54|Special Moments

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Aria King 

A few days had gone by and both me and Charles were having an amazing time. It was so nice to finally have time away from the busy world of Formula One even if we loved it to death. 

But we only had a few days of our trip left as we also wanted to spend some time back in Monaco where I would meet Charles family for the first time. I couldn't help the nervous feeling in my stomach at the thought of meeting them. Not because I didn't want to or anything but because I feared that they would not like me. 

But right now I was cooking in the kitchen with Charles trying to make a batch of cookies because we were both craving them. And it was a complete disaster. 

The kitchen looked like a tornado went though it and a category 5 hurricane came to top it all off. There was flour everywhere. The milk was splashed on the ground. There were random chocolate chips everywhere.  

"No Charles we don't need more chocolate chips" I say swatting his hand full of chocolate chips away. "Ohh cmon there never such a thing as too many chocolate chips in one thing." He whined. "You know you act like a literal child" I face him. "Yeah but you love me" He said dropping in the extra handful of chocolate chips. 

I let out a sigh of defeat and try to mix in the new batch of chocolate chips. "Can you get the tray and spray it down with the oil?" I nudge my shoulder in the direction of the tray. Charles dries his hands that he went to wash and grabbed it along with the cooking spray. 

"Shake it before you open it" He simply nods and does as I say. I turn back to try and clean a bit around me and trust that he can't mess this up either. But when the spray sound of the can doesn't cease for a while I turn back to see my boyfriend, absolutely dousing the tray. 

"Charles that's enough" I yell. He quickly stops and shoots me a funny smile. I quickly grab a paper towel and try to remove some of the excess. After that whole fiasco I move the tray to the counter space that I had clear out and now me and Charles were making the little dough balls to put on the tray. 

In the end we ended with about 18 cookies and I popped them in the oven while Charles began to clean. "Remind me to never ever let you bake with me again" I say to him cleaning the broken eggshells. "No please don't do that I loved this so much" His accent thick between his words. 

"I know I did too but now we have to clean all this" I say pointing to the kitchen. "I know and we have to do it quickly because I have a surprise for you this afternoon" He squeezes his hands on the sides of my waist before helping me clean. 

Surprisingly the cleaning goes by quickly and Charles tells me to go get ready to go out because we need to leave soon. "Also put some leggings on" He yells while I'm making my way up the stairs. I respond with a quick ok before going upstairs to get ready. 

I put a pair of leggings on and paired it with a light blue off the shoulder shirt. It was a nice shirt before but when I was fifteen I decided to cut the collar off and it made it a hundred times better. 

But just as an extra element I added a black lacy bra and underwear set under so the bra strap would poke out. 

I took my hair out of the braid it was in all day and let my now mid length hair flow down a little past my shoulders. I did some light makeup but found that I was running out of my favorite blush and foundation. 

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