Chapter 30: All of your lies are as perfect as you are, дорогой (2001)

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Mild sexual assault is between the 2 red dots 🔴

Not proofread, I just really wanted to get this out before I started overthinking again.

If there I wrote Alexi instead of dad there mean to be that unless Yelena is annoyed or looking over a bad memory as she distances the two.

Sorry for this.

Yelena's point of view:

"Yelena" Natasha called through the house excitement in her voice but Alexi and me were in the closet near the bathroom.

"Yelena, we're going to surprise Natasha, ok" Alexi had told me a glimpse of excitement in his eyes as a big old smile spread on my face and I had jumped up and down.

She was coming back from where she always went in the summer, the red room. Alexi and Melina had gone to pick her up from the airport.

Alexi had probably ran in the house to tell me.
"Yay! Can we sneak up on her, please" I asked holding his hand as a buzz of excitement shot through my veins, he nodded a quick flash of worry on his face I didn't notice then because it didn't last long.

He then put a finger to his lips telling me to be quiet so I was and we hid in the closet as Natasha was already in the kitchen by now I heard her and Melina talking "Where's Lena" Natasha asked that's when Alexi signalled me to start creeping towards the kitchen.

"I don't know" Melina asked as I heard the tap run as I walked more towards the kitchen "What " Natasha had asked a deeper punch to her voice and I heard her feet drop off a stool.

"I told you I don't know where she is" Melina had told Natasha as I snuck closer to the kitchen nearly by the sink now.

"Ее туда отправили? ты сделал? Она недостаточно взрослая, они бы ее убили" I heard Natasha yell in a language I didn't understand then and all these years later can I confirm the sadness in those words. (Was she sent there? you did? She's not old enough, they'd kill her)

"Natashenka, enough, they can hear you" Melina reasoned voice steady as I got around close to Natasha and I could smell her, she's always smelled the same.

"Ради своей жизни тебе лучше надеяться, что она все еще дышит" Natasha had stated fire burning in the words and I walked closer to her before wrapping my arms around her waist and she flinched before ripping my hands of her with so much force my little body hit the hard wood floor and my face burned reds and my tears filled with tears and I saw her looking down on me. (You better hope for your life that she's still breathing)

And her face had been flat and I swear I now see guilt in her eyes but I was too young to be able to tell then, all I remembered was that she hurt me.

"Natasha!" Was yelled from every direction and she didn't say anything just stared at me completely frozen, Alexi walked over to her and grabbed her by the arms so hard he could have simply broken them Natasha's face barely changed but I decided to raise my voice "Dada no" I said he turned around to me and left Natasha alone and she grabbed a beer bottle from the counter and walked out of the house.

Melina walked over to me and picked me up off the floor wiping my tears away and I latched my fingers around her neck and we both looked at Alexi who was watching the place Natasha walked through to leave me.

He looked up at us and gave me a sad look and wiped my eyes again and pushed the hair out of my face, he looked angry but not at me "What's wrong with Tasha"  I had asked my voice stained with the tears and the bitter taste in my mouth Melina bounced up and down "She's just tired, why don't you ask her later" Melina cooed and locked eyes with Alexi.

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