Malevolent: 26

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A/N: I've been struggling with motivation and inspiration lately which is why updating has been so delayed. Hopefully I can manage until the end as I know I am near.

I could not remember the last day that I didn't feel caged in my own skin but my dreams for liberation had long since left. As Tex guided me, I couldn't help but shudder. It was like slowly being ensnared by a snake and he was easily as lethal as poison ones were.

Each time I tried to pull and keep more distance between us, I felt him tug as if in silent warning and I knew already that despite his warning to behave this was outside his belief of it. I inhaled harshly, holding my breath and allowing him to seal the gap. His nails stopped scraping against my arm soon after knowing but not vocalising that I was reforming from my moment of impulsive rebellion. Instead I tried to focus my thoughts, something that was difficult with the pulsing on the corner of my head happening. It was daring to ripple and trigger a migraine but through the thick haze of pain and heaviness it brewed, I told myself to think of Brittany.

I didn't doubt that she had suffered in what could only be described as my absence and how chirpy Tex appeared to be either meant that she too had now learned the rules or he was revelling in her misery. He was a sadist who preyed on the negative emotions of fear and sadness, his kin were no better. Their voices were already audible as I reached the bottom of the stairs. I was grateful that the door was closed and not visible. I wasn't ready to face them. Mama's words were overlapped by that of the radio and Hoyt, he was clueing them in through it about keeping a low profile, Tink naturally didn't appear worried. It wasn't a shock to hear, they had nearly been sleuthed out before and had evaded being so multiple times.

"Sounds like you might be in hot water." I told the man behind me, refusing to hide the grin that caressed the edges of my lips. Tilting my head so I could see him, I hoped that he would squirm and felt unsatisfied at the sight of his smirk. Like Tinker, he was quite certain that they could remain under the radar of the law.
"You wish honey." He replied idly, "we've got nothing to fret over."
"You have two hostages and a body count." He pursed his lips as he seemed to maul over the obvious. "Seems like you have something to worry about."
"Depends if they have a brain." Tex said simply. "And how delicious they are." I moved my arm in front of me as he caressed it, determined to keep his old on me as he led me along the corridor. Despite the close distance it seemed as though he wanted to take his time, taking slow steps and lingering hands. The sensation of crawling spiralling my body with every touch. His breath lingered against the back of my neck creating its own source of heat and it took all I could to resist donkey kicking him. I had healed through the fractures and breakages in a way I couldn't remember. The last few months were practically non-existent in my mind. There weren't glimpses or fragments or at least none that were featuring in my brain without a trigger. It was surreal, like a dreamless night. All that existed was darkness and while I tried to tell myself it was better that way, it was difficult to argue otherwise. I could have done anything to anyone including the poor redhead who we were on the way to see. I frowned deeply at the thought, there was just a gut feeling that something wasn't entirely right.

Questions formed in my brain and ones I didn't wish to dwell on. The trepidation rested in my chest, my heartbeat accelerating as we got closer to the stench of meat that had originated from the kitchen. One thing was for sure, it wasn't chicken. The closer we became, the more audible Junior's animal-like noises and coos were.
He was not a welcome sight as we rounded the corner.

"Guess who I've got." Tex's voice sang as he pushed me into the room.
Brittany looked how I would expect and that was far from a good thing. Despite no longer being covered in bruises, she looked pale and shaken. Her blue eyes fixated in a wide eyed shock not turning her head to acknowledge our presence. Her hands were tied against skeleton ones which connected to a spine that was fastened to the back of the chair, a patched up pillow under her. The Sawyers attempt at comfort was bewildering. Junior sat beside her, the chair turned to face her as a bowl and spoon lay closed by. He had been spoon feeding her and the concoction looked like sludge at best. "Well aren't you doing the best job giving her her breakfast." He praised Junior who beamed toothless behind his crudely stitched flesh mask. He was proud of the complement and it was easy to see. Patting the female at his side on the shoulder he seemed to seek her approval and while she gave none, he gave a long sigh of content as if she had told him all he sought to hear. She didn't so much as bat an eyelash, her body still as if frozen in place.

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