Malevolent: 18

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By the time dawn broke thoroughly into the room, Tinker got moving albeit reluctantly. It was as if he had a clock synced into him as he awoke with dissatisfied sounds and instructed me bluntly to stay where I was. That was unless I needed the bathroom, in that case I could holler. Pushing back his thinning hair, he went to get Mama breakfast and clean up Tex's room from the night before. The metallic substance remained in my mouth and stained my throat though part of me had to admit it was worth it. For what he had attempted and all he had done, I would gladly tear another one of Alfredo's fingers off. Still Tink felt the need to remind me again to stay out of his brother's way because if he didn't have an issue before there was surely a bee in his bonnet now. Keeping my head against the arm of the chair and feeling drained, I eyed up Grandpa or at least his suit for anything that would be seen as obvious from afar. I was certain it would be difficult to notice but there was a paranoia that rested within my mind. The consequences would no doubt be severe. Closing my eyes, I moaned gently and nodded in my own attempt of reassurance. Something had to go according to plan.

"I won't tell you if you don't." I whispered in the direction of the festering corpse. Unfortunately the smell still lingered, attracting flies which gathered ceremoniously around him or landed onto his rotting flesh. Why they didn't just bury the man was beyond me, Tink being as blind as the others when it came to the topic when I had asked him in the past. I just got the answer of 'family being forever' but I knew for sure that were it me, I would feel better knowing I had a respectful burial or cremation. It had to be better than rotting like a carved pumpkin that had been resting on the doorstep for days after Halloween. The leathery texture of Grandpa's skin though was beyond that, how long he would have before being a skeleton was beyond me but I was quite certain it wouldn't be in the too distant future. Until then, the place quite literally smelled of death and decomposing and as much as I hated the perfume of it, it fit the Sawyers to a T.

It made me frown deeply before accepting defeat, my mind would not easily shut off. It would simply be a long day without sleep, not that I bargained that tonight would be any better. Whether it be Alfredo wanting some revenge or Tex being his repulsive self, something would prohibit the peace and that was after any fun that the family had if they roped in any victims. The gears were going at a hundred miles per hour and dwelled on the worst. Nothing ever went according to plan and I could only be pessimistic now and be pleasantly surprised if all went well as opposed to the opposite notion and be left bitterly disappointed if a spanner was thrown in the works. Nibbling down on the flesh of my lips, I heard movement from the floor above along with some hateful swearing aimed at myself and Tex. Alfredo was suffering and for that, I felt proud and pride had been something I had not been acquainted with for some time. Releasing my lower lip from the tug of my teeth, I grinned and wished him discomfort and unrelenting agony.

"Exactly what you deserve." I murmured to myself tiredly running a hand through my hair twinging as my fingers made contact with the swelling that still rested on my cheekbone. From experience, it would hurt for the next few days if not just over a week but I had suffered worse pains and didn't want to show any fragility around a pack of predators. Closing my eyes again, I turned as the door opened and a small blonde girl stepped in with her skeletal doll. Heather looked bright and happy as she ran to give her grandpa a kiss and a good morning. I failed to see what was so 'good' about it but decided not to question what she had to be happy about. She was as twisted as the others, they had molded her that way.
"Uncle Alfredo is angry at you" she chimed cheerfully as I shrugged back.
"Good." I replied as she tutted away.
"He wants to hurt you for what you did." The child added holding up Sally and pretending she was whispering away in her ear. Whatever she pretended to hear made her beam from ear to ear but I was in no mood for it. Tinker I could just about handle when it came to being stuck with the company of one of the family members but it was where I drew a line and stuck a pin in. "Sally says he's going to kill you."
"That's nice."
"What did you do?" She questioned curiously, eyes gleaming from the reflection of the sunlight in her hues. I tilted my head at her, I would have thought she had known but as I inspected her further it was clear to see she was not in the know. During Alfredo's foul mouth tirade, he had missed out the reason.
"I bit off something." I said back simply as she giggled gleefully.
"His thingy?" My nose wrinkled at the repulsive notion.
"His finger." I corrected her disgusted at where her mind went but truly it was no wonder with the bloodline she descended from. "For thinking with his thingy." I added as an afterthought.
"Did it hurt?"
"Well I don't think it tickled." Heather shook her head, her light blonde hair bouncing as she did. She remained joyous and stepped over the chain that connected my ankle to the table and put Sally down at my side.
"Sally wants to see what you do next so she is going to stay with you today but only until tonight." The skeleton's posture drooped slightly as Heather released her and gave her a small pat on the skull. The hair that remained stuck like static to her hand but she pulled away firmly leaving it to gradually float back down. "Now, you be a good girl for Auntie Lori." My nose wrinkled at what she dubbed me but thought better against saying anything. I held my tongue and sat back on the patched up chair pulling my legs up to me and getting myself comfortable. I wouldn't be allowed to move until Mama or Tinker decided and with Alfredo around I was under the assumption it would be a while. The metal shackle rattled as I moved but stifling a yawn as Heather turned on her heel I decided to make the most of the peace. Just Sally, Grandpa and I.
"Could be worse." The 'worse' coming as the loud swearing continued from above before fading temporarily and being replaced with stomping on the stairs.
"Boy does this look like a goddamn zoo?!" Tinker's voice called from the direction of the kitchen. In retaliation, a louder noise came like a heavy bang. Alfredo being his lovely self had decided to jump down the last few steps and ricochet on the floor below.
"It's my damn house too bitch!" Was all the gas station attendant had to say back stomping past the door that kept me concealed. "Wait till you see what that whore did to me Mama!"
"Save your mama's ears" Tink sighed, "I already done told her everything including what you were up to. You know we're gonna have to tell Eddie what you were tryin' to do?" There was an outburst in reply but was barely audible and far more sheepish than his previous conversing, I shook my head. I was sure I could imagine whatever excuse he had, it was how it always worked in his warped head. Usually it was how he had been led on, seduced, teased but he accused magazines and porn of doing that. As scrambled as the Sawyer's brains were, his seemed to be at a whole new level.
"He belongs in a zoo..." I told Sally, "but then, maybe that's too good for him." Though I did not put it past him to fling his own shit at the display windows.

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