Malevolent: 23

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"Well hey there Mama."

The last thing I could appreciate in this world was the sound of Tex and his smug ass tone that made me want to force a hammer against his skull. Closing my eyes, I remained still not willing to bite and feel every injury he had imprinted against my bones and muscles. The door creaked as he swung on it before humming to himself.
"Guessin' Tink has already told you what Mama has in store for you. She thinks it might make you start behavin' yourself but we both know you well enough, unless I break both your legs, you'd still run for the hills if given the opportunity." Through the discomfort, I felt the smile break on my lips, the swelling of my cheek aching in response. There was no point trying to hide it, if I couldn't run, I'd crawl, heck I'd butt shuffle the heck away if it got me free from every last one of them. I was an opportunist but I also knew when the odds would be against me. "My point exactly. You just can't be a good girl for me, never lasts anyway." His boots tapped against the ground and sending him getting closer, I inhaled through my bruised rib cage. He casually kicked aside whatever carnage from his temper laid strewn about. "You know what I'm thinking honey?"

"I don't know" I breathed solemnly, opening my eyes as I felt his fingertips trail my aching jawline and turned my head sharply flinching from the pain that came from doing so. "I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that you actually think. Must be painful for you to connect those last two brain cells." A snigger was the response I got, the shaking of his head as he kept his fingers on me tracing my flesh before pressing his thumb against the swelling of my cheekbone. A cry of pain vibrated in my throat encouraging him to cackle in delight.
"That's what you get for name calling. I'm thinking that I don't trust you too much. Sure you may be laying in bed for a little while anyway after your latest punishment."
"Beating." I corrected him venomously struggling to gesture to myself and the sorry mess I was certain I was to anyone who witnessed me. Turning my head, I tried to escape his touch, it was as welcoming as having a snake coil around my neck. It was an experience that didn't get easier with time, even through the numbness, through the moments of submission the discomfort remained and forced me to shudder. This time he let up but allowed his hand to trail down the flesh of my stomach aiming towards my leg. I braced myself and soon enough it came. Like a flash of lightning the pain came as did the wave of heat that coursed through my body and straight to my head.

"Punishment." Tex argued simply. Cupping against my knee, he relented before tightening his grip once more to toy with me. I battled against the tears that were so desperate to fall and bit down harshly on the skin of my lower lip. The taste of blood seeped into my mouth and trickled down my chin. "You knew what you were doing when you got my dander up, don't even try to lie."
"Fuck you." I gasped as he tutted in retort.
"That's the plan honey." I struggled to keep in the disgusted noise at the brash reply. He was far too smug for my liking. "I don't think it'll make you behave yourself. You're a stubborn one, always have been. I knew it the day I met you when you went and knocked Alfredo clean out."
"No point trying then."
"I didn't say that." The blonde disagreed snidely. Through the water budding and stinging in my eyes, I could see the malicious grin widening to the point it stretched to his ears, a pink flush appearing on them as he fought against the strain from doing so. It was no consolation, his pain was self inflicted, the constant grinning like a cheshire cat at my displeasure was worth every second to him. "Heather is cute as a peach and I have to say there is something attractive at the thought of you being all full of milk now honey. Saves me having to go buy some from the store and you know I always hurry on home to get back to you."
"You're sick." I grunted venomously.
"You make me sick." Tex shrugged, taking it as a compliment. Clapping down on my bruised knee cap he sighed loudly before leaning over to kiss the damage he had caused.

The sensation of his lips was worse than the pain and gritting my teeth. I turned away from him to focus on the window jealous of those with current mobility that could just take off through it. If it was warranted I would plunge through the glass itself to escape his clutches or even just to take a shard of the shrapnel to plunge into my neck. Licking at the bleeding nip I had caused on my lip, I sucked it on briskly thinking of the other woman who relied on me so much in the household. The one who had found comfort in knowing she wasn't alone in her situation. My fingers tensed as I found myself bitterly admitting that while Brittany needed me, I had an obligation to keep going. She hadn't deserved this anymore than I had and I knew well how it felt to be alone and vulnerable to the twisted family. Flinching as Tex leaned over me further and weighed himself onto my broken leg, he placed his other hand against my stomach rubbing away in the form of a circle. I recoiled immediately knowing what he was fantasising. "Always getting me worked up. Look at the state of our room after what you did."
"Your room." His room and my prison was more apt than the concept that we shared.
"Our room." He repeated brazenly. "Though there will be more than two of us soon enough. Might have done us both a favour in breaking so much." I held in the vomit, his circular motion continuing but my arms would not move to force him away. Inspecting the damage, he gave a small chortle and shook his head pushing the loose blonde strands from his face. "Tinker is already on about making a crib."
"I'm not having anything of yours." I warned him heatedly glowering as he grinned on back , straightening himself up to position himself more on my side.
"Sweetheart, you really don't have a choice." My thoughts directed myself to the memory of Brittany stashing the coathanger beneath the bed. My green eyes slitted into his blue ones and tilted my head through the aching and heavy feeling that protested to the smallest of movement. "Whether you like it or not, this is what's happening and the more I think on it, the more I get all excited about it."
"I will make sure I don't." I promised him firmly. My fists curled trying to muster whatever strength I had to fight him. The idea of providing him with a family nauseating. "I would rather die."
"You use that determination now to make sure you go full term. We want them to be healthy and strong now." Poking his tongue out between the gap in his teeth, I wrinkled my nose at him turning my head once more as he leant down, his lips grazing my cheek. "I'll even be a gentleman and let you name our first one."
"The first?" I shuddered obviously against him. "You're delusional."
"And you just keep talking dirty to me." His fingers trailed past my forehead and gripped auburn strands between them. Pain rippled down to my feet as he yanked me back to face him and positioned himself over. His crotch pushed down heavily between my legs through the material of his trousers, "lets get started honey, you've got me all rigged up. Can you tell? Can you feel what you've started."
"Get off me."
"But you're so beautiful." Tex grinned childishly, his hold tightened further forcing me closer to him. I flinched furiously as he pushed his legs against my own. "Makes me just want to hurt you even more. To make you scream and cry. You know what that does to me? I bet you do by now. Just thinking about it each and every time makes me want to go longer and more rough on you."
"Fuck you!" Feebly I tried to pull from his grasp, his teeth sinking into the ring of my breast and focusing furiously on the nipple as he sucked roughly against the skin. I tried to force myself to move, to try and shove him off but as my limb slowly rose, he reacted in a blink of an eye. A hand wrapped around my wrist aggressively pushing it down and his hips pushed against my bruised and sore ones again, a moan of pleasure and sadism vibrating from his lips.

Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now