30| Makeover

714 14 0

Aria Kings 

I woke up the next morning with Charles wrapped around my body tightly while he slept. I yawn quietly as I look over to my clock on the bedside table. It says that it's around nine ish and I decide to stay in bed because we did not have to do anything today. 

Just as I put my phone down from checking it I feel small kisses being pressed onto my neck. Charles lifts his head and looks at me. "Good morning mon ange" He says pecking my lips. I smile and he lays his head on my chest. 

"You really need a hair cut" I say pulling at his hair. " I thought liked my long hair" He retaliates. "I do like it I just think that it needs a little bit of cleaning up" I say twirls the stand in between my fingers. 

"Well it won't happen for a while because my mother is out on a trip with some of her friends and she's the only person I really trust to do anything" He mumbles. "Can I do it" I ask not even thinking about the words coming out of my mouth. He lifts his head and hesitates for a second before slowly nodding. "I promise I'm not going to mess it up I used to do my brothers hair all the time" I say ruffling it around. 

We both get out of bed and go brush out teeth before I tell Charles to go grab a chair while I find the brush and scissors. He bring it back and take off his shirt. I blush as the sight of him shirtless and he smirks because he knows I'm looking. I dig around in his cabinets for a spray bottle but can't find one. 

I finally spot one in the corner and fill it with water then begin to spray Charles hair to the point where it was dripping wet. Next I part it and clip it to where I want it. "I just want a little off the top and a cut down from the sides" He says looking at me in the mirror. I nod and get to work carefully cutting off the rough ends of his hair and trimming the sides. 

We are both quiet when this is happening and from time to time I catch Charles looking at me through the mirror. He is silently watching me work at his brown locks. I make sure his sides are a proper length before leaving them and moving to the next section. 

After I was done cutting it I took out the blowdryer and begin to dry his hair. He watches how I style it so he can recreate it later when he is doing his own hair. I finish and admire my work before moving out of the way for him to see it. 

"Thoughts?" I ask watching him fluff around his freshly cut hair. "I think you did a great job my love" He says. "Ok now I'm going to do you eye brows so sit back down" I say pushing him gently back into the chair. Charles lifted his head so I could properly work on his eyebrows. 

I took out the eye brow scissor from my makeup bag and combed through the before carefully snipping them. After I had finished they looked neater but still fit his face shape. 

"Perfect now you look camera ready" I say. "Please I don't want to go in front of any cameras today" He says examining his new brows. 

"For the next time" I say. I put all the things away and went to get get the broom and clean up in the bathroom. "Ahh no you did my hair the least I can do is clean up" he argues taking the broom and dust pan from me and returning to the bathroom to clean. 

I don't bother trying to fight with him on this and went to go make myself and Charles some breakfast. I decide to make so waffles and mix the batter together and get out the waffle maker. While its heating up Charles comes back after cleaning up and joins me in the kitchen. " Are you ever going to put a shirt on" I ask cutting some of the fruits. 

"No and don't even complain you like to see me like this" He argues. I snicker and playfully kick him softly in the butt. In retaliation he playfully smacks mine. I gasp and blush at the same time. 

We both laugh, then Charles goes and puts on some music for the both of us. " I see we are making waffles lemme help" he says. "Ok just pour some batter into the waffle maker then close it and turn it sideways" I explain to him while cutting the strawberries. "Trust me darling I know how a waffle maker works I'm not completely useless" He says grabbing the batter. 

"Sorry I'll let you make your waffles but if they turn out burnt it's going to be your fault" I say. "Fine I will take the blame but they won't turn out bad because chef Leclerc is the best" He says flipping the waffle maker. 

I finish with the fruit and go to wash my hands and flick water at my boyfriend. He gets startled by the sudden cold landing on his face. I smirk and he starts to quickly walk towards me and I run away. We are running around the kitchen like little kids and each of us gets caught on either side of the counter. I look Charles in the eye before bolting one way but Charles is too fast on his feet and catches me around the waist.

We are both laughing our heads off as he lifts me into the air. Charles places me on the counter and shifts his way in between my legs. "I caught you" He says staring up at me. "You caught me." 

"What are we going to do after this" I ask him wrapping my arms around his neck. "Well I have to head down to sim so do you wanna come with me?" his arms swerve around my waist. "Sure I have some work to catch up on anyways."

"You always have work to catch up on" he responds. "Well it's not easy being an engineer for Ferrari."

The waffles get done soon after and we plate them before adding the fruit and syrup. We eat them on the couch. My legs were strew all over Charles lap and his plate was resting on my legs. We currently had a episode of Suits playing on the TV. Soon after we are done eating we realized its time to get ready to go and start to get ready. 

I keep it simple with just some sweatpants and a sweatshirt since they always keep it cold. I let my hair down and do very minimal makeup. 

Charles had just put on a random shirt and changed into some jeans. We get out and start the short drive down to the office. Me and Charles enter and no one really notices. Charles leaves to go do some sim racing and I tell him I'll join him in a bit. I find a little room made for working by yourself and pull out my computer and start working. 

After a bit I decide to go through my email. I saw that I had a new email from Mattia. I opened it and read it. 

Mattia: Hey Aria I saw you come in today to the office and I wanted to talk with you about something. So just pop in anytime your are free today and we'll discuss." 

I thought it was kind of weird but never the less I had to do it. I told myself that I would go in an hour which would give me enough time to get this assignment done and go see Charles. I finish my work them pack up and go find where the sim rooms were. 

I navigate my way through the long hallways and finally find the sim rooms. I tried to enter quietly as to not distract the drivers. But there was no point in that because it looked like Charles was taking a break. 

"Hey" I say. He turns his head and looks towards me. "Hi love how are you" he says walking my way. "Were alone in here right?" I ask him. "Yes no one is supposed to come in unless given specific directions too. And theres not cameras so I can do this" He places his hands on my haips and pulls me in for a kiss.  

I kiss him back the retract from it. "What have you been up to?" He says. "The usual twenty page report. Oh also I got an email from Mattia saying that he wants to see me for something but he didn't say what so I have to go talk with him." 

Charles lips lift for a second before returning to their normal state. "Well you better see what he want." He tells me. I nod and kiss him goodbye before leaving and making my way to Mattia's office. 

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