ch 13. The Huntsman and the Alchemist

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"who's that?" It seems that the husband had returned, he looks like what I imagine a hunter would be, muscular and have some scars on his arms and even one on left his cheek

"Students, it seems that there's an assassination attempt and they went here to seek help"


The elf smiles "yes, there's two of is recovering from a poison"

"Is that so?" He then look at me "assassination huh? So one of you is a noble?"

"Yes sir, my friend is one"

The hunter sighs and sat put his gear on the side "well, you are welcome here..but please leave after your friend recovers, we don't want to get caught on this problem"

"Hun.." the elf was about to say something, but I interrupt her

"Of course, we don't want to give you further problems, but let me do something to make up for it.."

"Great, come..let's get cut some firewood in the back"

And so we does.. we went at the back of the house to cut some was harder than expected you had to chop I haven't an axe before..I've been only using a sword all this time after all

"Tell me kid, why are you two getting targeted for assassination?"

"I'm not really targeted..but my friend is, I think it's better to hide her identity even if you guys are our saviors"

"Wise choice" the hunter continue to chop firewood .. "the names Lester, maybe you already heard from my wife but... I'm a hunter, I hunt animals and beast for the living"

"My name is Desmond, and yes, I heard it from your wife..though I have a question.. it was rare for an elf to be in this part of the continent and they prefer hiding from human did the two of you met?"

"It's a long story, but I've known her when I'm still a child" base on his face, it seems that the elven alchemist is way older than him..well it make sense, elves live far longer than us humans after all "we just move here a few months ago too"

"We are lucky to find you house, I'm sure my friend would be very thankful for your help" I bow..all I can do right now is say thank you as I have nothing on me at the moment

While we we're chopping wood the wife went out "she's awake"

Hearing that I put the axe down and quickly check on Cassandra

She walk all the way to the door just to see me and what I'm doing

I walk up to her "how do you feel?"

"I'm doing fine..thank you..for carrying me here, I also want to thank you sir and madam" she bows at both of them in true noble fashion

"You don't have to force yourself standing here, you should rest"

"Desmond..I'm fine, I'm sure you're also tir-" she almost fell down, but I caught her by the shoulder, her face is on my chest

"Seriously, we can't leave this place if you are like this, stop forcing yourself" this girl...

I had to carry hee on my arms "where can I put her down to sit?"

"Oh,there's a rocking chair in the living room..she can sit down there, the view in the window is also very nice"

"Thank you ma'am" I then look at Lester "I'll be back shortly"

I carry her to the rocking chair and sat her there that's when I notice that her face is red. As I thought she'd not feeling well yet

"Look at you.." I sigh and put my hand over her forehead to check her temperature "hmm, it seems your temperature is normal"

"Too close.."


"You're too close"

That's when I notice that I am indeed too close, I take my hand off her forehead "sorry"

"Here, please drink this tea, it would help you recover more" the wife put a cup on the side table for Cassandra to was very green, and it smells very Herby...

"Thank you madam Celine" she smiles, it seems that the wife had already introduce herself to Cassandra

"Alright, I should go back to outside and help with the firewood..and you"


"Don't push yourself to move..your the one who got injured and poisoned"

Cassandra then smile "I'll try"

That's when I return outside to help with chopping firewood


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