Chapter 6: Load up on guns and bring your friends (BW opening credits)

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Just pretend the names aren't in the credits.

Yelena's point of view

The theatre was quiet after the end of the last clip everyone all shocked at the way the widow was forced to kill herself.

My head is still on my sister shoulder neither of us wanted to see that but she let me hide my eyes like she did in scary movies when we were younger.

Natasha always liked things that scared her that's what I thought back then but after the red room I realised she was trying not to be scared of them.

I look up at her and for a minute I see the girl in Ohio. Her red hair brushing against my face drying the few tears I let slip for the childhoods we had taken away.

"Wait would that mean your not technically a SHIELD agent because you didn't actually kill him" Peter asks innocently. Oh that silly kid.

Natasha looks at Fury and Maria with a nearly broken face holding on for a answer. "Natasha holds the whole team together there wouldn't be 'the avengers' without her" Fury says to Peter. Natasha smiles to her self so I do to.

Natasha has always been the glued that hrlped me put my self back tougher and I think everyone in this room is that for her.

"Ok, we are moving on with a quick break from Budapest" 764a begins "We are going back in time to after Cuba in 1995" the voice finishes.

"I'm sorry Natasha and Yelena in advance" the 764a says. "Your not sorry because your showing it anyway" I scream at we're ever the voice is coming from. Natasha grabs my hand tighter "Все кончено, светлячок" she soothes but I know she's scared her self. (Its all over now firefly)

The screen shows Natasha lying on a matress in the truck in Cuba light spread across her face.

Then the scence changes to soldiers running around trucks with flash lights. A truck door opens and we see it's full of girl with the camera and light mainly on Natasha whoses holding me tightly covered in blood and as the soldiers approach everyone screams.

"Mama why is Auntie Nat in the trucks" Lila asks puzzled. "Because not everyone is as lucky as you Lila" Laura answers and Lila comes up and gives Natasha a big hug "Thank you принцесса" Natasha says and Lila gives her a big smile before running back to her seat.

Soldiers tear apart children as they scream in protest. Then we see a teddy bear lying in a puddle abandoned another childhood gone.

The soldiers guide the girls out and then you see Natasha stand tightly grasping my hand. "Remove all the defects" Dreykov says dryly watching all of this.

"Defects" Wanda stutter's. Everyone is shaking.

The girls walking in a straight line. "That one and her" Dreykov says pointing to Natasha and I. Then we see a doll left in one of the trucks.

"NO, YELENA" Natasha screams as the soilder pulls us apart she pulls out of there grip running up to me ripping the photo strip in half forcing one bit into my hands "TAKE IT" she screams "No!" as they pull me away from her.

Everyone has tears streaming down there faces I turn to Natasha shes holding me so tight and so close like she needs to know I'm here while her eyes are shining with unshed tears.

The screen flashes to our house then to scared girls lined up in a row. A unbluehaired Natasha stares dryly into the camera. You see a little girl consumed by soldier's. Dreykov walks towards Natasha cupping her cheeks "The red room is your home now" he whispers.

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