Malevolent: 10

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A/N: I honestly don't feel too great about how this chapter turned out but then maybe that's my mood as a whole today.

Amongst the images that lived forever embedded in my core memory, Brittany being unable to scream with her mouth of blood was one of them.The smell of burned flesh lurked in the room and spread to an overwhelming degree. Holding her head back, Junior took to stroking her hair and delicately avoiding the main location of her pain with small and soft noises as if it would comfort her. The hole where her ear had been had been cauterised and the raw red flesh would be nothing short of agony. Both the scent and sight was enough to make me keep a mental note that I would never do anything to cause her such anguish again. No matter what the Sawyers did to me, she didn't deserve to suffer for my antics. I was certain it would be doing the opposite if she was fully aware of what was going on. Humming away Mama was placing the newly harvested ear into a jar which Tinker passed her while looking more than a little bit satisfied with what had taken place and nodding at me in acknowledgement that I clearly looked as horrified as I felt. Heather insisted on a closer look of the severed body part and wanted to show Grandpa leaving the room with the wheelchair bound woman after she gave Junior a kiss to the head for being so well behaved during what she was sure had been such a distressing time. Tink clapped his hand against the metal of his hook. He pulled out a chair beside his brother and I could feel his eyes on me observing for any signs of misbehaviour and looked in my direction. Feeling putrid and vile at the sickening taste in my mouth from what I had been made to clean up, I remained quiet, doing as Tex had ordered when he allowed me to sit at the table. I had to keep my sore and teary eyes on the red head and watch her pain for as long as he felt necessary. In other words until I broke like glass into numerous fragments. To watch her chest rise and fall and hear the gurgling noises all I could feel was the guilt in my participation in her escape route. Being a toy or unwilling partner to Junior was bad, awful even but she had been intact and had used her mouth and tongue when she wished. I closed my eyes before feeling Tex's painted nails claw at my knee pointedly.
"I didn't say stop." He ordered firmly as I allowed my eyelids to part once more and return to the image I wished to erase. "You stop before I say and maybe I'll pick the tongue, her other ear or one of her fingers instead." Junior made a small grunt in retaliation halting the notion of brushing his thick and red stained fingers through her sweat drenched locks. She was still in shock and it was no wonder, I couldn't even begin to imagine what she was going through after she had been so close to breaking away no matter how many times I had experienced the same failure. It was clear Junior didn't want his victim to suffer further pain unless of course it was caused by him if it benefited him in any way. Tex just giggled slightly and waved a hand at his cousin. "I'm just playing Junior, don't you worry. So long as our little lady here behaves herself, there won't be any more amputations necessary. Would be a real shame on Bethany otherwise."
"Brittany." I corrected him sternly, able to hear the cracking of my voice despite trying to remain calm. There was no disguising the remorse and guilt I held in this. The least they could do was use her name and allow her some dignity as they had already stripped her of all else.
"You know if I knew it would be so easy to have you in my pocket, I might have kept your pretty boy Joel alive. I think we can have some real fun out of this." The blonde told me, sounding thrilled at the whole notion and what more he could do with this power. I winced at the mention of my late boyfriend's name. He was trying to hurt me by gloating and it was working, he knew exactly the right spots to hit. Between the thick sensation that coated on my tongue to the splitting of my head after the tylenol the thought of Joel was too much, it made my eyes burn more threatening to spill tears once more that I didn't wish to let free and witnessed. It would come with their mocking and satisfaction. Brittany gave a low moan and I couldn't help but wonder if it was from the general feeling of pain or if she was more aware than could be let on. "Keep looking sweetheart. Don't make me bend you over."
"The hell you would," Tink scoffed in response as Tex chuckled closely, I tried to block how close he felt as his breath fanned on me. "You had him lined up for slaughter pretty damn fast and didn't even pick a fast way, you wanted that asshole to suffer. Not seen someone rile you up so much."
"You know I've always been the jealous type." He shrugged simply in response to Tink. "I'm not big on sharing either. Then you went around with Jawbreaker. Boy did Charlie do a number on his face. Maybe he was pretty before he got his mouth smashed in but that drool, disgusting. Wasn't so handsome anymore." Exhaling gently after sucking in a breath I tried to tune them out but it seemed as though the cowboy was wiser to it than I dared to hope as his nails would once again pinch against the flesh of my knee. Flinching, I straightened up in my seat and crossed my ankles together. "Not to mention pissing himself like a little girl." I felt a finger curl some of my auburn locks and leaning to the side, he pulled me back. "No, no. You stay put."
"Got that right, it was like a Goddamn waterfall." Tink agreed. "Was scrubbing that damn table for days and you know something boy, still stained."
"Is that what you like sweetheart? Wouldn't take you for the sort to enjoy being slobbered over but heck, if it satisfies you." I didn't bite, the sight of how pale the red head now was was enough of a warning sign to not dare play them at their own games. Now they were done hurting her and setting examples of what would happen, all they had left was twisting the knife into the reality of all those I had lost at their hands.
"Not to mention the mess on the seat he was on was more than piss, surprised Grandpa could stand it." It was hardly a surprise the only thing that was was that the corpse was still mostly intact other than the eyes which had rotted and dissolved in time. Perhaps the only reason he had not yet been turned to dust was that they continued to feed him with the blood of anyone who crossed their paths.
"Hey didn't Mama throw that out?"
"There was no salvaging it." Tink answered idly.
"So Alfredo took it?"
"Most likely, the boy's a freak but then maybe he'd be more inclined to park his keister if it was a female's mess. So this little lady's chair will no doubt go missing when he's right as rain again. Probably still sleeping away as well, that was quite some force you used, young lady." Feeling his gaze on me, I ignored Tinker determinedly. I had not yet been given permission to stop looking and if I was to get distracted, she would once again be punished.
"I tried to be patient though but I have a feeling you quite like it when I get rough. You are a bit of a tease, aren't you sweetheart? Not that I don't already know the answer to that now." I bit down on my lip, the way that Brittany's breathing was now starting to calm. Junior glanced in the direction of his cousins and gave a small whimper making it known that he was ready to retire and take her away from any further harm.
"I think our little rebel knows what's coming the next time she decides she wants to be a scheming bitch." Tinker stated simply. "Bad influence you've been but don't think this whore will be listening to you again when she comes to." Tex sighed and shrugged.
"Go on then Junior, you go put her to bed because she's gonna be feeling that for a while. Ain't that right Lori?" all three male heads turned in my direction while I watched the petite female get pulled up and over Junior's shoulder like a bag of potatoes. Perhaps it was because he was so huge and her so small in comparison that it didn't look the most graceful or delicate position but away he went without a glance back. Tinker simply made an amused noise and took to pulling out his cigarettes from the pocket of his shirt and already had one lit up and ready to go as he fingered his moustache thoughtfully before popping it between his lips. Without Brittany to now focus my sight on, I took to the netted curtains of the kitchen windows determined to ignore the hand that was brushing further north of my knee. Automatically I went to pull away and withdraw but his grasp was faster and resting his elbow on his knee he cocked his head at me challengingly.
"Think we should go check on Alfredo?" Tink suggested not sounding at all interested or committed in doing so. I couldn't blame them really, Alfredo's company left a lot to be desired.
"Mama will hear him when he's waking up." Tex said with a small grin. "I have a feeling he'll be mighty sore over how he got his ass kicked again and I know I'll take one look at him and bust a hip laughing."
"Tongue, fingers, toes. You name it sweetheart and I'll personally carve it all from her and make you eat it." Keeping my lips sealed, I breathed in through my nose telling myself to stop letting him get under my skin but it was easier said than done. At some point the tears must have slipped as I felt the warm beads of water on my face. The disgust and humiliation had a lasting effect but nowhere near as horrific as what had happened to Brittany. "But until then, why don't you come upstairs and make it up to me?" I had to swallow the vomit that burned in my throat and dreaded that he wasn't joking but as I felt his hand once more pawing between my legs, I knew it was no prank and it made me shudder to the bone. It was clear what he was going to want and how he would manipulate me like a puppet on the strings. If I rejected or rebuffed him the consequences were clear. Either way Tex would do what he always did, no matter if I thought or froze he would act out his intentions. He was used to being clawed at and bitten in an attempt to escape or compel him to stop but it never thwarted him.
"Was wondering how long it'd take to get you to that topic boy." The elder of the two snickered and clapped the blonde against the back.
"Come on honey, let's have some fun to make up for being a little minx." Holding out a hand, I closed my eyes slowly knowing there was little to no choice. I considered staying still, something he picked up on as he grinned maliciously, "should we call your little friend back on in?"
"No." I answered sorrowfully and scoping his hand relented as I sucked in a breath and held out my one. He beamed toothily as his skin made contact with my own, his eyes giving away that it would be unpleasant for me and that he did not care or would even consider going about this a different way. He was in control.
"I didn't think so. Don't be so glum now sweetheart, we'll both have some fun not that you really deserve it after being so bad." Slowly I got up and closed my eyes trying to numb out the sensation of his thumb rubbing my flesh tenderly and leading the way. "Night Tink."
"Goodnight boy, don't you be having too much fun now. I'd like to be able to sleep."
"Ain't my fault Lori here is a screamer."
"Think she'd be used to taking it up the back passage, would have thought her daddy would be fond of that place." I bit my tongue and remained quiet, the fatigue of all I had seen washing over me relentlessly, it wasn't worth the consequence. Tex chuckled and halted in his tracks. I felt his free hand pull me back against him so I could feel what the violence had caused to swell as it rested against my bottom.
"Believe me when I say Tink, ain't nobody done it before me. Isn't that right honey?"
"...Yes." I confessed. It wasn't a position I would ever have done voluntarily with Joel but nothing was done through choice with Tex, he feasted on the pain and screams that came. It riled him up and made him more determined to make it as brutal as possible and it would be a lie to say he didn't achieve it. There was no comfort offered in that doing what he wanted me to do under threat would make it any less invasive. It made me feel only more sick knowing I was a puppet to his strings. What he enjoyed would only make whatever was left of me whither and I knew it. Keeping my head down as the cowboy led the way, Tink chortled to himself at what he knew was inevitably coming.
"Night mama." He called next making it known we were already heading to the stairs. I could feel my heart still racing, the nausea only increasing at the disdain that filled me. "You too honey." Both females offered him a goodnight. My legs buckled lightly under his pull, apprehension wanting to make itself known as my body grew heavy. "You're not getting out of this missy." Opening my eyes at his statement and stumbling on the stairs, he gave a heavy sigh. "Even when you're good, you're mighty difficult." He didn't sound annoyed as I glanced at him weakly. "Still tuckered out after your little nap?" I didn't entertain his question as he cooed, placing his forehead against my clammy one. "We both know I'm gonna nail you anyway." There was no doubt in my mind about it, his nose caressing mine, "but what the hell, I'll be a romantic and carry you."

Perhaps there was a time where a bath offered comfort but it was something I couldn't find or at least not when joined. Pain circulated his area of choice, the exhaustion still feeding off my body to the point I was barely awake or aware but I knew that as I felt the water across my hair and face that Tex was taking to washing the remnants of blood, sweat and tears from me. I was under no illusion that it was probably desecrated to the roots by how consistently I ended up in such a way. No matter how much time I have been here, my body has not accumulated to the Texas weather. The heat bore constantly into my bones, serving as a reminder that I was somewhere I had no place being and the chances of ever being away from this house remained slim if non-existent. I considered Brittany's words of reassurance, the fact she believed someone was looking for me but as I felt the fingers circle against the slowly healing wounds of the belt lashings, I couldn't see it. It wasn't that she was wrong but more that I was sceptical. There had been no proof that such a thing was happening, my mind couldn't remedy one either no matter how much I knew that even if it wasn't the case for myself that my friends surely were. Each day any kind of longing to be liberated remained unheard and unanswered, this was it.
Moving as the cowboy pulled me back, I tried to focus on the tiles of the walls over the fact I was in his lap not taking in what he was saying as I knew it would not be something that benefitted me in any way. It never did and I sometimes wondered and knew he didn't care if I differed from his opinion. In his head it made sense and considering his roots perhaps there was no wonder that everyone in the building were very much sent to the ways of them coming first. If options mattered, this wouldn't be where I continued to reside, suffer and bleed for them. I inhaled gently through my nose, able to feel the way he moved aside wet hair to stick teeth against my shoulder blade where he had already nursed and left his mark from last night's antics to which most of it fortunately was a blur. Snippets were there, enough to tell me that he had in fact carried me to his room before ordering me to undress for him. I had complied knowing what the result would be if I hadn't but what continued on was only shameful as he had told me to go sit on his hardened cock. Again, I had done so and even then it hadn't been enough to have him leave out the injuries.
This was it. It was a fact I could only adjust to. Fighting back didn't help me succeed, each day and night I remained here locked away from everything and everyone I had known. My life was behind me and all there was to look forward to was death but even the hope that Tex would tire of me and spare me from continuous misery with the end, it did not happen. No matter who they captured, no matter how attracted he seemed set on keeping me under his thumb not even entertaining anything else. He would take the hassle and the rebellion with a pinch of salt.
Removing his teeth from the folds of skin he had captured he gave a small hum of satisfaction as if he knew that the fight was draining from me with every passing second. I closed my eyes and only saw the image of Brittany, of the raw and burned flesh that had cauterised her missing ear. I remembered her pain, her whimpers and her attempt to comfort me. There was nothing she could do to piece together the damage that had been done and it pained me to know that she would soon learn as I had. It was all fucking pointless. Focusing on my wrists, I saw the thick purple lines of the scars I had done in what seemed like an age ago and flexed my fingers. Tapping out was an option the family didn't take kindly to but there was no denying that in the end what had come to part was my fault. My friends were killed because of me, my boyfriend drained to fill up a corpse was on me and the scar that Brittany would bear until the end of her days was just the same. I was to blame and perhaps this was the punishment for it all.
"Now what could you be thinking about?" Texted mused amused as if he knew the way my mind was taking a dark path. Sighing, I turned my head to lock eyes with his blue ones that permanently seemed to eye me up like a vulture on prey.
"The fact that I really fucking hate you." I admitted as his face split into a wide grin. It was almost as if it was the answer he was hoping for or perhaps the one he had anticipated. "And how I just wish you or me would die. Heck at this point I'd settle for both of us."
"That isn't gonna happen for some time." He laughed stroking my heavy mass of wet hair. "And until then I enjoy our time together so you hate me all you like. You think of killing me all you want, heck you come for me time and time again. Use your hands or a knife but you best make sure I'm dead sweetheart because I'm like a damn cat and I'd keep finding you." I could feel the glare that came from his amused and casual response but I didn't doubt his words. Even if I ran him down and repeatedly reversed and forwarded over him, he'd still live on, if not by some miracle then in my nightmares haunting me until my dying day. My jaw clenched at the thought and turned back around. There really was no end in sight.

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