
535 9 0

Charles Leclerc

Again the next morning me and Aria were able to sleep in late because the wedding event was father towards the evening. I made she to cherish days like this where I could wake up on my own time and not be shaken awake by the loud beeping of an alarm. My body was twisted around Aria's who was still sleeping in my arms. I let her soft breaths keep me from waking up completely. Eventually I opened my eyes and looked towards the time. It was 11 in the morning but I didn't really care because we had nothing planned for today except for the ceremony in the evening. 

I press the button on the wall that causes the blinds to close and block the bright morning light.I close my eyes and roll my body so I'm directly behind Aria. My leg goes over hers and my arms bring her closer. She stays asleep as I do so and soon I left myself drift back. A little whole later I' woken up by the warmth between scurrying away. 

"No stay" I say pulling her closer. " I'll come back I have to pee" She says to me. I let her go and she runs to the bathroom. Not two minutes later she comes back and lays right back in her spot. 

 I grab her and inhale her sweet scent. I smile at it, it reminds me of home back in Monaco. After lazing around in bed for another 10 minutes both of us decide to get up and do something with our lives. 

We freshen up for the day and decide that I should go get us some breakfast because we couldn't be seen together. I popped on my shoes and walked down to a local cafe that was just down the street. I got Aria her usual iced white chocolate drink and a bagel and got myself a vanilla coffee and croissant. 

I stood in the corner of the cafe on my phone hoping to not get recognized any more than I already had. I grabbed the stuff and quickly made my way back to the hotel. When I arrived Aria was ironing some clothes. 

"I got you your favorite" I say placing her stuff down on the table next to her and pecking her cheek.

She finished ironing the shirt she was working on and came and sat on the couch with me to eat. "I have about a million and one things to do before tonight and it's making me stressed" Aria said to me while stuffing her face with the bagel. 

"Don't worry about it everything will be fine" I say to her rubbing my hand up and down her thigh gently. Her head leans on my shoulder and my arms go around her. We sit for a while before Aria says she needs to get to some work. Which reminded of the amount emails I had to answer. 

We both grab our laptops and sit back down on the couch. Her legs are thrown up onto my lap and I place my computer on top of them. I get to the million emails that I had to answer while Aria is scribbling things in her notebook. Most of the emails were work related or just reminders but some of them are from brands that want me to do something for them. But sometimes I will accept if it is a brand that I especially like them. 

This time around I don't really get any from ones I especially like so I kindly send them an email back saying it would not be possible due to my schedule. Then I move on to the work ones which were mostly just reminders on what we were doing. 

After all this is done I look at the time and find that it is 3 in the afternoon. "Heaven do you want me to go get us some lunch before we go." I ask her. "Yeah sure that would be great. Also what time is it?" 

"It's 3 in the afternoon" I say calmly. Her eyes widen and she places her computer down swiftly before swinging her legs off on me. "I need to get ready asap" She said running to the bathroom. "Ok but what food do you want?" I yell to her in the bathroom. "Anything works fine for me so you decide" She yells back. 

I leave it at that and search somethings around here to eat. There was a little Chinese place down the street so I decide to just walk down. When I get there it is relatively empty so I'm able to order quickly. 

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