ch 3. Dangerous Encounter

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The joint Exercise is going  well and as planned we hunt down small groups of goblins living in the higher levels of the labyrinth.. and for the proof of what we hunted down we cut their ear and put it in our packs in a sack like container

Everyone had the experience to cut down dead goblin ears only the ever so pure Anna had the rough time trying to cut them... I can totally see why guys would fall for her, she has the cute looks,the innocence,and a good personality

But what I'm more surprised about is miss villainess...I should really stop calling her that even if it's just in my thoughts, I still can't believe that this girl will be a sadistic villainess in the near future.. Cassandra is very attentive with everyone, very helpful and a great leader always looking out on us

"How much do we need?" I asked as I finish cutting an ear from on of the goblins

"We need 3 more and we are free to leave this place" Cassandra answered

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's find more goblin or any monster that we can find here and finish this exercise" Tom commented while stretching his arms

Cassandra smiles "I think we should rest for bit, specially that Anna is tired"

"W-what? It's fine, I can still go!" Anna is clearly isn't built for things like fighting, she's not physically fit or used to this kind of things... And for Cassandra to notice it and made sure we have a rest because of her.. and knowing the things she will do to her when the prince inevitably fall for Anna...

"No, I think Cassandra is right, besides"  I sat down on a piece of debris fallen out if the ceiling "my arms are killing, I've been swinging this sword for quiet some time now "

"I-if it won't hinder our team..then, okay"

"Well that settles it, we will have a 20-30 minutes break before finding the last remaining monsters and we can get out of this place" Cassandra smiled at me...I think she knows that I made the excuse about my arm hurting so that Anna can rest up

And so our group rested on that spot..5 minutes of silence with no one talking... It was nice to have a nice and quiet rest..but we are with Thomas

"Guys come onnnnn it's getting really boring here, why don't we talk about something and not get bored?" Tom exclaimed

"Well, if we need to talk about something...what about our dreams?" Anna recommended

"Our dreams?" I asked

"Yes,  what do you aim for the future? I mean...personally, I wanted to be a powerful light magic user so that I can heal people and help cure diseases with my magic"

"That's a very noble dream Anna" Cassandra said with a smile "I can see you achieving that goal of yours in the future with a little bit of hard work"

"Really!?~ t-thank you Cassandra.."

"I just want to travel the world as a wandering business man! You know! I wanna see sceneries that I haven't seen yet! Oceans! Mountains! Everything!" Thomas told his

"I also wanna sight see someday" Anna said while giggling

"What about you Desmond? Your family is famous for their restaurant in town..I am curious on what kind of dream you have" Cassandra personally asked me with a hint of curiosity in her green eyes

"'s quite embarrassing but my dream is to become the strongest knight"

"Strongest knight?"

"Yeah... I don't really much have reasons for it, for now it's a goal that I set for my self"

Cassandra smiled "I see, strongest knight... Seeing you fight right now in this labyrinth..I can tell that you have a lot of potential to became the strongest knight, but your journey will be hard because-"

"I don't have magic..yep, I know that"

"Sorry, I didn't mean for it to be rude"

"I know.. maybe I should add that to my goal, prove that even without magic..I can be as great as those with it"

"I can't wait to see you realize those goals"

While we were talking we would hear screaming on one of the made us jump into action, rushing towards the sound we see students...running away from something

Cassandra stopped one on his tracks to ask a question "what is happening!? Why are you all running!?" She exclaimed

"M-minotaur! There's a minotaur!"

What? That's a strong's not suppose to be in the higher floors..what is it doing here? Is this one those cliche things in the story???

"Are there still students in there!?" She asked once again to the panicking young man "y-yes!"

When Cassandra let him go, he quickly run away

"Curses... " Cassandra think for a bit before pulling her rapier out from her belt

I then stop her from holding onto her arm with my right hand "where are you going?"

"To save those who are left behind!"

"That's suicide! We don't know how strong that thing is!"

"I know! But rescue will arrive late and those people! Your classmates! Will die!"

I know that...but it was too much of a risk, but I can see it in her eyes..her sincerity to save those people.. all I can do is sigh

"Fine, but I'm going.. if I want to he a knight then I should not run away from this type of situations" I let go of her arms

"I-I'll go too!" Anna spoke, she's nervous but is willing to help "I may not be a good fighter but I can assist with my magic and healing!"

"Heh! Of course I'll also go, I won't leave you lot take all the glory!" Tom smiled ready to help his friends

And so..our small group went out to face the minotaur.. it was a open area... I can see there's 5 injured people on the ground, The minotaur spotted us and roared.. I raised my shield and pulled my from its sheath.. What kind of mess did I get into?...


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