15| Friendship Bracelets

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Aria King

We had to leave to Spain today so I made sure to pack yesterday and be prepared. I also made sure that Charles was ready to leave as well. We had just arrived to the airport and some staff came to take our luggage from the car. I still need to get used to that . We walk to the private section and sit down because they were preparing the jet. 

While we sat I took out my phone and uploaded to my story because I hadn't really done so at all. After that we got some food and ate our breakfast because we hadn't had any. They called us and said that we could board the plane. 

We walk to the plane and Charles helped me onto it. I get in and settle myself in the seat with a table and Charles sits across from me instead on next to me. We took off and I got out the book I was reading and Charles got on his phone. 

I connected my headphones to my phone and began to play some calm music while I read my book. We both sat in silence doing our own thing for a little while before I got a little bored of my book and set it down. 

I asked the flight attendant if I could have a bottle of water and she nodded. While she did that I pulled out my bracelet thread. I had always loved making friendship bracelets before and have tried to make some when ever I could. I pulled some colors of string out and cut them. I taped them down and began to make the bracelet. 

"What are you doing mon coeur?" Charles asked looking up from his phone. "I'm making bracelets" I say while moving my fingers quickly to do the knots. Charles watched as the pattern came to life. He put Grey's Anatomy on in the back so we could both watch together. 

"Charles" I say softly. "Yes mon bébé?" He said just as soft. "I made you something" I say sticking up the bracelet in front of him. He smiles widely at the sight of the heart pattern on the red and white bracelet. "Thank you love it looks incredible" He says taking it from me to examine it closer. I tie it on to his wrist and he smiles happily at it. 

I begin to make more because I wanted to give them to some people and make some for myself. I made a few more until I felt a little sleepy so I put my supplies away and went to go sit next to Charles. 

The seat was more than big enough to accommodate the both of us so I slipped right next to him. I leaned my head in his chest and he grabbed a blanket out of the compartment next to us. He laid the blanket on top of us both and then wrapped his arms around me. 

Soon enough we had fallen asleep to the sound of Grey's Anatomy in the back. After a few hours I woke up feeling thirsty so I silently grabbed my bottle of water and took a sip. I looked back at Charles who was fast asleep right now and laughed at his state. 

His head was back and his mouth was slightly open. I quickly pulled my phone out to snap a picture of him to tease him with later. I saw his stir a little in his sleep and stopped for a moment scared that he would wake to see me being weird. 

I looked back at the pictures and laugh loud then immediately stopped when I saw that Charles was now awake and was seeing the pictures I took. "Were you taking a picture of me sleeping?" He asked groggily. "No" I say quickly but Charles grabbed the phone from my hand and was scrolling through the pictures I took. 

"Oh come on I had to it was too funny" I say giggling. He chuckled and say "I admit I look pretty stupid". We both laugh together and then calm down. The flight attendant comes to us and tells us the flight would be landing soon and the I should return to my seat. 

I moved to my seat and buckled my seatbelt. I can feel the flight go down into its decent. The plane landed and we exited the plane. We went to go get out bags and then we waited for the car to come pick us up.

It arrives and the drivers comes out to greet us and to put our bags in the trunk. Me and Charles sit in the back and the driver starts to drive to the hotel. 

It took an hour to get there because of the amount traffic on the road. By the time we got to the hotel it was about eight and we were getting hungry so we decided that after we got settled we would find some food. 

I walked up to the front desk and told the lady my name and that I had a reservation. She gave me my room card and I waited for Charles. We both walked into the elevator. "What number is your room?" I ask him.

"805 you?" He responds "808" I say. We get into our rooms and I look up the room service menu to find something to eat. I hear a knock at my door and go to open the door. I open the door to find my boyfriend standing there in a hoodie and pants. I let him come in and he jumps onto the bed. 

"I'm hungry do you want to order some room service?" He asks me. I nod and pass him the menu. We decide to order some pizza up to the room and turn on the tv. I cuddle up next to him on the bed and we turn on the tv. A few minutes later there is a knock on my door and Charles gets up to go get the food. He comes back with a large tray with drinks and the pizza. 

We both ate and just watched whatever was on the tv. After that Charles said that he was going to sleep in his room and that he would see me at breakfast tomorrow. Before he left he places his hands on my hips and I put my arms around his neck. He hugged me then pulled back to press his lip on mine. The kiss was slow and loving. I pulled back and gave him one last hug before he left. 

I got ready for bed and went to lay down. I had been laying awake for a few hours because I could not sleep. I was tossing and turning but ended up just staring at the ceiling. Suddenly I hear a knock at the door. I get up startled and open the door. There stood a certain Ferrari drivers with messy hair. He looked up at me with longing eyes. "I'm sorry to wake you up but I really can't sleep." He says pulling me in for a hug. "I know I couldn't either" I say. 

"Can I come sleep with you?" He asked quietly. "Charles of course you don't have to ask" I say. He jut smiled and we walked back into the room. He pulled off his shirt in one swift movement before pulling my in by the waist to his chest. I pulled the sheets over us and we both drift to sleep.

Word count: 1.3k 

I hurt my ankle so now I'm in a boot first week of school. Also I could not for the life of me figure out what to name this chapter. 

Anyways Vote Comment do whatever bye.

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