Malevolent: 19

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By the time Tex returned from his entrapment, Mama's threat had cut deep. My paranoia had risen at the mere idea and her intentions. It seemed as if it had the desired effect as for the rest of the day, she seemed quite satisfied and chirpier than she tended to be. A wicked smile played on her thin lips each time I had the displeasure of being in her company and while I wasn't sure Tinker had been informed of the details, he seemed to notice a change in her demeanour and commented several times how she was in a mighty good mood. It made one of us.

The frown was still plastered on my face by the time the chaos unfolded and Alfredo dragged his intended victim to his room. He told me to listen as it was what I was going to get when he got his hands on me as revenge for his missing finger. Tex had simply sighed, standing behind my chair and patting his hands on my shoulder. Something I tried to ignore as he leant down to my height and to my side. I hadn't missed him at all so the sentiment was empty and one I directly leaned away from.
"Can't leave you alone for two minutes." He tutted, shaking his head. I felt his fingers stroke my arm and closed my eyes knowing that reacting by pulling away a second time would not end any better for me than hitting him with a chair. It was something he would deserve, there was not one part of me that would think otherwise. "You know you're a pain." Side eyeing him, I could see the smirk on his face before a grin took over, unable to hide his amusement. It seemed like Tinker, he didn't think too much of Alfredo's injury or perhaps he thought it was karma for having tried to do something he knew he shouldn't. As Tink would say 'Eddie never liked sharing toys.' People were no exception whether it was myself or even one person in particular he had his eye on to mess with before killing, if he laid claim it was difficult to get him to back down.

Closing my eyes I focused instead on the open kitchen door which led to the abandoned and empty vehicles. My body was still aching and bruising, my face in particular swelling against my cheekbone which had become darker since Mama decided to release her feelings towards me.

"Not that much of one." I disagreed simply after a few long seconds of silence, unable to hide the remorse from my tone. If it was the case I would have been put out of my misery some time ago. It would have been a blessing, nights like this only reminded me of all I had seen and all lost. The blonde just made a hum of amusement, his flesh still against my own, digits tracing circles absently before exhaling loudly.

"What can we do, Tink?" He shrugged finally realising it was the only answer he was going to get. His sibling just leant back against the oven wiping his hook on his apron. Already the meat was being sorted but having not expected so many people it had been from the freezer from their last victims. By now there were only two left standing and that was a generous word for what they were.
"By now I just roll with it."
"Might be the best way." Tex agreed, "not that Alfredo didn't have it coming eventually."
"That's what I said, long time coming." Tink said, shaking his head simply before pointing at me in light amusement, "not that she's sorry, brassy bitch."
"I'm not." I said running a hand through my hair and feeling Tex's breath against my shoulder at my answer. "He's lucky it was a finger." Not that I wanted to bite or touch Alfredo in general but he could have had it far worse if he had gotten further. Although at least that would have served a purpose. No one else would be a victim to that predator when it came to sexual acts.
"Got that right. Still, it looks like he's blowing off some steam."  He wasn't wrong. The sounds of screaming and bed springs were audible through the floorboards and it was something I tried to tune out upon noticing. Not that in here was any better, along with both Sawyers there was a teenager nailed to a chair looking frantic and wild in the eye. Not that I expected it any other way, they had already endured who knew what and now were completely constricted and at their mercy, their sister already in Alfredo's.

Sobbing away against the rag and tape gag in their mouth, she tried feebly to try and lift her hands but then backed out in hesitance. I exhaled lightly, no matter how many people came and went it was hard to shut off empathy completely.

Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now