstairs Tinker and Alfredo were going at it. A typical argument about 'remains needing to be getting rid off. "We've let Junior play some."
"Play?" I wasn't sure what anyone on the sanity scale would call it.
"Play the same we do sweetheart." I swallowed in disgust, it was easy enough to feel more sickened with every passing second with their family's antics.
"You're keeping someone else here?" I could only feel pity and remorse for whoever was entertaining Junior. Mama had voiced before that he knew what to do with a ladies sexual parts and Heather was the proof of exactly that. These people shouldn't be around anyone of any age. They deserved to be locked in a cell for the remainder of their sorry lives or on Death Row. Tex clapped his hands as I answered what he was implying without hesitation.
"I ain't." He noted, "just Junior. He makes some sweet babies. We'll keep her a few months till she's ripe and ready then once the baby is here goodbye Junior's girlfriend. Unless of course he gets attached but if not, no loss. She's a screamer. Real loud one at that." Nodding to himself, he folded one leg over another as I took the opportunity to push back in the chair and provide more space. "Have you ever thought about babies, honey?"
"No." I replied instantly. It wasn't a complete lie, I hadn't found myself feeling broody and after spending time with the spawn of Satan that was Heather Sawyer I certainly had no desire to. I was good with children, I liked to assist them and play after relatives but to have one myself was a leap that myself and Joel were not preparing for. Tex clicked his tongue in a thoughtful response.
"I think we could make some damn sweet babies if we wanted to." I didn't ask his opinion, his need or lack of offspring was inconsequential to me. I would rather be dead than carrying a part of him in my body. "
"Choice isn't something that exists in this house." The poor woman in Junior's company was learning that from what Tex was hinting at and I knew there was no helping them. No one could and like me they would discover that the harder way. "I wouldn't carry a child of yours."
"Depends on your meaning." Tex shrugged, the tip of his boot reached to touch my knee. "You can choose to ignore warnings but then you get punished. You can choose to kiss me or headbutt me but know it lets off a chain of events, choice is there just so are consequences and you sweetheart, you're a glutton for punishment."
"I don't have a choice to leave or are you going to tell me that Christmas came early and I can leave?" I challenged as Tex sniggered while shaking his head. Tapping his foot against me once more, I pushed it away in agitation.
"Be like Christmas never came for me if I did that. Don't know what I would do if you managed to scamper." Pushing the chair further back with my heels, Tex straightened up from the dressing table. "You ain't ever leaving, need to get that in your head already." Tapping a finger to his forehead, Tex despaired before placing his hands on his hips. "What do I need to do to make that stick?"
"Unfortunately for you, I'm an optimist."
"That right?"
"That's right." We both knew that I was anything but optimistic. Happy thoughts were hard to come by when each day and night you were still in the squalor hell hole that they called home. Tex hummed to himself and smoothed a hand through his golden locks. I looked through him and held my breath in return focusing on the nail scissors which lay on the peeling wood of the table. He craned his neck to follow my gaze before shaking his head.
"You ain't that fast honey."
"And you think I'm not an optimist."
"Startin' to think you're dumb though if you think you can get to those first." Inhaling quietly, I kept my focus on him and how he now stood before me. He was cutting me off in case I was foolish enough to try and rush to them and pierce him so instead I remained still and attempted to get a hold of myself and think rationally. "You need me to teach you another little lesson?"
"No." I whispered reluctantly.
"Didn't catch that sweetheart."
"I said no." I repeated firmer and louder.
"That's what I thought. You're all bite and I don't mind those bites but then you start the 'I'll be good.' We both knew you wouldn't be though, don't we?" My skin crawled the closer he got. I remained looking where I already was at the scissors before his shoulder covered the view. There was no chance of reaching them now he was centimetres away. "That's what you said before as well, wasn't it? That you'd be good."
"It didn't stop you." It hadn't even for a moment deterred him from carrying out his assault and the more I tried to avoid discipline the more it seemed to come down on me harder. Any excuse, any flaw he would find and be on it like a bloodhound. Leaning down in front of me, I kept my visual over him when he stroked his hands up to my thigh trying not to shudder as he moved onto my arms. Inhaling as he did, I flinched the closer he got
"Of course not. Junior may be all about the babies but me, well you know how much I like your pain." Gripping my face once more with his fingers, he turned my head to ensure I was looking him in the eye. "I like your cries, I like your pleas and I like how helpless you look." Feeling my chest clench at his admission, I swallowed the lump in my throat. Assuring myself that I already knew it and didn't need to react, I waited as he released my chin once more and saw that smug look on his face. I couldn't stand it, it was always the same look of glee that swamped over his expression and it brought out a rage I couldn't quite contain. My suffering fueled him. The throbbing wounds of all he had already caused me aligned into one hot bubble of fury which spread and filled my body with intent to get revenge. I wanted to hurt him.
So I did.
A loud crack filled the room followed by Tex's howl of shock and pain. Blood oozed from his nose and through the cracks of his fingers as he tried to contain the flow. My head pounded and bled slightly showing that headbutting him came with some cost, I felt better for doing it but it still wasn't enough. Launching forwards, I knocked him down with my shoulder and made a grab for the scissors. His boot aimed for my knee, sending me down as I gripped onto the dressing table and continued with my task. My head was ripped back by the fistful of hair that Tex grabbed and forced back. Aiming an elbow backwards, he grunted again and slackened his grip but didn't fully release. Repeating the action for more lenience, I gripped the cold metal of the scissors and spun round aiming them and narrowly missing as he rolled to the side. I aimed again, his fingers still clenched as I pulled and did what was necessary. This time he relinquished and unclutched as I released a yell making contact with his shoulder. He groaned immediately, blood pouring into his mouth as he did while grinning maniacally at me, he was getting off on this.
"Where'd I cross the line?" He gasped in discomfort as I pulled the scissors out, the material of his shirt already beginning to absorb the blood, dying it red and spreading.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" I couldn't help but laugh bitterly. The line had been crossed long ago, it was no longer able to be seen. "Where did you cross the fucking line? From the goddamn second you picked us out as your targets!"
"Huh." Tex guffawed. "I would have said the anal." My eyes slanted down at how casual he was and ignoring the thundering noise of boots on the stairs I adjusted my pained body to keep my arm steady and remained level to his eyes. Unfortunately Tinker was faster. My vision spun from the rebuttal of the headbutt and dehydration that persevered and it gave him time to knock me to the side and off his younger brother. In an instant he slammed my armed hand down and holding me still he demanded to know what happened from a pain and chortling hitchhiker. "We were just having a little fun."
"Fun? She damn near got you boy!"
"Oh she did" Tex agreed, wincing and struggling to sit up and against his bed. I glowered at him hatefully from where Tink had me pinned. Flicking his tongue out, he licked his crimson coated lips savouring his own taste. "She got me real good."
"Not good enough." I remarked sourly.
"There's always next time honey."

Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now