ch 5. Return to Normal?

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With this shield buried deep in it's skull...the battle was over... Tye minotaur collapses and I fell down the ground, whatever magic spell Anna casted on me..the one that gave me a boost of stamina, it's gone body is aching all over

"Man! That was amazing! You alright!?" Tom said as he help me stand up

"I'm fine, but I'll need a lot of rest"

Cassandra would walk over to me and grab her rapier that I had drop, she then walks over to the minotaur's corpse and cut it's seems she will take it  as a proof that we defeated it

"We should get moving..all of us are tired and beaten, we can't fight more monster" she rush over to Anna and carried her in her arms... To think that she still have this much energy with her

Our group walked to the exit hoping that no monster will see us and attack us while we are in this weakened state..Tom and Cassandra are tired...Anna is unconscious..and I can't  move..I'm just forcing my legs to walk right now, and that with Tom supporting a lot of my weight too

We hear footsteps coming towards the  direction we are going..everyone was tensed...but in our's the rescue team..finally, we are saved...I can finally close my eyes and..


I woke up in a unfamiliar room, I'm tuck in a bed with white pillow,bedsheet, and blanket.. my body is still aching a lot..but it's not as bad as before, looking around..yeah, I'm at a hospital of sort "so we did get out of that place alive"

The door opened

"Hmm?" It was tom wearing our school uniform "oh! He's awake!"

There's also Anna who is also wearing her school uniform with a face of relief after seeing me

"I'll get the doctor! Anna stay with him for a bit alright?" Tom just dashes away leaving Anna to enter the room all by herself, rushing to my side and holding both my hands with hers

"I'm so glad that your finally awake! You've been sleeping for 2 day now!"

"2 days??? That long? Wait wait wait...where am I?"

"You're in doctor Lenora Aurora's clinic"

That's the school seems that im not hospitalized but was only sent here

"They didn't send you to a hospital because you have no injuries at all..and Dr Aurora is a great healer"

"It's all thanks to you" I said with a smile "if you didn't heal me back then I would've been badly hurt, thanks"

"I didn't do much! I-its because you believe in me..."

Right... Anna is this kind of girl, she doesn't believe to her own abilities enough, but she always tries her best for those who needed help

"So what happened after we got out?'

"I don't know much because I'm also unconscious..but when I wake up we are asked on what happened and.."


"Even tho the teachers praise us for saving the students we got chewed out by them for fighting the minotaur..then, Miss Cassandra took the blame, telling the teachers that she's the one ask us to follow her"

"Well to be fair that's the truth hahaha... "

"I know, but..she got suspended for a week"

"You don't need to feel bad about that, it's her decision to take the blame after all"

"O-oh, by the way... It might sound a lil can I explain this"


" are..nevermind.."

What is this about now? Did something more happen? Why is she making such a nervous face?

But before I can ask more the Dr arrived with tom..they are asked to get out of the room as the Dr check my condition

Dr. Aurora is a nice person, after the checkup she told me to rest up for another day before attending class again.


Finally it's time to return to my classes...but something weird is happening..I can feel many eyes looking at me..I can hear the students whispering when they see me..wth is happening right now????

When I got in our classroom I can feel everyone staring at me...even here!?

"Eyyy! Look who's here! How're ya
Man!" Well at least someone didn't change at all..

"So uhh, Tom..what happening right now???"

"You didn't know!? I thought Anna would tell you about it"

Tell me about it? Wait..right, she's the only who I had the chance to talk with when I woke up..

I looked at Anna and I can totally see her getting nervous..what is it that she didn't tell me???

"Just say it would you!"

"Well, let's just say that everyone knows that you defeated that minotaur and your popularity just went out of the roof! And I thought you will be the unpopular anti social guy!"

Eh? What? Wth!? But I didn't just do it..I was only able to do it because of Anna's magic and with Cassandra and Tom softening it up for me!

What the hell is this turn of events!!!!???


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