Malevolent: 22

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A/N: I honestly struggled doing this chapter. I have no idea why, it was just hard so I apologise if it definitely isn't the best.

Whatever doubts I had of Tex having a limit when bringing the pain were erased the moment agony filled every part of me, my screaming falling on deaf ears. I had told myself to be quiet, to keep the discomfort on a lowdown but he wanted me to feel his anger, his frustration and didn't stop until it was out of his system. He refused to give me the satisfaction of giving into unconsciousness, every time he choked me leaving me on the verge but conscious enough to be aware and able to feel.

Voices became echoes, my vision surrounded by a thick black cloud so I could not absorb everything but knew that the people I saw, the things I heard were no hallucination. Breathing was torture, my ribcage having been punched or forced against the bed rails, my legs being too heavy to feel inescapable cramps building their way up to my knee caps and thighs which ached and twinged at the lightest of touch. My moans sounded weak, that much was for sure. It was like I was beneath an abyss of water, the sound feeling distant but the vibration of my burning throat making it clear that I was making them. Tex's voice still rang in my head mocking how I wasn't so tough and that I had to learn my lesson. The feeling of his penis still throbbed and ached the affected areas reminding me of how he held no bars.

I swallowed the painful lump in my throat, something in itself that was torment and found my sore and tired eyes spy a familiar redhead. I tilted my head trying to inspect who was with her but there was no Junior in my line of vision. No sign of Tex who would no doubt want to make it known how much fun he had.

"I can't do it." Her voice sounded like it was trapped in a heavy breeze, her hands holding something behind her back terrified to be caught out. Without seeing it, my mind connected the dots and came to the right conclusion as she showed me the clothes hanger I had stashed away within Grandpa's suit. Her pale face was beaded with sweat and rather than feel frustrated, I simply pushed my head back on the cushion and felt my body violently flinch in response. The smallest of movements only rippled and intensified. There was a shame that wiped over her exhausted features, her stature curling up as if expecting backlash from her admittance. "I tried, I really did but I couldn't...I don't even know how to."

"Under the bed." I directed her with a pained croak. She froze in return, looking worried still and not fully trusting that she was alone, I didn't blame her. Chances were in this house that you were never alone. Eyes were everywhere, ears listening. She had limited time if no one was aware she had wandered off but I doubt they would let her. This would be under someone's orders. "Do it." I choked.

With trembling hands, Brittany did as she was told all the while staring at me with wide eyes, enough of a sign that I looked as bad as I felt. The pole made a small clatter as it hit against the posts of the bed before breathing in a shaky breath. I kept my mouth shut wanting to keep my obvious suffering to a minimum, it wouldn't do her any good to see me in a state. "Kick it further under." The last thing I needed was another cause for Tex to snap, despite not being as intelligent as Tinker he would have suspicions. Coathangers didn't just unfold that way and even if he didn't fully understand the function of it, it would be ominous to him.
Existing at this moment was enough suffering and more than I had been tormented with for some time.

Brittany followed my instruction before bending down with a small groan of discomfort to ensure it was further from sight and not something that would be easily spotted. When I was mobile enough I would dispose of it. Tilting my head, I stared up at the ceiling unable to stand the sight of my own flesh that was caked with dry blood. Bruises spiralled around me like watercolours, showing that they were still yet to darken and match the one I previously had because of Alfredo.

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